(* * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) (* get a list of all of the constants in the - slice of a SmPL file, to be used to select which files to process *) (* This could be made more efficient, by finding only the important things. eg, if we have a function and its arguments, we could just pick the function. And we could try to pick only the things annotated with -, and only pick something else if there is no -. In general, we only want the most important constant, not all the constants. *) module Ast = Ast_cocci module V = Visitor_ast module TC = Type_cocci let keep_some_bind x y = match x with [] -> y | _ -> x let or_bind x y = match x with [] -> [] | _ -> x let keep_all_bind = Common.union_set let get_minus_constants bind orbind = let donothing r k e = k e in let option_default = [] in let mcode _ _ = option_default in (* if one branch gives no information, then we have to take anything *) let disj_union_all l = if List.exists (function [] -> true | _ -> false) l then orbind [] (Common.union_all l) else Common.union_all l in (* need special cases for everything with a disj, because the bind above would throw away all but the first disj *) let ident r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.Id(name) -> (match Ast.unwrap_mcode name with "NULL" -> [] (* special case, because this is too generic *) | nm -> [nm]) | _ -> k e in let expression r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.RecordAccess(exp,_,fld) | Ast.RecordPtAccess(exp,_,fld) -> bind (Common.union_all (List.map (function id -> ["."^id;"->"^id]) (r.V.combiner_ident fld))) (r.V.combiner_expression exp) | Ast.SizeOfExpr(sizeof,_) | Ast.SizeOfType(sizeof,_,_,_) -> bind (k e) [Ast.unwrap_mcode sizeof] | Ast.DisjExpr(exps) -> disj_union_all (List.map r.V.combiner_expression exps) | Ast.Edots(_,_) | Ast.Ecircles(_,_) | Ast.Estars(_,_) -> [] | Ast.NestExpr(starter,expr_dots,ender,whencode,false) -> [] | Ast.NestExpr(starter,expr_dots,ender,whencode,true) -> r.V.combiner_expression_dots expr_dots | _ -> k e in let typeC r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.TypeName(ty) -> if !Flag.sgrep_mode2 then match ty with (_,_,Ast.MINUS(_,_,_,_),_) -> [Ast.unwrap_mcode ty] | _ -> [] else [Ast.unwrap_mcode ty] | _ -> k e in let fullType r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.DisjType(types) -> disj_union_all (List.map r.V.combiner_fullType types) | _ -> k e in let declaration r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.DisjDecl(decls) -> disj_union_all (List.map r.V.combiner_declaration decls) | Ast.Ddots(dots,whencode) -> [] | _ -> k e in let rule_elem r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.DisjRuleElem(res) -> disj_union_all (List.map r.V.combiner_rule_elem res) | _ -> k e in let statement r k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.Disj(stmt_dots) -> disj_union_all (List.map r.V.combiner_statement_dots stmt_dots) | Ast.Dots(d,whn,_,_) | Ast.Circles(d,whn,_,_) | Ast.Stars(d,whn,_,_) -> [] | Ast.Nest(starter,stmt_dots,ender,whn,false,_,_) -> [] | Ast.Nest(starter,stmt_dots,ender,whn,true,_,_) -> r.V.combiner_statement_dots stmt_dots | _ -> k e in V.combiner bind option_default mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode donothing donothing donothing donothing ident expression fullType typeC donothing donothing declaration rule_elem statement donothing donothing donothing (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let get_all_minus_constants = let donothing r k e = k e in let bind = Common.union_set in let option_default = [] in let mcode r (x,_,mcodekind,_) = match mcodekind with Ast.MINUS(_,_,_,_) -> [x] | _ -> [] in let other r (x,_,mcodekind,_) = [] in V.combiner bind option_default other mcode other other other other other other other other other other donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let get_plus_constants = let donothing r k e = k e in let bind = Common.union_set in let option_default = [] in let mcode r (_,_,mcodekind,_) = let recurse l = List.fold_left (List.fold_left (function prev -> function cur -> let fn = get_minus_constants keep_all_bind keep_all_bind in bind (fn.V.combiner_anything cur) prev)) [] l in match mcodekind with Ast.MINUS(_,_,_,anythings) -> recurse anythings | Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.BEFORE(a,_)) -> recurse a | Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.AFTER(a,_)) -> recurse a | Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.BEFOREAFTER(a1,a2,_)) -> Common.union_set (recurse a1) (recurse a2) | _ -> [] in V.combiner bind option_default mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* see if there are any inherited variables that must be bound for this rule to match *) let check_inherited nm = let donothing r k e = k e in let option_default = false in let bind x y = x or y in let inherited (nm1,_) = not(nm = nm1) in