(* * Copyright 2010, INRIA, University of Copenhagen * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) open Common module CCI = Ctlcocci_integration module TAC = Type_annoter_c module Ast_to_flow = Control_flow_c_build (*****************************************************************************) (* This file is a kind of driver. It gathers all the important functions * from coccinelle in one place. The different entities in coccinelle are: * - files * - astc * - astcocci * - flow (contain nodes) * - ctl (contain rule_elems) * This file contains functions to transform one in another. *) (*****************************************************************************) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* C related *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let cprogram_of_file saved_typedefs saved_macros file = let (program2, _stat) = Parse_c.parse_c_and_cpp_keep_typedefs (Some saved_typedefs) (Some saved_macros) file in program2 let cprogram_of_file_cached file = let ((program2,typedefs,macros), _stat) = Parse_c.parse_cache file in if !Flag_cocci.ifdef_to_if then let p2 = program2 +> Parse_c.with_program2 (fun asts -> Cpp_ast_c.cpp_ifdef_statementize asts ) in (p2,typedefs,macros) else (program2,typedefs,macros) let cfile_of_program program2_with_ppmethod outf = Unparse_c.pp_program program2_with_ppmethod outf (* for memoization, contains only one entry, the one for the SP *) let _hparse = Hashtbl.create 101 let _h_ocaml_init = Hashtbl.create 101 let _hctl = Hashtbl.create 101 (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Cocci related *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* for a given pair (file,iso), only keep an instance for the most recent virtual rules and virtual_env *) let sp_of_file2 file iso = let redo _ = let new_code = let (_,xs,_,_,_,_,_) as res = Parse_cocci.process file iso false in (* if there is already a compiled ML code, do nothing and use that *) try let _ = Hashtbl.find _h_ocaml_init (file,iso) in res with Not_found -> begin Hashtbl.add _h_ocaml_init (file,iso) (); match Prepare_ocamlcocci.prepare file xs with None -> res | Some ocaml_script_file -> (* compile file *) Prepare_ocamlcocci.load_file ocaml_script_file; (if not !Common.save_tmp_files then Prepare_ocamlcocci.clean_file ocaml_script_file); res end in Hashtbl.add _hparse (file,iso) (!Flag.defined_virtual_rules,!Flag.defined_virtual_env,new_code); new_code in try let (rules,env,code) = Hashtbl.find _hparse (file,iso) in if rules = !Flag.defined_virtual_rules && env = !Flag.defined_virtual_env then code else (Hashtbl.remove _hparse (file,iso); redo()) with Not_found -> redo() let sp_of_file file iso = Common.profile_code "parse cocci" (fun () -> sp_of_file2 file iso) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Flow related *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let print_flow flow = Ograph_extended.print_ograph_mutable flow "/tmp/test.dot" true let ast_to_flow_with_error_messages2 x = let flowopt = try Ast_to_flow.ast_to_control_flow x with Ast_to_flow.Error x -> Ast_to_flow.report_error x; None in flowopt +> do_option (fun flow -> (* This time even if there is a deadcode, we still have a * flow graph, so I can try the transformation and hope the * deadcode will not bother us. *) try Ast_to_flow.deadcode_detection flow with Ast_to_flow.Error (Ast_to_flow.DeadCode x) -> Ast_to_flow.report_error (Ast_to_flow.DeadCode x); ); flowopt let ast_to_flow_with_error_messages a = Common.profile_code "flow" (fun () -> ast_to_flow_with_error_messages2 a) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Ctl related *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let ctls_of_ast2 ast (ua,fua,fuas) pos = List.map2 (function ast -> function (ua,(fua,(fuas,pos))) -> List.combine (if !Flag_cocci.popl then Popl.popl ast else Asttoctl2.asttoctl ast (ua,fua,fuas) pos) (Asttomember.asttomember ast ua)) ast (List.combine ua (List.combine fua (List.combine fuas pos))) let ctls_of_ast ast ua = Common.profile_code "asttoctl2" (fun () -> ctls_of_ast2 ast ua) (*****************************************************************************) (* Some debugging functions *) (*****************************************************************************) (* the inputs *) let show_or_not_cfile2 cfile = if !Flag_cocci.show_c then begin Common.pr2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); pr2 ("processing C file: " ^ cfile); Common.pr2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); Common.command2 ("cat " ^ cfile); end let show_or_not_cfile a = Common.profile_code "show_xxx" (fun () -> show_or_not_cfile2 a) let show_or_not_cfiles cfiles = List.iter show_or_not_cfile cfiles let show_or_not_cocci2 coccifile isofile = if !Flag_cocci.show_cocci then begin Common.pr2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); pr2 ("processing semantic patch file: " ^ coccifile); isofile +> (fun s -> pr2 ("with isos from: " ^ s)); Common.pr2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); Common.command2 ("cat " ^ coccifile); pr2 ""; end let show_or_not_cocci a b = Common.profile_code "show_xxx" (fun () -> show_or_not_cocci2 a b) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* the output *) let fix_sgrep_diffs l = let l = List.filter (function s -> (s =~ "^\\+\\+\\+") || not (s =~ "^\\+")) l in let l = List.rev l in (* adjust second number for + code *) let rec loop1 n = function [] -> [] | s::ss -> if s =~ "^-" && not(s =~ "^---") then s :: loop1 (n+1) ss else if s =~ "^@@" then (match Str.split (Str.regexp " ") s with bef::min::pl::aft -> let (n1,n2) = match Str.split (Str.regexp ",") pl with [n1;n2] -> (n1,n2) | [n1] -> (n1,"1") | _ -> failwith "bad + line information" in let n2 = int_of_string n2 in (Printf.sprintf "%s %s %s,%d %s" bef min n1 (n2-n) (String.concat " " aft)) :: loop1 0 ss | _ -> failwith "bad @@ information") else s :: loop1 n ss in let rec loop2 n = function [] -> [] | s::ss -> if s =~ "^---" then s :: loop2 0 ss else if s =~ "^@@" then (match Str.split (Str.regexp " ") s with bef::min::pl::aft -> let (m2,n1,n2) = match (Str.split (Str.regexp ",") min, Str.split (Str.regexp ",") pl) with ([_;m2],[n1;n2]) -> (m2,n1,n2) | ([_],[n1;n2]) -> ("1",n1,n2) | ([_;m2],[n1]) -> (m2,n1,"1") | ([_],[n1]) -> ("1",n1,"1") | _ -> failwith "bad -/+ line information" in let n1 = int_of_string (String.sub n1 1 ((String.length n1)-1)) in let m2 = int_of_string m2 in let n2 = int_of_string n2 in (Printf.sprintf "%s %s +%d,%d %s" bef min (n1-n) n2 (String.concat " " aft)) :: loop2 (n+(m2-n2)) ss | _ -> failwith "bad @@ information") else s :: loop2 n ss in loop2 0 (List.rev (loop1 0 l)) let normalize_path file = let fullpath = if String.get file 0 = '/' then file else (Sys.getcwd()) ^ "/" ^ file in let elements = Str.split_delim (Str.regexp "/") fullpath in let rec loop prev = function [] -> String.concat "/" (List.rev prev) | "." :: rest -> loop prev rest | ".." :: rest -> (match prev with x::xs -> loop xs rest | _ -> failwith "bad path") | x::rest -> loop (x::prev) rest in loop [] elements let show_or_not_diff2 cfile outfile = if !Flag_cocci.show_diff then begin match Common.fst(Compare_c.compare_to_original cfile outfile) with Compare_c.Correct -> () (* diff only in spacing, etc *) | _ -> (* may need --strip-trailing-cr under windows *) pr2 "diff = "; let line = match !Flag_parsing_c.diff_lines with | None -> "diff -u -p " ^ cfile ^ " " ^ outfile | Some n -> "diff -U "^n^" -p "^cfile^" "^outfile in let xs = let res = Common.cmd_to_list line in match (!Flag.patch,res) with (* create something that looks like the output of patch *) (Some prefix,minus_file::plus_file::rest) -> let prefix = let lp = String.length prefix in if String.get prefix (lp-1) = '/' then String.sub prefix 0 (lp-1) else prefix in let drop_prefix file = let file = normalize_path file in if Str.string_match (Str.regexp prefix) file 0 then let lp = String.length prefix in let lf = String.length file in if lp < lf then String.sub file lp (lf - lp) else failwith (Printf.sprintf "prefix %s doesn't match file %s" prefix file) else failwith (Printf.sprintf "prefix %s doesn't match file %s" prefix file) in let diff_line = match List.rev(Str.split (Str.regexp " ") line) with new_file::old_file::cmdrev -> let old_base_file = drop_prefix old_file in if !Flag.sgrep_mode2 then String.concat " " (List.rev (("/tmp/nothing"^old_base_file) :: old_file :: cmdrev)) else String.concat " " (List.rev (("b"^old_base_file)::("a"^old_base_file)::cmdrev)) | _ -> failwith "bad command" in let (minus_line,plus_line) = match (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]") minus_file, Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]") plus_file) with ("---"::old_file::old_rest,"+++"::new_file::new_rest) -> let old_base_file = drop_prefix old_file in if !Flag.sgrep_mode2 then (minus_file,"+++ /tmp/nothing"^old_base_file) else (String.concat " " ("---"::("a"^old_base_file)::old_rest), String.concat " " ("+++"::("b"^old_base_file)::new_rest)) | (l1,l2) -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "bad diff header lines: %s %s" (String.concat ":" l1) (String.concat ":" l2)) in diff_line::minus_line::plus_line::rest | _ -> res in let xs = if !Flag.sgrep_mode2 then fix_sgrep_diffs xs else xs in xs +> List.iter pr end let show_or_not_diff a b = Common.profile_code "show_xxx" (fun () -> show_or_not_diff2 a b) (* the derived input *) let show_or_not_ctl_tex2 astcocci ctls = if !Flag_cocci.show_ctl_tex then begin let ctls = List.map (List.map (function ((Asttoctl2.NONDECL ctl | Asttoctl2.CODE ctl),x) -> (ctl,x))) ctls in Ctltotex.totex ("/tmp/__cocci_ctl.tex") astcocci ctls; Common.command2 ("cd /tmp; latex __cocci_ctl.tex; " ^ "dvips __cocci_ctl.dvi -o __cocci_ctl.ps;" ^ "gv __cocci_ctl.ps &"); end let show_or_not_ctl_tex a b = Common.profile_code "show_xxx" (fun () -> show_or_not_ctl_tex2 a b) let show_or_not_rule_name ast rulenb = if !Flag_cocci.show_ctl_text or !Flag.show_trying or !Flag.show_transinfo or !Flag_cocci.show_binding_in_out then begin let name = match ast with Ast_cocci.CocciRule (nm, (deps, drops, exists), x, _, _) -> nm | _ -> i_to_s rulenb in Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); pr (name ^ " = "); Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx () end let show_or_not_scr_rule_name rulenb = if !Flag_cocci.show_ctl_text or !Flag.show_trying or !Flag.show_transinfo or !Flag_cocci.show_binding_in_out then begin let name = i_to_s rulenb in Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); pr ("script rule " ^ name ^ " = "); Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx () end let show_or_not_ctl_text2 ctl ast rulenb = if !Flag_cocci.show_ctl_text then begin adjust_pp_with_indent (fun () -> Format.force_newline(); Pretty_print_cocci.print_plus_flag := true; Pretty_print_cocci.print_minus_flag := true; Pretty_print_cocci.unparse ast; ); pr "CTL = "; let ((Asttoctl2.CODE ctl | Asttoctl2.NONDECL ctl),_) = ctl in adjust_pp_with_indent (fun () -> Format.force_newline(); Pretty_print_engine.pp_ctlcocci !Flag_cocci.show_mcodekind_in_ctl !Flag_cocci.inline_let_ctl ctl; ); pr ""; end let show_or_not_ctl_text a b c = Common.profile_code "show_xxx" (fun () -> show_or_not_ctl_text2 a b c) (* running information *) let get_celem celem : string = match celem with Ast_c.Definition ({Ast_c.f_name = namefuncs;},_) -> Ast_c.str_of_name namefuncs | Ast_c.Declaration (Ast_c.DeclList ([{Ast_c.v_namei = Some (name, _);}, _], _)) -> Ast_c.str_of_name name | _ -> "" let show_or_not_celem2 prelude celem = let (tag,trying) = (match celem with | Ast_c.Definition ({Ast_c.f_name = namefuncs},_) -> let funcs = Ast_c.str_of_name namefuncs in Flag.current_element := funcs; (" function: ",funcs) | Ast_c.Declaration (Ast_c.DeclList ([{Ast_c.v_namei = Some (name,_)}, _], _)) -> let s = Ast_c.str_of_name name in Flag.current_element := s; (" variable ",s); | _ -> Flag.current_element := "something_else"; (" ","something else"); ) in if !Flag.show_trying then pr2 (prelude ^ tag ^ trying) let show_or_not_celem a b = Common.profile_code "show_xxx" (fun () -> show_or_not_celem2 a b) let show_or_not_trans_info2 trans_info = (* drop witness tree indices for printing *) let trans_info = List.map (function (index,trans_info) -> trans_info) trans_info in if !Flag.show_transinfo then begin if null trans_info then pr2 "transformation info is empty" else begin pr2 "transformation info returned:"; let trans_info = List.sort (function (i1,_,_) -> function (i2,_,_) -> compare i1 i2) trans_info in indent_do (fun () -> trans_info +> List.iter (fun (i, subst, re) -> pr2 ("transform state: " ^ (Common.i_to_s i)); indent_do (fun () -> adjust_pp_with_indent_and_header "with rule_elem: " (fun () -> Pretty_print_cocci.print_plus_flag := true; Pretty_print_cocci.print_minus_flag := true; Pretty_print_cocci.rule_elem "" re; ); adjust_pp_with_indent_and_header "with binding: " (fun () -> Pretty_print_engine.pp_binding subst; ); ) ); ) end end let show_or_not_trans_info a = Common.profile_code "show_xxx" (fun () -> show_or_not_trans_info2 a) let show_or_not_binding2 s binding = if !Flag_cocci.show_binding_in_out then begin adjust_pp_with_indent_and_header ("binding " ^ s ^ " = ") (fun () -> Pretty_print_engine.pp_binding binding ) end let show_or_not_binding a b = Common.profile_code "show_xxx" (fun () -> show_or_not_binding2 a b) (*****************************************************************************) (* Some helper functions *) (*****************************************************************************) let worth_trying cfiles tokens = (* drop the following line for a list of list by rules. since we don't allow multiple minirules, all the tokens within a rule should be in a single CFG entity *) match (!Flag_cocci.windows,tokens) with (true,_) | (_,None) -> true | (_,Some tokens) -> (* could also modify the code in get_constants.ml *) let tokens = tokens +> List.map (fun s -> match () with | _ when s =~ "^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*$" -> "\\b" ^ s ^ "\\b" | _ when s =~ "^[A-Za-z_]" -> "\\b" ^ s | _ when s =~ ".*[A-Za-z_]$" -> s ^ "\\b" | _ -> s ) in let com = sprintf "egrep -q '(%s)' %s" (join "|" tokens) (join " " cfiles) in (match Sys.command com with | 0 (* success *) -> true | _ (* failure *) -> (if !Flag.show_misc then Printf.printf "grep failed: %s\n" com); false (* no match, so not worth trying *)) let check_macro_in_sp_and_adjust = function None -> () | Some tokens -> tokens +> List.iter (fun s -> if Hashtbl.mem !Parse_c._defs s then begin if !Flag_cocci.verbose_cocci then begin pr2 "warning: macro in semantic patch was in macro definitions"; pr2 ("disabling macro expansion for " ^ s); end; Hashtbl.remove !Parse_c._defs s end) let contain_loop gopt = match gopt with | Some g -> g#nodes#tolist +> List.exists (fun (xi, node) -> Control_flow_c.extract_is_loop node ) | None -> true (* means nothing, if no g then will not model check *) let sp_contain_typed_metavar_z toplevel_list_list = let bind x y = x or y in let option_default = false in let mcode _ _ = option_default in let donothing r k e = k e in let expression r k e = match Ast_cocci.unwrap e with | Ast_cocci.MetaExpr (_,_,_,Some t,_,_) -> true | Ast_cocci.MetaExpr (_,_,_,_,Ast_cocci.LocalID,_) -> true | _ -> k e in let combiner = Visitor_ast.combiner bind option_default mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing expression donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing donothing in toplevel_list_list +> List.exists (function (nm,_,rule) -> (List.exists combiner.Visitor_ast.combiner_top_level rule)) let sp_contain_typed_metavar rules = sp_contain_typed_metavar_z (List.map (function x -> match x with Ast_cocci.CocciRule (a,b,c,d,_) -> (a,b,c) | _ -> failwith "error in filter") (List.filter (function x -> match x with Ast_cocci.CocciRule (a,b,c,d,Ast_cocci.Normal) -> true | _ -> false) rules)) (* finding among the #include the one that we need to parse * because they may contain useful type definition or because * we may have to modify them * * For the moment we base in part our heuristic on the name of the file, e.g. * serio.c is related we think to #include *) let include_table = Hashtbl.create(100) let interpret_include_path relpath = let maxdepth = List.length relpath in let unique_file_exists dir f = let cmd = Printf.sprintf "find %s -maxdepth %d -mindepth %d -path \"*/%s\"" dir maxdepth maxdepth f in match Common.cmd_to_list cmd with [x] -> Some x | _ -> None in let native_file_exists dir f = let f = Filename.concat dir f in if Sys.file_exists f then Some f else None in let rec search_include_path exists searchlist relpath = match searchlist with [] -> None | hd::tail -> (match exists hd relpath with Some x -> Some x | None -> search_include_path exists tail relpath) in let rec search_path exists searchlist = function [] -> let res = Common.concat "/" relpath in Hashtbl.add include_table (searchlist,relpath) res; Some res | (hd::tail) as relpath1 -> let relpath1 = Common.concat "/" relpath1 in (match search_include_path exists searchlist relpath1 with None -> search_path unique_file_exists searchlist tail | Some f -> Hashtbl.add include_table (searchlist,relpath) f; Some f) in let searchlist = match !Flag_cocci.include_path with [] -> ["include"] | x -> List.rev x in try Some(Hashtbl.find include_table (searchlist,relpath)) with Not_found -> search_path native_file_exists searchlist relpath let (includes_to_parse: (Common.filename * Parse_c.extended_program2) list -> Flag_cocci.include_options -> 'a) = fun xs choose_includes -> match choose_includes with Flag_cocci.I_UNSPECIFIED -> failwith "not possible" | Flag_cocci.I_NO_INCLUDES -> [] | x -> let all_includes = List.mem x [Flag_cocci.I_ALL_INCLUDES; Flag_cocci.I_REALLY_ALL_INCLUDES] in let xs = List.map (function (file,(cs,_,_)) -> (file,cs)) xs in xs +> List.map (fun (file, cs) -> let dir = Common.dirname file in cs +> Common.map_filter (fun (c,_info_item) -> match c with | Ast_c.CppTop (Ast_c.Include {Ast_c.i_include = ((x,ii)); i_rel_pos = info_h_pos;}) -> (match x with | Ast_c.Local xs -> let relpath = Common.join "/" xs in let f = Filename.concat dir relpath in if (Sys.file_exists f) then Some f else if !Flag_cocci.relax_include_path (* for our tests, all the files are flat in the current dir *) then let attempt2 = Filename.concat dir (Common.last xs) in if not (Sys.file_exists attempt2) && all_includes then interpret_include_path xs else Some attempt2 else if all_includes then interpret_include_path xs else None | Ast_c.NonLocal xs -> if all_includes || Common.fileprefix (Common.last xs) =$= Common.fileprefix file then interpret_include_path xs else None | Ast_c.Weird _ -> None ) | _ -> None)) +> List.concat +> (fun x -> (List.rev (Common.uniq (List.rev x)))) (*uniq keeps last*) let rec interpret_dependencies local global = function Ast_cocci.Dep s -> List.mem s local | Ast_cocci.AntiDep s -> (if !Flag_ctl.steps != None then failwith "steps and ! dependency incompatible"); not (List.mem s local) | Ast_cocci.EverDep s -> List.mem s global | Ast_cocci.NeverDep s -> (if !Flag_ctl.steps != None then failwith "steps and ! dependency incompatible"); not (List.mem s global) | Ast_cocci.AndDep(s1,s2) -> (interpret_dependencies local global s1) && (interpret_dependencies local global s2) | Ast_cocci.OrDep(s1,s2) -> (interpret_dependencies local global s1) or (interpret_dependencies local global s2) | Ast_cocci.NoDep -> true | Ast_cocci.FailDep -> false let rec print_dependencies str local global dep = if !Flag_cocci.show_dependencies then begin pr2 str; let seen = ref [] in let rec loop = function Ast_cocci.Dep s | Ast_cocci.AntiDep s -> if not (List.mem s !seen) then begin if List.mem s local then pr2 (s^" satisfied") else pr2 (s^" not satisfied"); seen := s :: !seen end | Ast_cocci.EverDep s | Ast_cocci.NeverDep s -> if not (List.mem s !seen) then begin if List.mem s global then pr2 (s^" satisfied") else pr2 (s^" not satisfied"); seen := s :: !seen end | Ast_cocci.AndDep(s1,s2) -> loop s1; loop s2 | Ast_cocci.OrDep(s1,s2) -> loop s1; loop s2 | Ast_cocci.NoDep -> () | Ast_cocci.FailDep -> pr2 "False not satisfied" in loop dep end (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* #include relative position in the file *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* compute the set of new prefixes * on * "a/b/x"; (* in fact it is now a list of string so ["a";"b";"x"] *) * "a/b/c/x"; * "a/x"; * "b/x"; * it would give for the first element * ""; "a"; "a/b"; "a/b/x" * for the second * "a/b/c/x" * * update: if the include is inside a ifdef a put nothing. cf -test incl. * this is because we dont want code added inside ifdef. *) let compute_new_prefixes xs = xs +> Common.map_withenv (fun already xs -> let subdirs_prefixes = Common.inits xs in let new_first = subdirs_prefixes +> List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x already) ) in new_first, new_first @ already ) [] +> fst (* does via side effect on the ref in the Include in Ast_c *) let rec update_include_rel_pos cs = let only_include = cs +> Common.map_filter (fun c -> match c with | Ast_c.CppTop (Ast_c.Include {Ast_c.i_include = ((x,_)); i_rel_pos = aref; i_is_in_ifdef = inifdef}) -> (match x with | Ast_c.Weird _ -> None | _ -> if inifdef then None else Some (x, aref) ) | _ -> None ) in let (locals, nonlocals) = only_include +> Common.partition_either (fun (c, aref) -> match c with | Ast_c.Local x -> Left (x, aref) | Ast_c.NonLocal x -> Right (x, aref) | Ast_c.Weird x -> raise Impossible ) in update_rel_pos_bis locals; update_rel_pos_bis nonlocals; cs and update_rel_pos_bis xs = let xs' = List.map fst xs in let the_first = compute_new_prefixes