%{ (* Yoann Padioleau * * Copyright (C) 2002, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Yoann Padioleau * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * file license.txt for more details. *) open Common open Ast_c module LP = Lexer_parser open Lexer_parser (* for the fields *) open Semantic_c (* Semantic exn *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Wrappers *) (*****************************************************************************) let warning s v = if !Flag_parsing_c.verbose_parsing then Common.warning ("PARSING: " ^ s) v else v let pr2, pr2_once = Common.mk_pr2_wrappers Flag_parsing_c.verbose_parsing (*****************************************************************************) (* Parse helpers functions *) (*****************************************************************************) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Type related *) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type shortLong = Short | Long | LongLong type decl = { storageD: storagebis wrap; typeD: ((sign option) * (shortLong option) * (typeCbis option)) wrap; qualifD: typeQualifierbis wrap; inlineD: bool wrap; (* note: have a full_info: parse_info list; to remember ordering * between storage, qualifier, type ? well this info is already in * the Ast_c.info, just have to sort them to get good order *) } let nullDecl = { storageD = NoSto, []; typeD = (None, None, None), []; qualifD = nullQualif; inlineD = false, []; } let fake_pi = Common.fake_parse_info let addStorageD = function | ((x,ii), ({storageD = (NoSto,[])} as v)) -> { v with storageD = (x, [ii]) } | ((x,ii), ({storageD = (y, ii2)} as v)) -> if x =*= y then warning "duplicate storage classes" v else raise (Semantic ("multiple storage classes", fake_pi)) let addInlineD = function | ((true,ii), ({inlineD = (false,[])} as v)) -> { v with inlineD=(true,[ii])} | ((true,ii), ({inlineD = (true, ii2)} as v)) -> warning "duplicate inline" v | _ -> raise Impossible let addTypeD = function | ((Left3 Signed,ii) ,({typeD = ((Some Signed, b,c),ii2)} as v)) -> warning "duplicate 'signed'" v | ((Left3 UnSigned,ii) ,({typeD = ((Some UnSigned,b,c),ii2)} as v)) -> warning "duplicate 'unsigned'" v | ((Left3 _,ii), ({typeD = ((Some _,b,c),ii2)} as _v)) -> raise (Semantic ("both signed and unsigned specified", fake_pi)) | ((Left3 x,ii), ({typeD = ((None,b,c),ii2)} as v)) -> {v with typeD = (Some x,b,c),ii ++ ii2} | ((Middle3 Short,ii), ({typeD = ((a,Some Short,c),ii2)} as v)) -> warning "duplicate 'short'" v (* gccext: long long allowed *) | ((Middle3 Long,ii), ({typeD = ((a,Some Long ,c),ii2)} as v)) -> { v with typeD = (a, Some LongLong, c),ii++ii2 } | ((Middle3 Long,ii), ({typeD = ((a,Some LongLong ,c),ii2)} as v)) -> warning "triplicate 'long'" v | ((Middle3 _,ii), ({typeD = ((a,Some _,c),ii2)} as _v)) -> raise (Semantic ("both long and short specified", fake_pi)) | ((Middle3 x,ii), ({typeD = ((a,None,c),ii2)} as v)) -> {v with typeD = (a, Some x,c),ii++ii2} | ((Right3 t,ii), ({typeD = ((a,b,Some _),ii2)} as _v)) -> raise (Semantic ("two or more data types", fake_pi)) | ((Right3 t,ii), ({typeD = ((a,b,None),ii2)} as v)) -> {v with typeD = (a,b, Some t),ii++ii2} let addQualif = function | ({const=true}, ({const=true} as x)) -> warning "duplicate 'const'" x | ({volatile=true},({volatile=true} as x))-> warning "duplicate 'volatile'" x | ({const=true}, v) -> {v with const=true} | ({volatile=true}, v) -> {v with volatile=true} | _ -> internal_error "there is no noconst or novolatile keyword" let addQualifD ((qu,ii), ({qualifD = (v,ii2)} as x)) = { x with qualifD = (addQualif (qu, v),ii::ii2) } (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Declaration/Function related *) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* stdC: type section, basic integer types (and ritchie) * To understand the code, just look at the result (right part of the PM) * and go back. *) let (fixDeclSpecForDecl: decl -> (fullType * (storage wrap))) = function {storageD = (st,iist); qualifD = (qu,iiq); typeD = (ty,iit); inlineD = (inline,iinl); } -> let ty',iit' = (match ty with | (None,None,None) -> (* generate fake_info, otherwise type_annotater can crash in * offset. *) warning "type defaults to 'int'" (defaultInt, [fakeInfo fake_pi]) | (None, None, Some t) -> (t, iit) | (Some sign, None, (None| Some (BaseType (IntType (Si (_,CInt)))))) -> BaseType(IntType (Si (sign, CInt))), iit | ((None|Some Signed),Some x,(None|Some(BaseType(IntType (Si (_,CInt)))))) -> BaseType(IntType (Si (Signed, [Short,CShort; Long, CLong; LongLong, CLongLong] +> List.assoc x))), iit | (Some UnSigned, Some x, (None| Some (BaseType (IntType (Si (_,CInt))))))-> BaseType(IntType (Si (UnSigned, [Short,CShort; Long, CLong; LongLong, CLongLong] +> List.assoc x))), iit | (Some sign, None, (Some (BaseType (IntType CChar)))) -> BaseType(IntType (Si (sign, CChar2))), iit | (None, Some Long,(Some(BaseType(FloatType CDouble)))) -> BaseType (FloatType (CLongDouble)), iit | (Some _,_, Some _) -> (*mine*) raise (Semantic ("signed, unsigned valid only for char and int", fake_pi)) | (_,Some _,(Some(BaseType(FloatType (CFloat|CLongDouble))))) -> raise (Semantic ("long or short specified with floatint type", fake_pi)) | (_,Some Short,(Some(BaseType(FloatType CDouble)))) -> raise (Semantic ("the only valid combination is long double", fake_pi)) | (_, Some _, Some _) -> (* mine *) raise (Semantic ("long, short valid only for int or float", fake_pi)) (* if do short uint i, then gcc say parse error, strange ? it is * not a parse error, it is just that we dont allow with typedef * either short/long or signed/unsigned. In fact, with * parse_typedef_fix2 (with et() and dt()) now I say too parse * error so this code is executed only when do short struct * {....} and never with a typedef cos now we parse short uint i * as short ident ident => parse error (cos after first short i * pass in dt() mode) *) ) in ((qu, iiq), (ty', iit')) ,((st, inline),iist++iinl) let fixDeclSpecForParam = function ({storageD = (st,iist)} as r) -> let ((qu,ty) as v,_st) = fixDeclSpecForDecl r in match st with | (Sto Register) -> (v, true), iist | NoSto -> (v, false), iist | _ -> raise (Semantic ("storage class specified for parameter of function", fake_pi)) let fixDeclSpecForMacro = function ({storageD = (st,iist)} as r) -> let ((qu,ty) as v,_st) = fixDeclSpecForDecl r in match st with | NoSto -> v | _ -> raise (Semantic ("storage class specified for macro type decl", fake_pi)) let fixDeclSpecForFuncDef x = let (returnType,storage) = fixDeclSpecForDecl x in (match fst (unwrap storage) with | StoTypedef -> raise (Semantic ("function definition declared 'typedef'", fake_pi)) | _ -> (returnType, storage) ) (* parameter: (this is the context where we give parameter only when * in func DEFINITION not in funct DECLARATION) We must have a name. * This function ensure that we give only parameterTypeDecl with well * formed Classic constructor todo?: do we accept other declaration * in ? so I must add them to the compound of the deffunc. I dont * have to handle typedef pb here cos C forbid to do VF f { ... } * with VF a typedef of func cos here we dont see the name of the * argument (in the typedef) *) let (fixOldCDecl: fullType -> fullType) = fun ty -> match Ast_c.unwrap_typeC ty with | FunctionType (fullt, (params, (b, iib))) -> (* stdC: If the prototype declaration declares a parameter for a * function that you are defining (it is part of a function * definition), then you must write a name within the declarator. * Otherwise, you can omit the name. *) (match params with | [{p_namei = None; p_type = ty2},_] -> (match Ast_c.unwrap_typeC ty2 with | BaseType Void -> ty | _ -> pr2 ("SEMANTIC:parameter name omitted, but I continue"); ty ) | params -> (params +> List.iter (fun (param,_) -> match param with | {p_namei = None} -> (* if majuscule, then certainly macro-parameter *) pr2 ("SEMANTIC:parameter name omitted, but I continue"); | _ -> () )); ty ) (* todo? can we declare prototype in the decl or structdef, ... => length <> but good kan meme *) | _ -> (* gcc say parse error but dont see why *) raise (Semantic ("seems this is not a function", fake_pi)) let fixFunc (typ, compound, old_style_opt) = let (cp,iicp) = compound in let (name, ty, (st,iist), attrs) = typ in let (qu, tybis) = ty in match Ast_c.unwrap_typeC ty with | FunctionType (fullt, (params,abool)) -> let iifunc = Ast_c.get_ii_typeC_take_care tybis in let iistart = Ast_c.fakeInfo () in assert (qu =*= nullQualif); (match params with | [{p_namei= None; p_type = ty2}, _] -> (match Ast_c.unwrap_typeC ty2 with | BaseType Void -> () | _ -> (* failwith "internal errror: fixOldCDecl not good" *) () ) | params -> params +> List.iter (function | ({p_namei = Some s}, _) -> () | _ -> () (* failwith "internal errror: fixOldCDecl not good" *) ) ); (* bugfix: cf tests_c/function_pointer4.c. * Apparemment en C on peut syntaxiquement ecrire ca: * * void a(int)(int x); * mais apres gcc gueule au niveau semantique avec: * xxx.c:1: error: 'a' declared as function returning a function * Je ne faisais pas cette verif. Sur du code comme * void METH(foo)(int x) { ...} , le parser croit (a tort) que foo * est un typedef, et donc c'est parsé comme l'exemple precedent, * ce qui ensuite confuse l'unparser qui n'est pas habitué * a avoir dans le returnType un FunctionType et qui donc * pr_elem les ii dans le mauvais sens ce qui genere au final * une exception. Hence this fix to at least detect the error * at parsing time (not unparsing time). *) (match Ast_c.unwrap_typeC fullt with | FunctionType _ -> let s = Ast_c.str_of_name name in let iis = Ast_c.info_of_name name in pr2 (spf "WEIRD: %s declared as function returning a function." s); pr2 (spf "This is probably because of a macro. Extend standard.h"); raise (Semantic (spf "error: %s " s, Ast_c.parse_info_of_info iis)) | _ -> () ); (* it must be nullQualif,cos parser construct only this*) {f_name = name; f_type = (fullt, (params, abool)); f_storage = st; f_body = cp; f_attr = attrs; f_old_c_style = old_style_opt; }, (iifunc++iicp++[iistart]++iist) | _ -> raise (Semantic ("you are trying to do a function definition but you dont give " ^ "any parameter", fake_pi)) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* parse_typedef_fix2 *) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let dt s () = if !Flag_parsing_c.debug_etdt then pr2 ("<" ^ s); LP.disable_typedef () let et s () = if !Flag_parsing_c.debug_etdt then pr2 (">" ^ s); LP.enable_typedef () let fix_add_params_ident x = let (s, ty, st, _attrs) = x in match Ast_c.unwrap_typeC ty with | FunctionType (fullt, (params, bool)) -> (match params with | [{p_namei=None; p_type=ty2}, _] -> (match Ast_c.unwrap_typeC ty2 with | BaseType Void -> () | _ -> (* failwith "internal errror: fixOldCDecl not good" *) () ) | params -> params +> List.iter (function | ({p_namei= Some name}, _) -> LP.add_ident (Ast_c.str_of_name s) | _ -> () (* failwith "internal errror: fixOldCDecl not good" *) ) ) | _ -> () (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* shortcuts *) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let mk_e e ii = Ast_c.mk_e e ii let mk_string_wrap (s,info) = (s, [info]) %} /*(*****************************************************************************)*/ /*(* Tokens *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /* (* * Some tokens are not even used in this file because they are filtered * in some intermediate phase. But they still must be declared because * ocamllex may generate them, or some intermediate phase may also * generate them (like some functions in parsing_hacks.ml) *) */ %token TUnknown /*(* unrecognized token *)*/ /*(* coupling: Token_helpers.is_real_comment *)*/ %token TCommentSpace TCommentNewline TComment /*(*-----------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* the normal tokens *)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------*)*/ %token <(string * (Ast_c.sign * Ast_c.base)) * Ast_c.info> TInt %token <(string * Ast_c.floatType) * Ast_c.info> TFloat %token <(string * Ast_c.isWchar) * Ast_c.info> TChar %token <(string * Ast_c.isWchar) * Ast_c.info> TString %token TIdent /*(* appears mostly after some fix_xxx in parsing_hack *)*/ %token TypedefIdent /* (* Some tokens like TOPar and TCPar are used as synchronisation stuff, * in parsing_hack.ml. So if define special tokens like TOParDefine and * TCParEOL, then take care to also modify in Token_helpers. *) */ %token TOPar TCPar TOBrace TCBrace TOCro TCCro %token TDot TComma TPtrOp %token TInc TDec %token TAssign %token TEq %token TWhy TTilde TBang %token TEllipsis %token TDotDot %token TPtVirg %token TOrLog TAndLog TOr TXor TAnd TEqEq TNotEq TInf TSup TInfEq TSupEq TShl TShr TPlus TMinus TMul TDiv TMod %token Tchar Tshort Tint Tdouble Tfloat Tlong Tunsigned Tsigned Tvoid Tsize_t Tssize_t Tptrdiff_t Tauto Tregister Textern Tstatic Ttypedef Tconst Tvolatile Tstruct Tunion Tenum Tbreak Telse Tswitch Tcase Tcontinue Tfor Tdo Tif Twhile Treturn Tgoto Tdefault Tsizeof /*(* C99 *)*/ %token Trestrict /*(*-----------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* gccext: extra tokens *)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------*)*/ %token Tasm %token Tattribute %token TattributeNoarg %token Tinline %token Ttypeof /*(*-----------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* cppext: extra tokens *)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* coupling with Token_helpers.is_cpp_token *)*/ /*(*---------------*)*/ /*(* define *)*/ /*(*---------------*)*/ %token TDefine %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TDefParamVariadic /*(* disappear after fix_tokens_define *)*/ %token TCppEscapedNewline %token TCppConcatOp /*(* appear after fix_tokens_define *)*/ %token TOParDefine %token TOBraceDefineInit %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TIdentDefine /*(* same *)*/ %token TDefEOL /*(* same *)*/ /*(*---------------*)*/ /*(* include *)*/ /*(*---------------*)*/ /*(* used only in lexer_c, then transformed in comment or splitted in tokens *)*/ %token <(string * string * bool ref * Ast_c.info)> TInclude /*(* tokens coming from above, generated in parse_c from TInclude, etc *)*/ %token <(Ast_c.info * bool ref)> TIncludeStart %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TIncludeFilename /*(*---------------*)*/ /*(* ifdef *)*/ /*(*---------------*)*/ /*(* coupling: Token_helpers.is_cpp_instruction *)*/ %token <((int * int) option ref * Ast_c.info)> TIfdef TIfdefelse TIfdefelif TEndif %token <(bool * (int * int) option ref * Ast_c.info)> TIfdefBool TIfdefMisc TIfdefVersion /*(*---------------*)*/ /*(* other *)*/ /*(*---------------*)*/ %token TUndef %token TCppDirectiveOther /*(*---------------*)*/ /*(* macro use *)*/ /*(*---------------*)*/ /*(* appear after fix_tokens_cpp, cf also parsing_hacks#hint *)*/ %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TMacroAttr %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TMacroStmt %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TMacroIdentBuilder /*(* no need value for the moment *)*/ %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TMacroString %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TMacroDecl %token TMacroDeclConst %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TMacroIterator /*(* %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TMacroTop %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TMacroStructDecl *)*/ %token <(string * Ast_c.info)> TMacroAttrStorage /*(*---------------*)*/ /*(* other *)*/ /*(*---------------*)*/ /*(* should disappear after parsing_hack *)*/ %token TCommentSkipTagStart TCommentSkipTagEnd /*(* appear after parsing_hack *)*/ %token TCParEOL %token TAction /*(* TCommentMisc still useful ? obsolete ? *)*/ %token TCommentMisc %token <(Token_c.cppcommentkind * Ast_c.info)> TCommentCpp /*(*-----------------------------------------*)*/ %token EOF /*(*-----------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* must be at the top so that it has the lowest priority *)*/ %nonassoc SHIFTHERE %nonassoc Telse %left TOrLog %left TAndLog %left TOr %left TXor %left TAnd %left TEqEq TNotEq %left TInf TSup TInfEq TSupEq %left TShl TShr %left TPlus TMinus %left TMul TDiv TMod /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* Rules type declaration *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ %start main celem statement expr type_name %type main %type celem %type statement %type expr %type type_name %% /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /* (* TOC: * toplevel (obsolete) * * ident * expression * statement * types with * - left part (type_spec, qualif), * - right part (declarator, abstract declarator) * - aux part (parameters) * declaration, storage, initializers * struct * enum * cpp directives * celem (=~ main) * * generic workarounds (obrace, cbrace for context setting) * xxx_list, xxx_opt *) */ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* toplevel *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* no more used; now that use error recovery *)*/ main: translation_unit EOF { $1 } translation_unit: | external_declaration { !LP._lexer_hint.context_stack <- [LP.InTopLevel]; [$1] } | translation_unit external_declaration { !LP._lexer_hint.context_stack <- [LP.InTopLevel]; $1 ++ [$2] } /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* ident *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* Why this ? Why not s/ident/TIdent ? cos there is multiple namespaces in C, * so a label can have the same name that a typedef, same for field and tags * hence sometimes the use of ident instead of TIdent. *)*/ ident: | TIdent { $1 } | TypedefIdent { $1 } identifier: | TIdent { $1 } /* (* cppext: string concatenation of idents * also cppext: gccext: ##args for variadic macro *) */ identifier_cpp: | TIdent { RegularName (mk_string_wrap $1) } | ident_extra_cpp { $1 } ident_cpp: | TIdent { RegularName (mk_string_wrap $1) } | TypedefIdent { RegularName (mk_string_wrap $1) } | ident_extra_cpp { $1 } ident_extra_cpp: | TIdent TCppConcatOp identifier_cpp_list { CppConcatenatedName ( match $3 with | [] -> raise Impossible | (x,concatnull)::xs -> assert(null concatnull); (mk_string_wrap $1, [])::(x,[$2])::xs ) } | TCppConcatOp TIdent { CppVariadicName (fst $2, [$1; snd $2]) } | TMacroIdentBuilder TOPar param_define_list TCPar { CppIdentBuilder ((fst $1, [snd $1;$2;$4]), $3) } identifier_cpp_list: | TIdent { [mk_string_wrap $1, []] } | identifier_cpp_list TCppConcatOp TIdent { $1 ++ [mk_string_wrap $3, [$2]] } /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* expr *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ expr: | assign_expr { $1 } | expr TComma assign_expr { mk_e (Sequence ($1,$3)) [$2] } /*(* bugfix: in C grammar they put unary_expr, but in fact it must be * cast_expr, otherwise (int * ) xxx = &yy; is not allowed *)*/ assign_expr: | cond_expr { $1 } | cast_expr TAssign assign_expr { mk_e(Assignment ($1,fst $2,$3)) [snd $2]} | cast_expr TEq assign_expr { mk_e(Assignment ($1,SimpleAssign,$3)) [$2]} /*(* gccext: allow optional then part hence gcc_opt_expr * bugfix: in C grammar they put TDotDot cond_expr, but in fact it must be * assign_expr, otherwise pnp ? x : x = 0x388 is not allowed *)*/ cond_expr: | arith_expr { $1 } | arith_expr TWhy gcc_opt_expr TDotDot assign_expr { mk_e (CondExpr ($1,$3,$5)) [$2;$4] } arith_expr: | cast_expr { $1 } | arith_expr TMul arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Arith Mul, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TDiv arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Arith Div, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TMod arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Arith Mod, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TPlus arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Arith Plus, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TMinus arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Arith Minus, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TShl arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Arith DecLeft, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TShr arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Arith DecRight, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TInf arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Logical Inf, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TSup arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Logical Sup, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TInfEq arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Logical InfEq, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TSupEq arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Logical SupEq, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TEqEq arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Logical Eq, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TNotEq arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Logical NotEq, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TAnd arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Arith And, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TOr arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Arith Or, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TXor arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Arith Xor, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TAndLog arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Logical AndLog, $3)) [$2] } | arith_expr TOrLog arith_expr { mk_e(Binary ($1, Logical OrLog, $3)) [$2] } cast_expr: | unary_expr { $1 } | topar2 type_name tcpar2 cast_expr { mk_e(Cast ($2, $4)) [$1;$3] } unary_expr: | postfix_expr { $1 } | TInc unary_expr { mk_e(Infix ($2, Inc)) [$1] } | TDec unary_expr { mk_e(Infix ($2, Dec)) [$1] } | unary_op cast_expr { mk_e(Unary ($2, fst $1)) [snd $1] } | Tsizeof unary_expr { mk_e(SizeOfExpr ($2)) [$1] } | Tsizeof topar2 type_name tcpar2 { mk_e(SizeOfType ($3)) [$1;$2;$4] } unary_op: | TAnd { GetRef, $1 } | TMul { DeRef, $1 } | TPlus { UnPlus, $1 } | TMinus { UnMinus, $1 } | TTilde { Tilde, $1 } | TBang { Not, $1 } /*(* gccext: have that a lot in old kernel to get address of local label. * cf gcc manual "local labels as values". *)*/ | TAndLog { GetRefLabel, $1 } postfix_expr: | primary_expr { $1 } | postfix_expr TOCro expr TCCro { mk_e(ArrayAccess ($1, $3)) [$2;$4] } | postfix_expr TOPar argument_list_ne TCPar { mk_e(FunCall ($1, $3)) [$2;$4] } | postfix_expr TOPar TCPar { mk_e(FunCall ($1, [])) [$2;$3] } | postfix_expr TDot ident_cpp { mk_e(RecordAccess ($1,$3)) [$2] } | postfix_expr TPtrOp ident_cpp { mk_e(RecordPtAccess ($1,$3)) [$2] } | postfix_expr TInc { mk_e(Postfix ($1, Inc)) [$2] } | postfix_expr TDec { mk_e(Postfix ($1, Dec)) [$2] } /*(* gccext: also called compound literals *)*/ | topar2 type_name tcpar2 TOBrace TCBrace { mk_e(Constructor ($2, [])) [$1;$3;$4;$5] } | topar2 type_name tcpar2 TOBrace initialize_list gcc_comma_opt TCBrace { mk_e(Constructor ($2, List.rev $5)) ([$1;$3;$4;$7] ++ $6) } primary_expr: | identifier_cpp { mk_e(Ident ($1)) [] } | TInt { let (str,(sign,base)) = fst $1 in mk_e(Constant (Int (str,Si(sign,base)))) [snd $1] } | TFloat { mk_e(Constant (Float (fst $1))) [snd $1] } | TString { mk_e(Constant (String (fst $1))) [snd $1] } | TChar { mk_e(Constant (Char (fst $1))) [snd $1] } | TOPar expr TCPar { mk_e(ParenExpr ($2)) [$1;$3] } /*(* forunparser: *)*/ /*(* gccext: cppext: TODO better ast ? *)*/ | TMacroString { mk_e(Constant (MultiString [fst $1])) [snd $1] } | string_elem string_list { mk_e(Constant (MultiString ["TODO: MultiString"])) ($1 ++ $2) } /*(* gccext: allow statement as expressions via ({ statement }) *)*/ | TOPar compound TCPar { mk_e(StatementExpr ($2)) [$1;$3] } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* cppext: *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* cppext: *)*/ /*(* to avoid conflicts have to introduce a _not_empty (ne) version *)*/ argument_ne: | assign_expr { Left $1 } | parameter_decl { Right (ArgType $1) } | action_higherordermacro_ne { Right (ArgAction $1) } argument: | assign_expr { Left $1 } | parameter_decl { Right (ArgType $1) } /*(* had conflicts before, but julia fixed them *)*/ | action_higherordermacro { Right (ArgAction $1) } action_higherordermacro_ne: | taction_list_ne { if null $1 then ActMisc [Ast_c.fakeInfo()] else ActMisc $1 } action_higherordermacro: | taction_list { if null $1 then ActMisc [Ast_c.fakeInfo()] else ActMisc $1 } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* workarounds *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* would like evalInt $1 but require too much info *)*/ const_expr: cond_expr { $1 } topar2: TOPar { et "topar2" (); $1 } tcpar2: TCPar { et "tcpar2" (); $1 (*TODO? et ? sure ? c pas dt plutot ? *) } /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* statement *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ statement: statement2 { mk_st (fst $1) (snd $1) } statement2: | labeled { Labeled (fst $1), snd $1 } | compound { Compound (fst $1), snd $1 } | expr_statement { ExprStatement(fst $1), snd $1 } | selection { Selection (fst $1), snd $1 ++ [fakeInfo()] } | iteration { Iteration (fst $1), snd $1 ++ [fakeInfo()] } | jump TPtVirg { Jump (fst $1), snd $1 ++ [$2] } /*(* gccext: *)*/ | Tasm TOPar asmbody TCPar TPtVirg { Asm $3, [$1;$2;$4;$5] } | Tasm Tvolatile TOPar asmbody TCPar TPtVirg { Asm $4, [$1;$2;$3;$5;$6] } /*(* cppext: *)*/ | TMacroStmt { MacroStmt, [snd $1] } /*(* note that case 1: case 2: i++; would be correctly parsed, but with * a Case (1, (Case (2, i++))) :( *)*/ labeled: | ident_cpp TDotDot statement { Label ($1, $3), [$2] } | Tcase const_expr TDotDot statement { Case ($2, $4), [$1; $3] } | Tcase const_expr TEllipsis const_expr TDotDot statement { CaseRange ($2, $4, $6), [$1;$3;$5] } /*(* gccext: allow range *)*/ | Tdefault TDotDot statement { Default $3, [$1; $2] } end_labeled: /*(* gccext: allow toto: } * was generating each 30 shift/Reduce conflicts, * mais ca va, ca fait ce qu'il faut. * update: julia fixed the problem by introducing end_labeled * and modifying below stat_or_decl_list *)*/ | ident_cpp TDotDot { Label ($1, (mk_st (ExprStatement None) Ast_c.noii)), [$2] } | Tcase const_expr TDotDot { Case ($2, (mk_st (ExprStatement None) Ast_c.noii)), [$1;$3] } | Tdefault TDotDot { Default (mk_st (ExprStatement None) Ast_c.noii), [$1; $2] } compound: tobrace compound2 tcbrace { $2, [$1; $3] } /* (* cppext: because of cpp, some stuff looks like declaration but are in * fact statement but too hard to figure out, and if parse them as * expression, then we force to have first decls and then exprs, then * will have a parse error. So easier to let mix decl/statement. * Moreover it helps to not make such a difference between decl and * statement for further coccinelle phases to factorize code. *)*/ compound2: | { ([]) } | stat_or_decl_list { $1 } stat_or_decl_list: | stat_or_decl { [$1] } /*(* gccext: to avoid conflicts, cf end_labeled above *)*/ | end_labeled { [StmtElem (mk_st (Labeled (fst $1)) (snd $1))] } /*(* old: conflicts | stat_or_decl_list stat_or_decl { $1 ++ [$2] } *)*/ | stat_or_decl stat_or_decl_list { $1 :: $2 } stat_or_decl: | decl { StmtElem (mk_st (Decl ($1 Ast_c.LocalDecl)) Ast_c.noii) } | statement { StmtElem $1 } /*(* gccext: *)*/ | function_definition { StmtElem (mk_st (NestedFunc $1) Ast_c.noii) } /* (* cppext: *)*/ | cpp_directive { CppDirectiveStmt $1 } | cpp_ifdef_directive/*(* stat_or_decl_list ...