((a3d.res Ok) (a_and_e.res Ok) (a_and_e_ver1.res Ok) (addelse.res Ok) (addif.res Ok) (addif1.res Ok) (addif2.res Ok) (after_if.res Ok) (anon.res Ok) (ar.res Ok) (arg.res Ok) (argument.res Ok) (array_init.res Ok) (array_size.res Ok) (arraysz.res Ok) (b1.res Ok) (b2.res Ok) (bad_iso_example.res (Pb "INCORRECT:diff token: ( VS x\nFile \"tests/bad_iso_example.c\", line 2, column 6, charpos = 19\n around = '(', whole content = if ((x = 3)) return;\nFile \"tests/bad_iso_example.res\", line 2, column 6, charpos = 19\n around = 'x', whole content = if (x) return;\n\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n int main() {\n - if ((x = 3)) return;\n + if (x) return;\n }\n \n")) (bad_ptr_print.res Ok) (bad_typedef.res Ok) (badexp.res Ok) (badpos.res (Pb "PROBLEM\n exn = Failure(\"rule starting on line 1: already tagged token:\\nFile \\\"tests/badpos.c\\\", line 5, column 30, charpos = 139\\n around = 'reg_ptr', whole content = \\t (int) -(((struct pt_regs *) reg_ptr)->orig_eax + 2));\")\n")) (badtypedef.res Ok) (badzero.res Ok) (ben.res Ok) (bitfield.res Ok) (braces.res Ok) (break.res Ok) (bug1.res Ok) (bugloop.res (Pb "INCORRECT:diff token: PF_FREEZE VS )\nFile , line 12, column 16, charpos = 390\n around = 'PF_FREEZE', whole content = \t\t\trefrigerator(PF_FREEZE);\nFile \"tests/bugloop.res\", line 8, column 16, charpos = 160\n around = ')', whole content = \t\t\trefrigerator();\n\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -1,7 +1,3 @@\n -/* this doesn't work, because on the paths where we don't find refrigerator,\n -we expect to reach Exit without first going through current->flags & PF_FREEZE,\n -but of course any path that goes around the loop does precisely that */\n -\n static int stir_transmit_thread(void *arg)\n {\n \n @@ -9,7 +5,7 @@\n \t{\n \t\t/* if suspending, then power off and wait */\n \t\tif (unlikely(freezing(current))) {\n -\t\t\trefrigerator(PF_FREEZE);\n +\t\t\trefrigerator();\n \n \t\t}\n \t}\n")) (bugon.res Ok) (cards.res Ok) (cast.res Ok) (cast_iso.res Ok) (compare.res Ok) (const.res Ok) (const1bis.res Ok) (const_adding.res Ok) (const_array.res Ok) (const_implicit_iso.res Ok) (constty.res Ok) (constx.res Ok) (cs_check.res Ok) (cst.res Ok) (csw.res Ok) (dbg.res (Pb "INCORRECT:diff token: else VS (\nFile , line 8, column 2, charpos = 133\n around = 'else', whole content = \t\telse pr = NULL;;\nFile \"tests/dbg.res\", line 7, column 5, charpos = 130\n around = '(', whole content = \t\tDBG(\"PCI\");\n\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -4,6 +4,6 @@\n \tstruct resource *pr, *r = &dev->resource[idx];\n \n \tif (pr)\n -\t\tDBG\n -\t\telse pr = NULL;;\n +\t\tDBG(\"PCI\");\n +\telse pr = NULL;\n }\n")) (dc_close.res Ok) (debug.res Ok) (dec.res Ok) (decl.res Ok) (decl2.res Ok) (decl_space.res Ok) (decl_split.res (Pb "INCORRECT:diff token: int VS }\nFile \"tests/decl_split.c\", line 2, column 8, charpos = 27\n around = 'int', whole content = int x, y;\nFile \"tests/decl_split.res\", line 2, column 0, charpos = 19\n around = '}', whole content = }\n\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@\n int func(int i) { \n - int x, y;\n }\n")) (define_exp.res Ok) (define_param.res