xs' in let the_last = List.rev (compute_new_prefixes (List.rev xs')) in let merged = Common.zip xs (Common.zip the_first the_last) in merged +> List.iter (fun ((x, aref), (the_first, the_last)) -> aref := Some { Ast_c.first_of = the_first; Ast_c.last_of = the_last; } ) (*****************************************************************************) (* All the information needed around the C elements and Cocci rules *) (*****************************************************************************) type toplevel_c_info = { ast_c: Ast_c.toplevel; (* contain refs so can be modified *) tokens_c: Parser_c.token list; fullstring: string; flow: Control_flow_c.cflow option; (* it's the "fixed" flow *) contain_loop: bool; env_typing_before: TAC.environment; env_typing_after: TAC.environment; was_modified: bool ref; all_typedefs: (string, Lexer_parser.identkind) Common.scoped_h_env; all_macros: (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Hashtbl.t; (* id: int *) } type rule_info = { rulename: string; dependencies: Ast_cocci.dependency; used_after: Ast_cocci.meta_name list; ruleid: int; was_matched: bool ref; } type toplevel_cocci_info_script_rule = { scr_ast_rule: string * (Ast_cocci.script_meta_name * Ast_cocci.meta_name * Ast_cocci.metavar) list * Ast_cocci.meta_name list (*fresh vars*) * string; language: string; script_code: string; scr_rule_info: rule_info; } type toplevel_cocci_info_cocci_rule = { ctl: Asttoctl2.top_formula * (CCI.pred list list); metavars: Ast_cocci.metavar list; ast_rule: Ast_cocci.rule; isexp: bool; (* true if + code is an exp, only for Flag.make_hrule *) (* There are also some hardcoded rule names in parse_cocci.ml: * let reserved_names = ["all";"optional_storage";"optional_qualifier"] *) dropped_isos: string list; free_vars: Ast_cocci.meta_name list; negated_pos_vars: Ast_cocci.meta_name list; positions: Ast_cocci.meta_name list; ruletype: Ast_cocci.ruletype; rule_info: rule_info; } type toplevel_cocci_info = ScriptRuleCocciInfo of toplevel_cocci_info_script_rule | InitialScriptRuleCocciInfo of toplevel_cocci_info_script_rule | FinalScriptRuleCocciInfo of toplevel_cocci_info_script_rule | CocciRuleCocciInfo of toplevel_cocci_info_cocci_rule type cocci_info = toplevel_cocci_info list * string list option (* tokens *) type kind_file = Header | Source type file_info = { fname : string; full_fname : string; was_modified_once: bool ref; asts: toplevel_c_info list; fpath : string; fkind : kind_file; } let g_contain_typedmetavar = ref false let last_env_toplevel_c_info xs = (Common.last xs).env_typing_after let concat_headers_and_c (ccs: file_info list) : (toplevel_c_info * string) list = (List.concat (ccs +> List.map (fun x -> x.asts +> List.map (fun x' -> (x', x.fname))))) let for_unparser xs = xs +> List.map (fun x -> (x.ast_c, (x.fullstring, x.tokens_c)), Unparse_c.PPviastr ) let gen_pdf_graph () = (Ctl_engine.get_graph_files ()) +> List.iter (fun outfile -> Printf.printf "Generation of %s%!" outfile; let filename_stack = Ctl_engine.get_graph_comp_files outfile in List.iter (fun filename -> ignore (Unix.system ("dot " ^ filename ^ " -Tpdf -o " ^ filename ^ ".pdf;")) ) filename_stack; let (head,tail) = (List.hd filename_stack, List.tl filename_stack) in ignore(Unix.system ("cp " ^ head ^ ".pdf " ^ outfile ^ ".pdf;")); tail +> List.iter (fun filename -> ignore(Unix.system ("mv " ^ outfile ^ ".pdf /tmp/tmp.pdf;")); ignore(Unix.system ("pdftk " ^ filename ^ ".pdf /tmp/tmp.pdf cat output " ^ outfile ^ ".pdf")); ); ignore(Unix.system ("rm /tmp/tmp.pdf;")); List.iter (fun filename -> ignore (Unix.system ("rm " ^ filename ^ " " ^ filename ^ ".pdf;")) ) filename_stack; Printf.printf " - Done\n") let local_python_code = "from coccinelle import *\n" let python_code = "import coccinelle\n"^ "import coccilib\n"^ "import coccilib.org\n"^ "import coccilib.report\n" ^ local_python_code ^ "cocci = Cocci()\n" let make_init lang code rule_info = let mv = [] in { scr_ast_rule = (lang, mv, [], code); language = lang; script_code = (if lang = "python" then python_code else "") ^code; scr_rule_info = rule_info; } (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let prepare_cocci ctls free_var_lists negated_pos_lists (ua,fua,fuas) positions_list metavars astcocci = let gathered = Common.index_list_1 (zip (zip (zip (zip (zip (zip (zip (zip ctls metavars) astcocci) free_var_lists) negated_pos_lists) ua) fua) fuas) positions_list) in gathered +> List.map (fun (((((((((ctl_toplevel_list,metavars),ast),free_var_list), negated_pos_list),ua),fua),fuas),positions_list),rulenb) -> let build_rule_info rulename deps = {rulename = rulename; dependencies = deps; used_after = (List.hd ua) @ (List.hd fua); ruleid = rulenb; was_matched = ref false;} in let is_script_rule r = match r with Ast_cocci.ScriptRule _ | Ast_cocci.InitialScriptRule _ | Ast_cocci.FinalScriptRule _ -> true | _ -> false in if not (List.length ctl_toplevel_list =|= 1) && not (is_script_rule ast) then failwith "not handling multiple minirules"; match ast with Ast_cocci.ScriptRule (name,lang,deps,mv,script_vars,code) -> let r = { scr_ast_rule = (lang, mv, script_vars, code); language = lang; script_code = code; scr_rule_info = build_rule_info name deps; } in ScriptRuleCocciInfo r | Ast_cocci.InitialScriptRule (name,lang,deps,code) -> let r = make_init lang code (build_rule_info name deps) in InitialScriptRuleCocciInfo r | Ast_cocci.FinalScriptRule (name,lang,deps,code) -> let mv = [] in let r = { scr_ast_rule = (lang, mv, [], code); language = lang; script_code = code; scr_rule_info = build_rule_info name deps; } in FinalScriptRuleCocciInfo r | Ast_cocci.CocciRule (rulename,(dependencies,dropped_isos,z),restast,isexp,ruletype) -> CocciRuleCocciInfo ( { ctl = List.hd ctl_toplevel_list; metavars = metavars; ast_rule = ast; isexp = List.hd isexp; dropped_isos = dropped_isos; free_vars = List.hd free_var_list; negated_pos_vars = List.hd negated_pos_list; positions = List.hd positions_list; ruletype = ruletype; rule_info = build_rule_info rulename dependencies; }) ) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let build_info_program (cprogram,typedefs,macros) env = let (cs, parseinfos) = Common.unzip cprogram in let alltoks = parseinfos +> List.map (fun (s,toks) -> toks) +> List.flatten in (* I use cs' but really annotate_xxx work by doing side effects on cs *) let cs' = Comment_annotater_c.annotate_program alltoks cs in let cs_with_envs = Type_annoter_c.annotate_program env (*!g_contain_typedmetavar*) cs' in zip cs_with_envs parseinfos +> List.map (fun ((c, (enva,envb)), parseinfo)-> let (fullstr, tokens) = parseinfo in let flow = ast_to_flow_with_error_messages c +> Common.map_option (fun flow -> let flow = Ast_to_flow.annotate_loop_nodes flow in (* remove the fake nodes for julia *) let fixed_flow = CCI.fix_flow_ctl flow in if !Flag_cocci.show_flow then print_flow fixed_flow; if !Flag_cocci.show_before_fixed_flow then print_flow flow; fixed_flow ) in { ast_c = c; (* contain refs so can be modified *) tokens_c = tokens; fullstring = fullstr; flow = flow; contain_loop = contain_loop flow; env_typing_before = enva; env_typing_after = envb; was_modified = ref false; all_typedefs = typedefs; all_macros = macros; } ) (* Optimisation. Try not unparse/reparse the whole file when have modifs *) let rebuild_info_program cs file isexp = cs +> List.map (fun c -> if !(c.was_modified) then let file = Common.new_temp_file "cocci_small_output" ".c" in cfile_of_program [(c.ast_c, (c.fullstring, c.tokens_c)), Unparse_c.PPnormal] file; (* Common.command2 ("cat " ^ file); *) let cprogram = cprogram_of_file c.all_typedefs c.all_macros file in let xs = build_info_program cprogram c.env_typing_before in (* TODO: assert env has not changed, * if yes then must also reparse what follows even if not modified. * Do that only if contain_typedmetavar of course, so good opti. *) (* Common.list_init xs *) (* get rid of the FinalDef *) xs else [c] ) +> List.concat let rebuild_info_c_and_headers ccs isexp = ccs +> List.iter (fun c_or_h -> if c_or_h.asts +> List.exists (fun c -> !(c.was_modified)) then c_or_h.was_modified_once := true; ); ccs +> List.map (fun c_or_h -> { c_or_h with asts = rebuild_info_program c_or_h.asts c_or_h.full_fname isexp } ) let rec prepare_h seen env hpath choose_includes : file_info list = if not (Common.lfile_exists hpath) then begin pr2_once ("TYPE: header " ^ hpath ^ " not found"); [] end else begin let h_cs = cprogram_of_file_cached hpath in let local_includes = if choose_includes =*= Flag_cocci.I_REALLY_ALL_INCLUDES then List.filter (function x -> not (List.mem x !seen)) (includes_to_parse [(hpath,h_cs)] choose_includes) else [] in seen := local_includes @ !seen; let others = List.concat (List.map (function x -> prepare_h seen env x choose_includes) local_includes) in let info_h_cs = build_info_program h_cs !env in env := if null info_h_cs then !env else last_env_toplevel_c_info info_h_cs; others@ [{ fname = Common.basename hpath; full_fname = hpath; asts = info_h_cs; was_modified_once = ref false; fpath = hpath; fkind = Header; }] end let prepare_c files choose_includes : file_info list = let cprograms = List.map cprogram_of_file_cached files in let includes = includes_to_parse (zip files cprograms) choose_includes in let seen = ref includes in (* todo?: may not be good to first have all the headers and then all the c *) let env = ref !TAC.initial_env in let includes = includes +> List.map (function hpath -> prepare_h seen env hpath choose_includes) +> List.concat in let cfiles = (zip files cprograms) +> List.map (function (file, cprogram) -> (* todo?: don't update env ? *) let cs = build_info_program cprogram !env in (* we do that only for the c, not for the h *) ignore(update_include_rel_pos (cs +> List.map (fun x -> x.ast_c))); { fname = Common.basename file; full_fname = file; asts = cs; was_modified_once = ref false; fpath = file; fkind = Source }) in includes @ cfiles (*****************************************************************************) (* Processing the ctls and toplevel C elements *) (*****************************************************************************) (* The main algorithm =~ * The algorithm is roughly: * for_all ctl rules in SP * for_all minirule in rule (no more) * for_all binding (computed during previous phase) * for_all C elements * match control flow of function vs minirule * with the binding and update the set of possible * bindings, and returned the possibly modified function. * pretty print modified C elements and reparse it. * * * On ne prends que les newbinding ou returned_any_state est vrai. * Si ca ne donne rien, on prends ce qu'il y avait au depart. * Mais au nouveau depart de quoi ? * - si ca donne rien apres avoir traité toutes les fonctions avec ce binding ? * - ou alors si ca donne rien, apres avoir traité toutes les fonctions * avec