*)*/ { IfdefStmt $1 } expr_statement: | TPtVirg { None, [$1] } | expr TPtVirg { Some $1, [$2] } selection: | Tif TOPar expr TCPar statement %prec SHIFTHERE { If ($3, $5, (mk_st (ExprStatement None) Ast_c.noii)), [$1;$2;$4] } | Tif TOPar expr TCPar statement Telse statement { If ($3, $5, $7), [$1;$2;$4;$6] } | Tswitch TOPar expr TCPar statement { Switch ($3,$5), [$1;$2;$4] } iteration: | Twhile TOPar expr TCPar statement { While ($3,$5), [$1;$2;$4] } | Tdo statement Twhile TOPar expr TCPar TPtVirg { DoWhile ($2,$5), [$1;$3;$4;$6;$7] } | Tfor TOPar expr_statement expr_statement TCPar statement { For ($3,$4,(None, []),$6), [$1;$2;$5]} | Tfor TOPar expr_statement expr_statement expr TCPar statement { For ($3,$4,(Some $5, []),$7), [$1;$2;$6] } /*(* c++ext: for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)*)*/ | Tfor TOPar decl expr_statement expr_opt TCPar statement { (* pr2 "DECL in for"; *) MacroIteration ("toto", [], $7),[$1;$2;$6] (* TODOfake ast, TODO need decl2 ? *) } /*(* cppext: *)*/ | TMacroIterator TOPar argument_list_ne TCPar statement { MacroIteration (fst $1, $3, $5), [snd $1;$2;$4] } | TMacroIterator TOPar TCPar statement { MacroIteration (fst $1, [], $4), [snd $1;$2;$3] } /*(* the ';' in the caller grammar rule will be appended to the infos *)*/ jump: | Tgoto ident_cpp { Goto ($2), [$1] } | Tcontinue { Continue, [$1] } | Tbreak { Break, [$1] } | Treturn { Return, [$1] } | Treturn expr { ReturnExpr $2, [$1] } | Tgoto TMul expr { GotoComputed $3, [$1;$2] } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* gccext: *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ string_elem: | TString { [snd $1] } /*(* cppext: ex= printk (KERN_INFO "xxx" UTS_RELEASE) *)*/ | TMacroString { [snd $1] } asmbody: | string_list colon_asm_list { $1, $2 } | string_list { $1, [] } /*(* in old kernel *)*/ colon_asm: TDotDot colon_option_list { Colon $2, [$1] } colon_option: | TString { ColonMisc, [snd $1] } | TString TOPar asm_expr TCPar { ColonExpr $3, [snd $1; $2;$4] } /*(* cppext: certainly a macro *)*/ | TOCro identifier TCCro TString TOPar asm_expr TCPar { ColonExpr $6, [$1;snd $2;$3;snd $4; $5; $7 ] } | identifier { ColonMisc, [snd $1] } | /*(* empty *)*/ { ColonMisc, [] } asm_expr: assign_expr { $1 } /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* types *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* Type spec, left part of a type *)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ type_spec2: | Tvoid { Right3 (BaseType Void), [$1] } | Tchar { Right3 (BaseType (IntType CChar)), [$1]} | Tint { Right3 (BaseType (IntType (Si (Signed,CInt)))), [$1]} | Tfloat { Right3 (BaseType (FloatType CFloat)), [$1]} | Tdouble { Right3 (BaseType (FloatType CDouble)), [$1] } | Tsize_t { Right3 (BaseType SizeType), [$1] } | Tssize_t { Right3 (BaseType SSizeType), [$1] } | Tptrdiff_t { Right3 (BaseType PtrDiffType), [$1] } | Tshort { Middle3 Short, [$1]} | Tlong { Middle3 Long, [$1]} | Tsigned { Left3 Signed, [$1]} | Tunsigned { Left3 UnSigned, [$1]} | struct_or_union_spec { Right3 (fst $1), snd $1 } | enum_spec { Right3 (fst $1), snd $1 } /* (* parse_typedef_fix1: cant put: TIdent {} cos it make the grammar * ambiguous, generates lots of conflicts => we must * use some tricks: we make the lexer and parser cooperate, cf lexerParser.ml. * * parse_typedef_fix2: this is not enough, and you must use * parse_typedef_fix2 to fully manage typedef problems in grammar. * * parse_typedef_fix3: * * parse_typedef_fix4: try also to do now some consistency checking in * Parse_c *)*/ | TypedefIdent { let name = RegularName (mk_string_wrap $1) in Right3 (TypeName (name, Ast_c.noTypedefDef())),[] } | Ttypeof TOPar assign_expr TCPar { Right3 (TypeOfExpr ($3)), [$1;$2;$4] } | Ttypeof TOPar type_name TCPar { Right3 (TypeOfType ($3)), [$1;$2;$4] } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* workarounds *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ type_spec: type_spec2 { dt "type" (); $1 } /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* Qualifiers *)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ type_qualif: | Tconst { {const=true ; volatile=false}, $1 } | Tvolatile { {const=false ; volatile=true}, $1 } /*(* C99 *)*/ | Trestrict { (* TODO *) {const=false ; volatile=false}, $1 } /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* gccext: attributes *)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ attribute: | Tattribute TOPar /*stuff*/ TCPar { raise Todo } /*(* cppext: *)*/ | TMacroAttr { Attribute (fst $1), [snd $1] } attribute_storage: | TMacroAttrStorage { $1 } type_qualif_attr: | type_qualif { $1 } /*(*TODO !!!!! *)*/ | TMacroAttr { {const=true ; volatile=false}, snd $1 } /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* Declarator, right part of a type + second part of decl (the ident) *)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ /* (* declarator return a couple: * (name, partial type (a function to be applied to return type)) * * when int* f(int) we must return Func(Pointer int,int) and not * Pointer (Func(int,int) *)*/ declarator: | pointer direct_d { (fst $2, fun x -> x +> $1 +> (snd $2) ) } | direct_d { $1 } /*(* so must do int * const p; if the pointer is constant, not the pointee *)*/ pointer: | TMul { fun x -> mk_ty (Pointer x) [$1] } | TMul pointer { fun x -> mk_ty (Pointer ($2 x)) [$1] } | TMul type_qualif_list { fun x -> ($2.qualifD, mk_tybis (Pointer x) [$1])} | TMul type_qualif_list pointer { fun x -> ($2.qualifD, mk_tybis (Pointer ($3 x)) [$1]) } direct_d: | identifier_cpp { ($1, fun x -> x) } | TOPar declarator TCPar /*(* forunparser: old: $2 *)*/ { (fst $2, fun x -> mk_ty (ParenType ((snd $2) x)) [$1;$3]) } | direct_d tocro tccro { (fst $1,fun x->(snd $1) (mk_ty (Array (None,x)) [$2;$3])) } | direct_d tocro const_expr tccro { (fst $1,fun x->(snd $1) (mk_ty (Array (Some $3,x)) [$2;$4])) } | direct_d topar tcpar { (fst $1, fun x->(snd $1) (mk_ty (FunctionType (x,(([],(false, []))))) [$2;$3])) } | direct_d topar parameter_type_list tcpar { (fst $1,fun x->(snd $1) (mk_ty (FunctionType (x, $3)) [$2;$4])) } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* workarounds *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ tocro: TOCro { et "tocro" ();$1 } tccro: TCCro { dt "tccro" ();$1 } /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ abstract_declarator: | pointer { $1 } | direct_abstract_declarator { $1 } | pointer direct_abstract_declarator { fun x -> x +> $2 +> $1 } direct_abstract_declarator: | TOPar abstract_declarator TCPar /*(* forunparser: old: $2 *)*/ { fun x -> mk_ty (ParenType ($2 x)) [$1;$3] } | TOCro TCCro { fun x -> mk_ty (Array (None, x)) [$1;$2] } | TOCro const_expr TCCro { fun x -> mk_ty (Array (Some $2, x)) [$1;$3] } | direct_abstract_declarator TOCro TCCro { fun x -> $1 (mk_ty (Array (None, x)) [$2;$3]) } | direct_abstract_declarator TOCro const_expr TCCro { fun x -> $1 (mk_ty (Array (Some $3,x)) [$2;$4]) } | TOPar TCPar { fun x -> mk_ty (FunctionType (x, ([], (false, [])))) [$1;$2] } | topar parameter_type_list tcpar { fun x -> mk_ty (FunctionType (x, $2)) [$1;$3] } /*(* subtle: here must also use topar, not TOPar, otherwise if have for * instance (xxx ( * )(xxx)) cast, then the second xxx may still be a Tident * but we want to reduce topar, to set the InParameter so that * parsing_hack can get a chance to change the type of xxx into a typedef. * That's an example where parsing_hack and the lookahead of ocamlyacc does * not go very well together ... we got the info too late. We got * a similar pb with xxx xxx; declaration, cf parsing_hack.ml and the * "disable typedef cos special case ..." message. *)*/ | direct_abstract_declarator topar tcpar { fun x -> $1 (mk_ty (FunctionType (x, (([], (false, []))))) [$2;$3]) } | direct_abstract_declarator topar parameter_type_list tcpar { fun x -> $1 (mk_ty (FunctionType (x, $3)) [$2;$4]) } /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* Parameters (use decl_spec not type_spec just for 