module Ast0 = Ast0_cocci module Ast = Ast_cocci module V0 = Visitor_ast0 module VT0 = Visitor_ast0_types (* find assignments that can match an initialization *) let pure_mcodekind = function Ast0.CONTEXT(mc) -> (match !mc with (Ast.NOTHING,_,_) -> true | _ -> false) | _ -> false let is_simple_assign left op = (match Ast0.unwrap left with Ast0.Ident(_) | Ast0.MetaExpr(_,_,_,_,_) -> true | _ -> false) && ((Ast0.unwrap_mcode op) = Ast.SimpleAssign) let is_simple_ast_assign left op minus_left = (match Ast.unwrap left with Ast.Ident(_) -> true | Ast.MetaExpr(name,_,_,_,_,_) -> (match Ast0.unwrap minus_left with Ast0.MetaExpr(name1,_,_,_,_) -> Ast.unwrap_mcode name = Ast0.unwrap_mcode name1 | _ -> false) | _ -> false) && ((Ast.unwrap_mcode op) = Ast.SimpleAssign) let warning e msg = Common.pr2 ("the simple assignment expression on line "^ (string_of_int (Ast0.get_line e))^ " contains transformations\n"^ "that prevent it from matching a declaration ("^msg^")\n"); e let rebuild e1 left right op simple = Ast0.rewrap e1 (Ast0.Assignment(left,op,right,simple)) let rec exp mc e1 = match Ast0.unwrap e1 with Ast0.Assignment(left,op,right,_) -> if is_simple_assign left op then (if !Flag.sgrep_mode2 then rebuild e1 left right op true else match mc with Ast0.MINUS(mc) -> (match !mc with ([[Ast.ExpressionTag(e2)]],_) -> (match Ast.unwrap e2 with Ast.Assignment(left',op',_,_) -> if is_simple_ast_assign left' op' left then rebuild e1 left right op true else warning e1 "replacement is not simple" | _ -> warning e1 "replacement is not an assignment") | _ -> warning e1 "multiple replacements") | m -> let pure = (pure_mcodekind m) && (pure_mcodekind (Ast0.get_mcodekind left)) && (pure_mcodekind (Ast0.get_mcode_mcodekind op)) in if not pure then warning e1 "not pure" else rebuild e1 left right op pure) else e1 | Ast0.DisjExpr(lp,exps,mids,rp) -> Ast0.rewrap e1 (Ast0.DisjExpr (lp, (function x -> exp (Ast0.get_mcodekind x) x) exps, mids,rp)) | Ast0.OptExp(e) -> Ast0.rewrap e1 (Ast0.OptExp(exp (Ast0.get_mcodekind e) e)) | Ast0.UniqueExp(e) -> Ast0.rewrap e1 (Ast0.UniqueExp(exp (Ast0.get_mcodekind e) e)) | _ -> e1 let simple_assignments l = let statement r k e = match Ast0.unwrap e with Ast0.Exp(e1) -> Ast0.rewrap e (Ast0.Exp(exp (Ast0.get_mcodekind e) e1)) | _ -> k e in let fn = V0.rebuilder {V0.rebuilder_functions with VT0.rebuilder_stmtfn = statement} in fn.VT0.rebuilder_rec_top_level l