open Common (*****************************************************************************) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) (* requirments: * - extract from one git commit, or from a set of git commits * - files from drivers/ and also from other directories now * - .c and .h, local .h and also not local .h * - files that were part of the patch, and so modified, but also * other files (especially .h) to get more type information * *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Flags *) (*****************************************************************************) (*****************************************************************************) (* Main entry point *) (*****************************************************************************) let ex_kmallocmemset = "dd00cc486ab1c17049a535413d1751ef3482141c" let ex_new_driver = "3faa1ffb4f4be7d10715f4b003ff7b27d14eae26" let ex_delete_driver = "4d8506b806cc726c96db1c1a55edfb2da52217a9" let main () = begin let args = ref [] in let options = [ ] in let usage_msg = "Usage: " ^ basename Sys.argv.(0) ^ " [options]" ^ "\n" ^ "Options are:" in Arg.parse (Arg.align options) (fun x -> args := x::!args) usage_msg; args := List.rev !args; (match (!args) with | [x] -> pr x | _ -> Arg.usage (Arg.align options) usage_msg; ) end (*****************************************************************************) let _ = main ()