'register') *)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ parameter_type_list: | parameter_list { ($1, (false, []))} | parameter_list TComma TEllipsis { ($1, (true, [$2;$3])) } parameter_decl2: | decl_spec declaratorp { let ((returnType,hasreg),iihasreg) = fixDeclSpecForParam $1 in let (name, ftyp) = $2 in { p_namei = Some (name); p_type = ftyp returnType; p_register = (hasreg, iihasreg); } } | decl_spec abstract_declaratorp { let ((returnType,hasreg), iihasreg) = fixDeclSpecForParam $1 in { p_namei = None; p_type = $2 returnType; p_register = hasreg, iihasreg; } } | decl_spec { let ((returnType,hasreg), iihasreg) = fixDeclSpecForParam $1 in { p_namei = None; p_type = returnType; p_register = hasreg, iihasreg; } } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* workarounds *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ parameter_decl: parameter_decl2 { et "param" (); $1 } | attributes parameter_decl2 { et "param" (); $2 } declaratorp: | declarator { LP.add_ident (str_of_name (fst $1)); $1 } /*(* gccext: *)*/ | attributes declarator { LP.add_ident (str_of_name (fst $2)); $2 } | declarator attributes { LP.add_ident (str_of_name (fst $1)); $1 } abstract_declaratorp: | abstract_declarator { $1 } /*(* gccext: *)*/ | attributes abstract_declarator { $2 } /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* helper type rules *)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* for struct and also typename *)*/ /*(* cant put decl_spec cos no storage is allowed for field struct *)*/ spec_qualif_list2: | type_spec { addTypeD ($1, nullDecl) } | type_qualif { {nullDecl with qualifD = (fst $1,[snd $1])}} | type_spec spec_qualif_list { addTypeD ($1,$2) } | type_qualif spec_qualif_list { addQualifD ($1,$2) } spec_qualif_list: spec_qualif_list2 { dt "spec_qualif" (); $1 } /*(* for pointers in direct_declarator and abstract_declarator *)*/ type_qualif_list: | type_qualif_attr { {nullDecl with qualifD = (fst $1,[snd $1])} } | type_qualif_list type_qualif_attr { addQualifD ($2,$1) } /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* xxx_type_id *)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ type_name: | spec_qualif_list { let (returnType, _) = fixDeclSpecForDecl $1 in returnType } | spec_qualif_list abstract_declaratort { let (returnType, _) = fixDeclSpecForDecl $1 in $2 returnType } abstract_declaratort: | abstract_declarator { $1 } /*(* gccext: *)*/ | attributes abstract_declarator { $2 } /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* declaration and initializers *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ decl2: | decl_spec TPtVirg { function local -> let (returnType,storage) = fixDeclSpecForDecl $1 in let iistart = Ast_c.fakeInfo () in DeclList ([{v_namei = None; v_type = returnType; v_storage = unwrap storage; v_local = local; v_attr = Ast_c.noattr; v_type_bis = ref None; },[]], ($2::iistart::snd storage)) } | decl_spec init_declarator_list TPtVirg { function local -> let (returnType,storage) = fixDeclSpecForDecl $1 in let iistart = Ast_c.fakeInfo () in DeclList ( ($2 +> List.map (fun ((((name,f),attrs), ini), iivirg) -> let s = str_of_name name in let iniopt = match ini with | None -> None | Some (ini, iini) -> Some (iini, ini) in if fst (unwrap storage) =*= StoTypedef then LP.add_typedef s; {v_namei = Some (name, iniopt); v_type = f returnType; v_storage = unwrap storage; v_local = local; v_attr = attrs; v_type_bis = ref None; }, iivirg ) ), ($3::iistart::snd storage)) } /*(* cppext: *)*/ | TMacroDecl TOPar argument_list TCPar TPtVirg { function _ -> MacroDecl ((fst $1, $3), [snd $1;$2;$4;$5;fakeInfo()]) } | Tstatic TMacroDecl TOPar argument_list TCPar TPtVirg { function _ -> MacroDecl ((fst $2, $4), [snd $2;$3;$5;$6;fakeInfo();$1]) } | Tstatic TMacroDeclConst TMacroDecl TOPar argument_list TCPar TPtVirg { function _ -> MacroDecl ((fst $3, $5), [snd $3;$4;$6;$7;fakeInfo();$1;$2])} /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ decl_spec2: | storage_class_spec { {nullDecl with storageD = (fst $1, [snd $1]) } } | type_spec { addTypeD ($1,nullDecl) } | type_qualif { {nullDecl with qualifD = (fst $1, [snd $1]) } } | Tinline { {nullDecl with inlineD = (true, [$1]) } } | storage_class_spec decl_spec2 { addStorageD ($1, $2) } | type_spec decl_spec2 { addTypeD ($1, $2) } | type_qualif decl_spec2 { addQualifD ($1, $2) } | Tinline decl_spec2 { addInlineD ((true, $1), $2) } /*(* can simplify by putting all in _opt ? must have at least one otherwise * decl_list is ambiguous ? (no cos have ';' between decl) *)*/ storage_class_spec2: | Tstatic { Sto Static, $1 } | Textern { Sto Extern, $1 } | Tauto { Sto Auto, $1 } | Tregister { Sto Register,$1 } | Ttypedef { StoTypedef, $1 } storage_class_spec: /*(* gccext: *)*/ | storage_class_spec2 { $1 } | storage_class_spec2 attribute_storage_list { $1 (* TODO *) } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* workarounds *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ decl: decl2 { et "decl" (); $1 } decl_spec: decl_spec2 { dt "declspec" (); $1 } /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ /*(* declarators (right part of type and variable) *)*/ /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ init_declarator2: | declaratori { ($1, None) } | declaratori teq initialize { ($1, Some ($3, $2)) } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* workarounds *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ teq: TEq { et "teq" (); $1 } init_declarator: init_declarator2 { dt "init" (); $1 } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* gccext: *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ declaratori: | declarator { LP.add_ident (str_of_name (fst $1)); $1, Ast_c.noattr } /*(* gccext: *)*/ | declarator gcc_asm_decl { LP.add_ident (str_of_name (fst $1)); $1, Ast_c.noattr } /*(* gccext: *)*/ | attributes declarator { LP.add_ident (str_of_name (fst $2)); $2, $1 } | declarator attributes { LP.add_ident (str_of_name (fst $1)); $1, Ast_c.noattr (* TODO *) } gcc_asm_decl: | Tasm TOPar asmbody TCPar { } | Tasm Tvolatile TOPar asmbody TCPar { } /*(*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*)*/ initialize: | assign_expr { InitExpr $1, [] } | tobrace_ini initialize_list gcc_comma_opt_struct tcbrace_ini { InitList (List.rev $2), [$1;$4]++$3 } | tobrace_ini tcbrace_ini { InitList [], [$1;$2] } /*(* gccext: *)*/ /* (* opti: This time we use the weird order of non-terminal which requires in * the "caller" to do a List.rev cos quite critical. With this weird order it * allows yacc to use a constant stack space instead of exploding if we would * do a 'initialize2 Tcomma initialize_list'. *) */ initialize_list: | initialize2 { [$1, []] } | initialize_list TComma initialize2 { ($3, [$2])::$1 } /*(* gccext: condexpr and no assign_expr cos can have ambiguity with comma *)*/ initialize2: | cond_expr { InitExpr $1, [] } | tobrace_ini initialize_list gcc_comma_opt_struct tcbrace_ini { InitList (List.rev $2), [$1;$4]++$3 } | tobrace_ini tcbrace_ini { InitList [], [$1;$2] } /*(* gccext: labeled elements, a.k.a designators *)*/ | designator_list TEq