tous les bindings du round d'avant ? * * Julia pense qu'il faut prendre la premiere solution. * Example: on a deux environnements candidats, E1 et E2 apres avoir traité * la regle ctl 1. On arrive sur la regle ctl 2. * E1 ne donne rien pour la regle 2, on garde quand meme E1 pour la regle 3. * E2 donne un match a un endroit et rend E2' alors on utilise ca pour * la regle 3. * * I have not to look at used_after_list to decide to restart from * scratch. I just need to look if the binding list is empty. * Indeed, let's suppose that a SP have 3 regions/rules. If we * don't find a match for the first region, then if this first * region does not bind metavariable used after, that is if * used_after_list is empty, then mysat(), even if does not find a * match, will return a Left, with an empty transformation_info, * and so current_binding will grow. On the contrary if the first * region must bind some metavariables used after, and that we * dont find any such region, then mysat() will returns lots of * Right, and current_binding will not grow, and so we will have * an empty list of binding, and we will catch such a case. * * opti: julia says that because the binding is * determined by the used_after_list, the items in the list * are kind of sorted, so could optimise the insert_set operations. *) (* r(ule), c(element in C code), e(nvironment) *) let findk f l = let rec loop k = function [] -> None | x::xs -> if f x then Some (x, function n -> k (n :: xs)) else loop (function vs -> k (x :: vs)) xs in loop (function x -> x) l let merge_env new_e old_e = let (ext,old_e) = List.fold_left (function (ext,old_e) -> function (e,rules) as elem -> match findk (function (e1,_) -> e =*= e1) old_e with None -> (elem :: ext,old_e) | Some((_,old_rules),k) -> (ext,k (e,Common.union_set rules old_rules))) ([],old_e) new_e in old_e @ (List.rev ext) let contains_binding e (_,(r,m),_) = try let _ = List.find (function ((re, rm), _) -> r =*= re && m =$= rm) e in true with Not_found -> false let python_application mv ve script_vars r = let mv = List.map (function ((Some x,None),y,z) -> (x,y,z) | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "unexpected ast metavar in rule %s" r.scr_rule_info.rulename)) mv in try Pycocci.build_classes (List.map (function (x,y) -> x) ve); Pycocci.construct_variables mv ve; Pycocci.construct_script_variables script_vars; let _ = Pycocci.pyrun_simplestring (local_python_code ^r.script_code) in if !Pycocci.inc_match then Some (Pycocci.retrieve_script_variables script_vars) else None with Pycocci.Pycocciexception -> (pr2 ("Failure in " ^ r.scr_rule_info.rulename); raise Pycocci.Pycocciexception) let ocaml_application mv ve script_vars r = try let script_vals = Run_ocamlcocci.run mv ve script_vars r.scr_rule_info.rulename r.script_code in if !Coccilib.inc_match then Some script_vals else None with e -> (pr2 ("Failure in " ^ r.scr_rule_info.rulename); raise e) (* returns Left in case of dependency failure, Right otherwise *) let apply_script_rule r cache newes e rules_that_have_matched rules_that_have_ever_matched script_application = Common.profile_code r.language (fun () -> show_or_not_scr_rule_name r.scr_rule_info.ruleid; if not(interpret_dependencies rules_that_have_matched !rules_that_have_ever_matched r.scr_rule_info.dependencies) then begin print_dependencies "dependencies for script not satisfied:" rules_that_have_matched !rules_that_have_ever_matched r.scr_rule_info.dependencies; show_or_not_binding "in environment" e; (cache, (e, rules_that_have_matched)::newes) end else begin let (_, mv, script_vars, _) = r.scr_ast_rule in let ve = (List.map (function (n,v) -> (("virtual",n),Ast_c.MetaIdVal (v,[]))) !Flag.defined_virtual_env) @ e in let not_bound x = not (contains_binding ve x) in (match List.filter not_bound mv with [] -> let relevant_bindings = List.filter (function ((re,rm),_) -> List.exists (function (_,(r,m),_) -> r =*= re && m =$= rm) mv) e in (try match List.assoc relevant_bindings cache with None -> (cache,newes) | Some script_vals -> print_dependencies "dependencies for script satisfied, but cached:" rules_that_have_matched !rules_that_have_ever_matched r.scr_rule_info.dependencies; show_or_not_binding "in" e; (* env might be bigger than what was cached against, so have to merge with newes anyway *) let new_e = (List.combine script_vars script_vals) @ e in let new_e = new_e +> List.filter (fun (s,v) -> List.mem s r.scr_rule_info.used_after) in (cache,merge_env [(new_e, rules_that_have_matched)] newes) with Not_found -> begin print_dependencies "dependencies for script satisfied:" rules_that_have_matched !rules_that_have_ever_matched r.scr_rule_info.dependencies; show_or_not_binding "in" e; match script_application mv ve script_vars r with None -> (* failure means we should drop e, no new bindings *) (((relevant_bindings,None) :: cache), newes) | Some script_vals -> let script_vals = List.map (function x -> Ast_c.MetaIdVal(x,[])) script_vals in let new_e = (List.combine script_vars script_vals) @ e in let new_e = new_e +> List.filter (fun (s,v) -> List.mem s r.scr_rule_info.used_after) in r.scr_rule_info.was_matched := true; (((relevant_bindings,Some script_vals) :: cache), merge_env [(new_e, r.scr_rule_info.rulename :: rules_that_have_matched)] newes) end) | unbound -> (if !Flag_cocci.show_dependencies then let m2c (_,(r,x),_) = r^"."