Ok) (deftodo.res Ok) (deref.res Ok) (devlink.res Ok) (disjexpr.res Ok) (disjexpr_ver1.res Ok) (disjexpr_ver2.res Ok) (distribute.res Ok) (double.res Ok) (double_assign.res Ok) (double_switch.res (Pb "PROBLEM\n exn = Common.Impossible\n")) (doublepos.res Ok) (doubleswitch.res (Pb "PROBLEM\n exn = Common.Impossible\n")) (dowhile.res Ok) (dropf.res Ok) (dropparam.res Ok) (edots.res Ok) (edots_ver1.res Ok) (empty.res Ok) (end_commas.res Ok) (endif.res Ok) (exp.res Ok) (expnest.res Ok) (expopt.res Ok) (expopt2.res Ok) (expopt3.res Ok) (expopt3_ver1.res Ok) (expopt3_ver2.res Ok) (fields.res Ok) (fieldsmin.res Ok) (fix_flow_need.res Ok) (fn_todo.res Ok) (fnptr.res Ok) (fnret.res Ok) (four.res Ok) (foura.res Ok) (fp.res Ok) (fun.res Ok) (gilles-question.res Ok) (gotobreak.res Ok) (hd.res Ok) (headers.res Ok) (hex.res Ok) (hil1.res Ok) (if.res Ok) (ifbr.res Ok) (ifdef1.res Ok) (ifdef2.res Ok) (ifdef3.res (Pb "PROBLEM\n exn = Lexer_cocci.Lexical(\"unrecognised symbol, in token rule: #\")\n")) (ifdef4.res Ok) (ifdef5.res Ok) (ifdef6.res Ok) (ifdef6a.res Ok) (ifdefmeta.res Ok) (ifdefmeta1.res Ok) (ifdefmeta2.res Ok) (ifdefmeta3.res Ok) (ifdefmeta4.res (Pb "PROBLEM\n exn = Unix.Unix_error(20, \"stat\", \"tests/ifdefmeta4.cocci\")\n")) (ifend.res Ok) (ifzer.res Ok) (inc.res Ok) (incdir.res (Pb "INCORRECT:diff token: x VS 12\nFile \"tests/incdir.c\", line 4, column 6, charpos = 46\n around = 'x', whole content = foo(x);\nFile \"tests/incdir.res\", line 4, column 6, charpos = 46\n around = '12', whole content = foo(12);\n\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@\n #include \"sub/incdir2.c\"\n \n int main () {\n - foo(x);\n + foo(12);\n }\n")) (incl.res Ok) (inclifdef.res Ok) (include.res Ok) (incompatible_value.res Ok) (inherited.res Ok) (inherited_ver1.res Ok) (inhpos.res Ok) (initializer.res Ok) (initializer_many_fields.res Ok) (inline.res Ok) (isococci.res Ok) (isotest.res Ok) (isotest2.res Ok) (iterator.res Ok) (jloop1.res (Pb "PROBLEM\n exn = Failure(\"minus: parse error: \\n = File \\\"tests/jloop1.cocci\\\", line 10, column 3, charpos = 129\\n around = '...>', whole content = ...>\\n\")\n")) (julia10.res Ok) (julia7.res Ok) (keep_comma.res Ok) (km.res Ok) (kmalloc.res Ok) (kmc.res Ok) (ktype.res Ok) (labels_metastatement.res (Pb "INCORRECT:diff token: { VS x\nFile , line 4, column 2, charpos = 30\n around = '{', whole content = {\nFile \"tests/labels_metastatement.res\", line 4, column 4, charpos = 32\n around = 'x', whole content = x = 3; foo();\n\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -1,15 +1,10 @@\n int foo(int i) {\n \n if(1) {\n - {\n - x = 3;\n - foo();\n - z = 4;\n - foo();\n - }\n - foo();\n - }\n - foo(); // we dont want that it add both foo on the } and on the endif\n + x = 3; foo();\n + z = 4; foo();\n + } // we dont want that it add both foo on the } and on the endif\n // (note: but need correct endif accrochage)\n + foo();\n \n }\n")) (labels_metastatement_ver1.res Ok) (local.res Ok) (localid.res Ok) (longlong.res Ok) (longlongint.res Ok) (loop.res Ok) (lvalue.res Ok) (macro.res Ok) (match_no_meta.res Ok) (max.res Ok) (metahex.res (Pb "INCORRECT:diff token: f VS }\nFile \"tests/metahex.c\", line 2, column 2, charpos = 15\n around = 'f', whole content = f(3);\nFile \"tests/metahex.res\", line 2, column 0, charpos = 13\n around = '}', whole content = }\n\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -1,4 +1,2 @@\n int main() {\n - f(3);\n - g(0x03);\n }\n")) (metaruleelem.res Ok) (metastatement2.res Ok) (metastatement_for.res Ok) (metastatement_if.res Ok) (minstruct.res Ok) (minusdots.res Ok) (minusdots_ver1.res Ok) (multi_func1.res (Pb "PROBLEM\n exn = Failure(\"minus: parse error: \\n = File \\\"tests/multi_func1.cocci\\\", line 12, column 2, charpos = 102\\n around = 'fn2', whole content = fn2(...) {\\n\")\n")) (multiplus.res Ok) (multitype.res Ok) (multitypedef.res Ok) (multivars.res Ok) (nest.res Ok) (nestone.res Ok) (nestseq.res Ok) (neststruct.res Ok) (nl.res Ok) (nocast.res Ok) (not.res Ok) (noty.res Ok) (null_type.res Ok) (of.res Ok) (oneline.res Ok) (opt.res Ok) (optional_qualifier.res Ok) (optional_storage.res Ok) (orexp.res Ok) (param.res Ok) (param_end.res Ok) (param_ver1.res Ok) (parameters_dots.res Ok) (partial.res Ok) (pb_distribute_type.res (Pb "INCORRECT:PB parsing only in generated-file\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@\n \n \n int foo() {\n - int * *x;\n + int **x;\n return 0;\n }\n \n int foo() {\n - int[45] *x;\n + int (*x)[45];\n return 0;\n }\n")) (pb_distribute_type2.res (Pb "INCORRECT:PB parsing only in generated-file\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@\n int foo() {\n - int* x;\n + int *x;\n return 0;\n }\n \n @@ -10,6 +10,6 @@\n }\n \n int foo() {\n - int x[45]*;\n + int (*x)[45];\n return 0;\n }\n")) (pb_distribute_type3.res (Pb "PROBLEM\n exn = Failure(\"line 7: index 53 53 already used\\n\")\n")) (pb_distribute_type4.res Ok) (pb_params_iso.res Ok) (pb_parsing_macro.res Ok) (pb_tag_symbols.res Ok) (pmac.res Ok) (posiso.res Ok) (positionc.res Ok) (post.res Ok) (print_return.res Ok) (proto.res Ok) (proto2.res Ok) (proto_ver1.res Ok) (proto_ver2.res Ok) (protoassert.res Ok) (protox.res Ok) (rcu3.res Ok) (remstruct.res (Pb "INCORRECT:not same number of entities (func, decl, ...)\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -1,10 +1,3 @@\n -\n - .ack = mpuio_ack_irq,\n - .mask = mpuio_mask_irq,\n - .unmask = mpuio_unmask_irq\n -\n - .b = 15,\n -\n int hello ( String input )\n {\n String input = input.lowercase();\n")) (replace_typedef.res Ok) (reserved.res Ok) (retmacro.res Ok) (rets.res Ok) (return.res Ok) (return_implicit.res Ok) (same_expr.res Ok) (scope_problem.res (Pb "INCORRECT:diff token: } VS a\nFile , line 6, column 2, charpos = 45\n around = '}', whole content = }\nFile \"tests/scope_problem.res\", line 7, column 4, charpos = 49\n around = 'a', whole content = a = 2;\n\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@\n void main(int i) {\n \n \n +\n if(1) {\n int a;\n + a = 2;\n }\n \n \n")) (serio.res (Pb "INCORRECT:diff token: init_MUTEX VS mutex_init\nFile \"tests/serio.c\", line 7, column 1, charpos = 130\n around = 'init_MUTEX', whole content = \tinit_MUTEX(&serio->drv_sem);\nFile \"tests/serio.res\", line 7, column 1, charpos = 130\n around = 'mutex_init', whole content = \tmutex_init(&serio->new_lock);\n\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -4,5 +4,5 @@\n \n static void serio_init_port(struct serio *serio)\n {\n -\tinit_MUTEX(&serio->drv_sem);\n +\tmutex_init(&serio->new_lock);\n }\n")) (shared_brace.res Ok) (signed.res Ok) (sis.res Ok) (sizeof.res Ok) (sizeof_julia.res Ok) (skip.res Ok) (sp.res Ok) (spaces.res Ok) (spl.res Ok) (static.res (Pb "PROBLEM\n exn = Common.Impossible\n")) (stm1.res Ok) (stm10.res Ok) (stm10_ver1.res Ok) (stm2.res Ok) (stm3.res Ok) (stm4.res Ok) (stm5.res Ok) (stm6.res Ok) (stm7.res Ok) (stm8.res Ok) (stmt.res Ok) (strangeorder.res Ok) (string.res Ok) (struct.res Ok) (struct_metavar.res Ok) (struct_typedef.res Ok) (structfoo.res Ok) (substruct.res Ok) (sw.res Ok) (switch.res Ok) (td.res Ok) (test0.res Ok) (test1.res Ok) (test10.res Ok) (test10_ver1.res Ok) (test11.res Ok) (test11_ver1.res Ok) (test12.res Ok) (test2.res Ok) (test3.res Ok) (test4.res Ok) (test5.res Ok) (test5_ver1.res Ok) (test6.res Ok) (test7.res Ok) (test8.res Ok) (test9.res Ok) (test_unsigned_meta.res Ok) (three_types.res Ok) (threea.res Ok) (top.res Ok) (topdec.res Ok) (topdec_ver1.res Ok) (topdec_ver2.res Ok) (toplevel_macrostmt.res Ok) (toplevel_struct.res Ok) (tup.res Ok) (twoproto.res Ok) (ty.res Ok) (ty1.res Ok) (ty_tyexp.res Ok) (type.res Ok) (type1.res Ok) (type_annotated.res Ok) (type_ver1.res Ok) (type_ver2.res (Pb "INCORRECT:PB parsing only in generated-file\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@\n int foo() {\n - int[10] *x;\n + int *x[10];\n return 0;\n }\n \n")) (typedef.res Ok) (typedef3.res (Pb "INCORRECT:diff token: link VS p_dev\nFile , line 7, column 29, charpos = 137\n around = 'link', whole content = \tunsigned int iobase = info->link.io.BasePort1;\nFile \"tests/typedef3.res\", line 7, column 29, charpos = 137\n around = 'p_dev', whole content = \tunsigned int iobase = info->p_dev->io.BasePort1;\n\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@\n \n static void should_work(foo *info)\n {\n -\tunsigned int iobase = info->link.io.BasePort1;\n +\tunsigned int iobase = info->p_dev->io.BasePort1;\n }\n \n static void does_work(struct bluecard_info_t *info)\n")) (typedef_double.res Ok) (typeof.res (Pb "INCORRECT:diff token: x VS sizeof\nFile , line 3, column 4, charpos = 26\n around = 'x', whole content = f(x);\nFile \"tests/typeof.res\", line 3, column 4, charpos = 26\n around = 'sizeof', whole content = f(sizeof(struct foo));\n\n diff (result(<) vs expected_result(>)) = \n @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n int main() {\n int x;\n - f(x);\n + f(sizeof(struct foo));\n }\n")) (useless_cast.res Ok) (varargs.res Ok) (video1bis.res Ok) (void.res Ok) (vpos.res Ok) (whitespace.res Ok) (wierd_argument.res Ok) (wierdinit.res (Pb "seems incorrect, but only because of code that was not parsablediff token: dev_link_t VS struct\nFile \"tests/wierdinit.c\", line 4, column 1, charpos = 27\n around = 'dev_link_t', whole content = \tdev_link_t *link;\nFile \"tests/wierdinit.res\", line 4, column 1, charpos = 27\n around = 'struct', whole content = \tstruct pcmcia_device *link;\n")) (ws2.res Ok) (xfield.res Ok) (y2.res Ok) (zero.res Ok))