let minherited mc = inherited (Ast.unwrap_mcode mc) in let mcode _ x = match Ast.get_pos_var x with Ast.MetaPos(name,constraints,_,keep,inh) -> minherited name | _ -> option_default in (* a case for everything for there is a metavariable, also disjunctions or optional things *) let strictident recursor k i = match Ast.unwrap i with Ast.MetaId(name,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaFunc(name,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaLocalFunc(name,_,_,_) -> bind (k i) (minherited name) | _ -> k i in let rec type_collect res = function TC.ConstVol(_,ty) | TC.Pointer(ty) | TC.FunctionPointer(ty) | TC.Array(ty) -> type_collect res ty | TC.MetaType(tyname,_,_) -> inherited tyname | ty -> res in let strictexpr recursor k e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.MetaExpr(name,_,_,Some type_list,_,_) -> let types = List.fold_left type_collect option_default type_list in bind (minherited name) types | Ast.MetaErr(name,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaExpr(name,_,_,_,_,_) -> bind (k e) (minherited name) | Ast.MetaExprList(name,None,_,_) -> bind (k e) (minherited name) | Ast.MetaExprList(name,Some (lenname,_,_),_,_) -> bind (k e) (bind (minherited name) (minherited lenname)) | Ast.DisjExpr(exps) -> (* could see if there are any variables that appear in all branches, but perhaps not worth it *) option_default | _ -> k e in let strictdecls recursor k d = match Ast.unwrap d with Ast.MetaDecl(name,_,_) | Ast.MetaField(name,_,_) -> bind (k p) (minherited name) | Ast.DisjDecl(decls) -> option_default | _ -> k d in let strictfullType recursor k ty = match Ast.unwrap ty with Ast.DisjType(types) -> option_default | _ -> k ty in let stricttypeC recursor k ty = match Ast.unwrap ty with Ast.MetaType(name,_,_) -> bind (k ty) (minherited name) | _ -> k ty in let strictparam recursor k p = match Ast.unwrap p with Ast.MetaParam(name,_,_) -> bind (k p) (minherited name) | Ast.MetaParamList(name,None,_,_) -> bind (k p) (minherited name) | Ast.MetaParamList(name,Some(lenname,_,_),_,_) -> bind (k p) (bind (minherited name) (minherited lenname)) | _ -> k p in let strictrule_elem recursor k re = (*within a rule_elem, pattern3 manages the coherence of the bindings*) match Ast.unwrap re with Ast.MetaRuleElem(name,_,_) | Ast.MetaStmt(name,_,_,_) | Ast.MetaStmtList(name,_,_) -> bind (k re) (minherited name) | _ -> k re in let strictstatement recursor k s = match Ast.unwrap s with Ast.Disj(stms) -> option_default | _ -> k s in V.combiner bind option_default mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode donothing donothing donothing donothing strictident strictexpr strictfullType stricttypeC donothing strictparam strictdecls strictrule_elem strictstatement donothing donothing donothing (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let rec dependent = function Ast.Dep s -> true | Ast.AntiDep s -> false | Ast.EverDep s -> true | Ast.NeverDep s -> false | Ast.AndDep (d1,d2) -> dependent d1 or dependent d2 | Ast.OrDep (d1,d2) -> dependent d1 && dependent d2 | Ast.NoDep -> false | Ast.FailDep -> true (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let rule_fn tls in_plus = List.fold_left (function (rest_info,in_plus) -> function cur -> let mfn = get_minus_constants keep_some_bind or_bind in let minuses = mfn.V.combiner_top_level cur in let all_minuses = if !Flag.sgrep_mode2 then [] (* nothing removed for sgrep *) else get_all_minus_constants.V.combiner_top_level cur in let plusses = get_plus_constants.V.combiner_top_level cur in (* the following is for eg -foo(2) +foo(x) then in another rule -foo(10); don't want to consider that foo is guaranteed to be created by the rule. not sure this works completely: what if foo is in both - and +, but in an or, so the cases aren't related? not sure this whole thing is a good idea. how do we know that something that is only in plus is really freshly created? *) let plusses = Common.minus_set plusses all_minuses in let new_minuses = Common.minus_set minuses in_plus in let new_plusses = Common.union_set plusses in_plus in (Common.union_set new_minuses rest_info, new_plusses)) ([],in_plus) tls exception No_info let get_constants rules = try let (info,_) = List.fold_left (function (rest_info,in_plus) -> function r -> match r with Ast.ScriptRule (_,_,_,_) | Ast.InitialScriptRule (_,_,_) | Ast.FinalScriptRule (_,_,_) -> (rest_info, in_plus) | Ast.CocciRule (nm, (dep,_,_), cur, _, _) -> let (cur_info,cur_plus) = rule_fn cur in_plus in let cur_info = (* no dependencies if dependent on another rule; then we need to find the constants of that rule *) if dependent dep or List.for_all (check_inherited nm).V.combiner_top_level cur then [] else if cur_info = [] then raise No_info else cur_info in (Common.union_set [cur_info] rest_info,cur_plus)) ([],[]) rules in List.rev info with No_info -> List.map (function _ -> []) rules