initialize2 { InitDesignators ($1, $3), [$2] } /*(* gccext: old format *)*/ | ident TDotDot initialize2 { InitFieldOld (fst $1, $3), [snd $1; $2] } /*(* in old kernel *)*/ /* conflict | TOCro const_expr TCCro initialize2 { InitIndexOld ($2, $4), [$1;$3] } */ /*(* they can be nested, can have a .x[3].y *)*/ designator: | TDot ident { DesignatorField (fst $2), [$1;snd $2] } | TOCro const_expr TCCro { DesignatorIndex ($2), [$1;$3] } | TOCro const_expr TEllipsis const_expr TCCro { DesignatorRange ($2, $4), [$1;$3;$5] } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* workarounds *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ gcc_comma_opt_struct: | TComma { [$1] } | /*(* empty *)*/ { [Ast_c.fakeInfo() +> Ast_c.rewrap_str ","] } /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* struct *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ s_or_u_spec2: | struct_or_union ident tobrace_struct struct_decl_list_gcc tcbrace_struct { StructUnion (fst $1, Some (fst $2), $4), [snd $1;snd $2;$3;$5] } | struct_or_union tobrace_struct struct_decl_list_gcc tcbrace_struct { StructUnion (fst $1, None, $3), [snd $1;$2;$4] } | struct_or_union ident { StructUnionName (fst $1, fst $2), [snd $1;snd $2] } struct_or_union2: | Tstruct { Struct, $1 } | Tunion { Union, $1 } /*(* gccext: *)*/ | Tstruct attributes { Struct, $1 (* TODO *) } | Tunion attributes { Union, $1 (* TODO *) } struct_decl2: | field_declaration { DeclarationField $1 } | TPtVirg { EmptyField $1 } /*(* no conflict ? no need for a TMacroStruct ? apparently not as at struct * the rule are slightly different. *)*/ | identifier TOPar argument_list TCPar TPtVirg { MacroDeclField ((fst $1, $3), [snd $1;$2;$4;$5;fakeInfo()]) } /*(* cppext: *)*/ | cpp_directive { CppDirectiveStruct $1 } | cpp_ifdef_directive/*(* struct_decl_list ... *)*/ { IfdefStruct $1 } field_declaration: | spec_qualif_list struct_declarator_list TPtVirg { let (returnType,storage) = fixDeclSpecForDecl $1 in if fst (unwrap storage) <> NoSto then internal_error "parsing dont allow this"; FieldDeclList ($2 +> (List.map (fun (f, iivirg) -> f returnType, iivirg)) ,[$3]) (* dont need to check if typedef or func initialised cos * grammar dont allow typedef nor initialiser in struct *) } | spec_qualif_list TPtVirg { (* gccext: allow empty elements if it is a structdef or enumdef *) let (returnType,storage) = fixDeclSpecForDecl $1 in if fst (unwrap storage) <> NoSto then internal_error "parsing dont allow this"; FieldDeclList ([(Simple (None, returnType)) , []], [$2]) } struct_declarator: | declaratorsd { (fun x -> Simple (Some (fst $1), (snd $1) x)) } | dotdot const_expr2 { (fun x -> BitField (None, x, $1, $2)) } | declaratorsd dotdot const_expr2 { (fun x -> BitField (Some (fst $1), ((snd $1) x), $2, $3)) } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* workarounds *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ declaratorsd: | declarator { (*also ? LP.add_ident (fst (fst $1)); *) $1 } /*(* gccext: *)*/ | attributes declarator { $2 } | declarator attributes { $1 } struct_or_union_spec: s_or_u_spec2 { dt "su" (); $1 } struct_or_union: struct_or_union2 { et "su" (); $1 } struct_decl: struct_decl2 { et "struct" (); $1 } dotdot: TDotDot { et "dotdot" (); $1 } const_expr2: const_expr { dt "const_expr2" (); $1 } struct_decl_list_gcc: | struct_decl_list { $1 } | /*(* empty *)*/ { [] } /*(* gccext: allow empty struct *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* enum *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ enum_spec: | Tenum tobrace_enum enumerator_list gcc_comma_opt_struct tcbrace_enum { Enum (None, $3), [$1;$2;$5] ++ $4 } | Tenum ident tobrace_enum enumerator_list gcc_comma_opt_struct tcbrace_enum { Enum (Some (fst $2), $4), [$1; snd $2; $3;$6] ++ $5 } | Tenum ident { EnumName (fst $2), [$1; snd $2] } enumerator: | idente { $1, None } | idente TEq const_expr { $1, Some ($2, $3) } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* workarounds *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ idente: ident_cpp { LP.add_ident (str_of_name $1); $1 } /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* function *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ function_definition: function_def { fixFunc $1 } decl_list: | decl { [$1 Ast_c.LocalDecl] } | decl_list decl { $1 ++ [$2 Ast_c.LocalDecl] } /* hack : to drop when a better solution is found */ cpp_directive_list: | cpp_directive { } | cpp_directive_list cpp_directive { } function_def: | start_fun compound { LP.del_scope(); ($1, $2, None) } | start_fun cpp_directive_list compound { LP.del_scope(); ($1, $3, None) } | start_fun decl_list compound { (* TODO: undo the typedef added ? *) LP.del_scope(); ($1, $3, Some $2) } start_fun: start_fun2 { LP.new_scope(); fix_add_params_ident $1; (* toreput? !LP._lexer_hint.toplevel <- false; *) $1 } start_fun2: decl_spec declaratorfd { let (returnType,storage) = fixDeclSpecForFuncDef $1 in let (id, attrs) = $2 in (fst id, fixOldCDecl ((snd id) returnType) , storage, attrs) } /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /*(* workarounds *)*/ /*(*----------------------------*)*/ /* It would be very nice if we could make declarator aware that this is coming from a function definition. Then on the ( and ) cases, it could set the state to something other than InParameter. Then the case (TIdent (s, i1)::(TComma _|TCPar _)::_ , (TComma _ |TOPar _)::_ ) in parsing_hacks.ml would not have to consider K&R variable declarations as typedefs. Unfortunately, doing something about this problem seems to introduce conflicts in the parser. */ declaratorfd: | declarator { et "declaratorfd" (); $1, Ast_c.noattr } /*(* gccext: *)*/ | attributes declarator { et "declaratorfd" (); $2, $1 } | declarator attributes { et "declaratorfd" (); $1, Ast_c.noattr } /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* cpp directives *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ cpp_directive: | TIncludeStart TIncludeFilename { let (i1, in_ifdef) = $1 in let (s, i2) = $2 in (* redo some lexing work :( *) let inc_file = match () with | _ when s =~ "^\"\\(.*\\)\"$" -> Local (Common.split "/" (matched1 s)) | _ when s =~ "^\\<\\(.*\\)\\>$" -> NonLocal (Common.split "/" (matched1 s)) | _ -> Weird s in Include { i_include = (inc_file, [i1;i2]); i_rel_pos = Ast_c.noRelPos(); i_is_in_ifdef = !in_ifdef; i_content = Ast_c.noi_content; } } | TDefine TIdentDefine define_val TDefEOL { Define ((fst $2, [$1; snd $2;$4]), (DefineVar, $3)) } /* (* The TOParDefine is introduced to avoid ambiguity with previous rules. * A TOParDefine is a TOPar that was just next to the ident. *)*/ | TDefine TIdentDefine TOParDefine param_define_list TCPar define_val TDefEOL { Define ((fst $2, [$1; snd $2;$7]), (DefineFunc ($4, [$3;$5]), $6)) } | TUndef { Undef (fst $1, [snd $1]) } | TCppDirectiveOther { PragmaAndCo ([$1]) } /*(* perhaps better to use assign_expr ? but in that case need * do a assign_expr_of_string in parse_c *)*/ define_val: | expr { DefineExpr $1 } | statement { DefineStmt $1 } | decl { DefineStmt (mk_st (Decl ($1 Ast_c.NotLocalDecl)) Ast_c.noii) } /*(*old: * | TypedefIdent { DefineType (nQ,(TypeName(fst $1,noTypedefDef()),[snd $1]))} * get conflicts: * | spec_qualif_list TMul * { let (returnType, _) = fixDeclSpecForDecl $1 in DefineType returnType } *) */ | decl_spec { let returnType = fixDeclSpecForMacro $1 in DefineType returnType } | decl_spec abstract_declarator { let returnType = fixDeclSpecForMacro $1 in let typ = $2 returnType in DefineType typ } /* can be in conflict with decl_spec, maybe change fixDeclSpecForMacro * to also allow storage ? | storage_class_spec { DefineTodo } | Tinline { DefineTodo } */ /*(* a few special cases *)*/ | stat_or_decl stat_or_decl_list { DefineTodo } /* | statement statement { DefineTodo } | decl function_definition { DefineTodo } */ | function_definition { DefineFunction $1 } | TOBraceDefineInit initialize_list gcc_comma_opt_struct TCBrace comma_opt { DefineInit (InitList (List.rev $2), [$1;$4]++$3++$5) } /*(* note: had a conflict before when were putting TInt instead of expr *)*/ | Tdo statement Twhile TOPar expr TCPar { (* TOREPUT if fst $5 <> "0" then pr2 "WEIRD: in macro and have not a while(0)"; *) DefineDoWhileZero (($2,$5), [$1;$3;$4;$6]) } | Tasm TOPar asmbody TCPar { DefineTodo } | Tasm Tvolatile TOPar asmbody TCPar { DefineTodo } /*(* aliases macro *)*/ | TMacroAttr { DefineTodo } | /*(* empty *)*/ { DefineEmpty } param_define: | TIdent { mk_string_wrap $1 } | TypedefIdent { mk_string_wrap $1 } | TDefParamVariadic { mk_string_wrap $1 } | TEllipsis { "...", [$1] } /*(* they reuse keywords :( *)*/ | Tregister { "register", [$1] } cpp_ifdef_directive: | TIfdef { let (tag,ii) = $1 in IfdefDirective ((Ifdef, IfdefTag (Common.some !tag)), [ii]) } | TIfdefelse { let (tag,ii) = $1 in IfdefDirective ((IfdefElse, IfdefTag (Common.some !tag)), [ii]) } | TIfdefelif { let (tag,ii) = $1 in IfdefDirective ((IfdefElseif, IfdefTag (Common.some !tag)), [ii]) } | TEndif { let (tag,ii) = $1 in IfdefDirective ((IfdefEndif, IfdefTag (Common.some !tag)), [ii]) } | TIfdefBool { let (_b, tag,ii) = $1 in IfdefDirective ((Ifdef, IfdefTag (Common.some !tag)), [ii]) } | TIfdefMisc { let (_b, tag,ii) = $1 in IfdefDirective ((Ifdef, IfdefTag (Common.some !tag)), [ii]) } | TIfdefVersion { let (_b, tag,ii) = $1 in IfdefDirective ((Ifdef, IfdefTag (Common.some !tag)), [ii]) } /*(* cppext: *)*/ cpp_other: /*(* no conflict ? no need for a TMacroTop ? apparently not as at toplevel * the rule are slightly different, they cant be statement and so expr * at the top, only decl or function definition. *)*/ | identifier TOPar argument_list TCPar TPtVirg { Declaration (MacroDecl ((fst $1, $3), [snd $1;$2;$4;$5;fakeInfo()])) (* old: MacroTop (fst $1, $3, [snd $1;$2;$4;$5]) *) } /*(* TCParEOL to fix the end-of-stream bug of ocamlyacc *)*/ | identifier TOPar argument_list TCParEOL { MacroTop (fst $1, $3, [snd $1;$2;$4;fakeInfo()]) } /*(* ex: EXPORT_NO_SYMBOLS; *)*/ | identifier TPtVirg { EmptyDef [snd $1;$2] } /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* celem *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ external_declaration: | function_definition { Definition $1 } | decl { Declaration ($1 Ast_c.NotLocalDecl) } celem: | external_declaration { $1 } /*(* cppext: *)*/ | cpp_directive { CppTop $1 } | cpp_other { $1 } | cpp_ifdef_directive /* (*external_declaration_list ...*)*/ { IfdefTop $1 } /*(* can have asm declaration at toplevel *)*/ | Tasm TOPar asmbody TCPar TPtVirg { EmptyDef [$1;$2;$4;$5] } /* (* in ~/kernels/src/linux-2.5.2/drivers/isdn/hisax/isdnl3.c sometimes * the function ends with }; instead of just } * can also remove this rule and report "parse error" pb to morton *)*/ | TPtVirg { EmptyDef [$1] } | EOF { FinalDef $1 } /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* some generic workarounds *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ tobrace: TOBrace { LP.push_context LP.InFunction; LP.new_scope (); $1 } tcbrace: TCBrace { LP.pop_context(); LP.del_scope (); $1 } tobrace_enum: TOBrace { LP.push_context LP.InEnum; $1 } tcbrace_enum: TCBrace { LP.pop_context (); $1 } tobrace_ini: TOBrace { LP.push_context LP.InInitializer; $1 } tcbrace_ini: TCBrace { LP.pop_context (); $1 } tobrace_struct: TOBrace { LP.push_context LP.InStruct; $1} tcbrace_struct: TCBrace { LP.pop_context (); $1 } topar: TOPar { LP.new_scope ();et "topar" (); LP.push_context LP.InParameter; $1 } tcpar: TCPar { LP.del_scope ();dt "tcpar" (); LP.pop_context (); $1 } /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* xxx_list, xxx_opt *)*/ /*(*************************************************************************)*/ /*(* old: compound2: | { ([],[]) } | statement_list { ([], $1) } | decl_list { ($1, []) } | decl_list statement_list { ($1,$2) } statement_list: stat_or_decl_list { $1 } *)*/ /*(* decl_list: | decl { [$1] } | decl_list decl { $1 ++ [$2] } statement_list: | statement { [$1] } | statement_list statement { $1 ++ [$2] } *)*/ string_list: | string_elem { $1 } | string_list string_elem { $1 ++ $2 } colon_asm_list: | colon_asm { [$1] } | colon_asm_list colon_asm { $1 ++ [$2] } colon_option_list: | colon_option { [$1, []] } | colon_option_list TComma colon_option { $1 ++ [$3, [$2]] } argument_list_ne: | argument_ne { [$1, []] } | argument_list_ne TComma argument { $1 ++ [$3, [$2]] } argument_list: | argument { [$1, []] } | argument_list TComma argument { $1 ++ [$3, [$2]] } /*(* expression_list: | assign_expr { [$1, []] } | expression_list TComma assign_expr { $1 ++ [$3, [$2]] } *)*/ struct_decl_list: | struct_decl { [$1] } | struct_decl_list struct_decl { $1 ++ [$2] } struct_declarator_list: | struct_declarator { [$1, []] } | struct_declarator_list TComma struct_declarator { $1 ++ [$3, [$2]] } enumerator_list: | enumerator { [$1, []] } | enumerator_list TComma enumerator { $1 ++ [$3, [$2]] } init_declarator_list: | init_declarator { [$1, []] } | init_declarator_list TComma init_declarator { $1 ++ [$3, [$2]] } parameter_list: | parameter_decl { [$1, []] } | parameter_list TComma parameter_decl { $1 ++ [$3, [$2]] } taction_list_ne: | TAction { [$1] } | TAction taction_list_ne { $1 :: $2 } taction_list: /*old: was generating conflict, hence now taction_list_ne | (* empty *) { [] } | TAction { [$1] } | taction_list TAction { $1 ++ [$2] } */ | { [] } | TAction taction_list { $1 :: $2 } param_define_list: | /*(* empty *)*/ { [] } | param_define { [$1, []] } | param_define_list TComma param_define { $1 ++ [$3, [$2]] } designator_list: | designator { [$1] } | designator_list designator { $1 ++ [$2] } attribute_list: | attribute { [$1] } | attribute_list attribute { $1 ++ [$2] } attribute_storage_list: | attribute_storage { [$1] } | attribute_storage_list attribute_storage { $1 ++ [$2] } attributes: attribute_list { $1 } /*(* gccext: which allow a trailing ',' in enum, as in perl *)*/ gcc_comma_opt: | TComma { [$1] } | /*(* empty *)*/ { [] } comma_opt: | TComma { [$1] } | /*(* empty *)*/ { [] } /*(* gcc_opt_virg: | TPtVirg { } | { } *)*/ gcc_opt_expr: | expr { Some $1 } | /*(* empty *)*/ { None } /*(* opt_ptvirg: | TPtVirg { [$1] } | { [] } *)*/ expr_opt: | expr { Some $1 } | /*(* empty *)*/ { None }