^x in pr2 (Printf.sprintf "script not applied: %s not bound" (String.concat ", " (List.map m2c unbound)))); let e = e +> List.filter (fun (s,v) -> List.mem s r.scr_rule_info.used_after) in (cache, merge_env [(e, rules_that_have_matched)] newes)) end) let rec apply_cocci_rule r rules_that_have_ever_matched es (ccs:file_info list ref) = Common.profile_code r.rule_info.rulename (fun () -> show_or_not_rule_name r.ast_rule r.rule_info.ruleid; show_or_not_ctl_text r.ctl r.ast_rule r.rule_info.ruleid; let reorganized_env = reassociate_positions r.free_vars r.negated_pos_vars !es in (* looping over the environments *) let (_,newes (* envs for next round/rule *)) = List.fold_left (function (cache,newes) -> function ((e,rules_that_have_matched),relevant_bindings) -> if not(interpret_dependencies rules_that_have_matched !rules_that_have_ever_matched r.rule_info.dependencies) then begin print_dependencies ("dependencies for rule "^r.rule_info.rulename^ " not satisfied:") rules_that_have_matched !rules_that_have_ever_matched r.rule_info.dependencies; show_or_not_binding "in environment" e; (cache, merge_env [(e +> List.filter (fun (s,v) -> List.mem s r.rule_info.used_after), rules_that_have_matched)] newes) end else let new_bindings = try List.assoc relevant_bindings cache with Not_found -> print_dependencies ("dependencies for rule "^r.rule_info.rulename^ " satisfied:") rules_that_have_matched !rules_that_have_ever_matched r.rule_info.dependencies; show_or_not_binding "in" e; show_or_not_binding "relevant in" relevant_bindings; (* applying the rule *) (match r.ruletype with Ast_cocci.Normal -> (* looping over the functions and toplevel elements in .c and .h *) List.rev (concat_headers_and_c !ccs +> List.fold_left (fun children_e (c,f) -> if c.flow <> None then (* does also some side effects on c and r *) let processed = process_a_ctl_a_env_a_toplevel r relevant_bindings c f in match processed with | None -> children_e | Some newbindings -> newbindings +> List.fold_left (fun children_e newbinding -> if List.mem newbinding children_e then children_e else newbinding :: children_e) children_e else children_e) []) | Ast_cocci.Generated -> process_a_generated_a_env_a_toplevel r relevant_bindings !ccs; []) in let old_bindings_to_keep = Common.nub (e +> List.filter (fun (s,v) -> List.mem s r.rule_info.used_after)) in let new_e = if null new_bindings then begin (*use the old bindings, specialized to the used_after_list*) if !Flag_ctl.partial_match then printf "Empty list of bindings, I will restart from old env\n"; [(old_bindings_to_keep,rules_that_have_matched)] end else (* combine the new bindings with the old ones, and specialize to the used_after_list *) let old_variables = List.map fst old_bindings_to_keep in (* have to explicitly discard the inherited variables because we want the inherited value of the positions variables not the extended one created by reassociate_positions. want to reassociate freshly according to the free variables of each rule. *) let new_bindings_to_add = Common.nub (new_bindings +> List.map (List.filter (function (* see comment before combine_pos *) (s,Ast_c.MetaPosValList []) -> false | (s,v) -> List.mem s r.rule_info.used_after && not (List.mem s old_variables)))) in List.map (function new_binding_to_add -> (List.sort compare (Common.union_set old_bindings_to_keep new_binding_to_add), r.rule_info.rulename::rules_that_have_matched)) new_bindings_to_add in ((relevant_bindings,new_bindings)::cache, merge_env new_e newes)) ([],[]) reorganized_env in (* end iter es *) if !(r.rule_info.was_matched) then Common.push2 r.rule_info.rulename rules_that_have_ever_matched; es := newes; (* apply the tagged modifs and reparse *) if not !Flag.sgrep_mode2 then ccs := rebuild_info_c_and_headers !ccs r.isexp) and reassociate_positions free_vars negated_pos_vars envs = (* issues: isolate the bindings that are relevant to a given rule. separate out the position variables associate all of the position variables for a given set of relevant normal variable bindings with each set of relevant normal variable bindings. Goal: if eg if@p (E) matches in two places, then both inherited occurrences of E should see both bindings of p, not just its own. Otherwise, a position constraint for something that matches in two places will never be useful, because the position can always be different from the other one. *) let relevant = List.map (function (e,_) -> List.filter (function (x,_) -> List.mem x free_vars) e) envs in let splitted_relevant = (* separate the relevant variables into the non-position ones and the position ones *) List.map (function r -> List.fold_left (function (non_pos,pos) -> function (v,_) as x -> if List.mem v negated_pos_vars then (non_pos,x::pos) else (x::non_pos,pos)) ([],[]) r) relevant in let splitted_relevant = List.map (function (non_pos,pos) -> (List.sort compare non_pos,List.sort compare pos)) splitted_relevant in let non_poss = List.fold_left (function non_pos -> function (np,_) -> if List.mem np non_pos then non_pos else np::non_pos) [] splitted_relevant in let extended_relevant = (* extend the position variables with the values found at other identical variable bindings *) List.map (function non_pos -> let others = List.filter (function (other_non_pos,other_pos) -> (* do we want equal? or just somehow compatible? eg non_pos binds only E, but other_non_pos binds both E and E1 *) non_pos =*= other_non_pos) splitted_relevant in (non_pos, List.sort compare (non_pos @ (combine_pos negated_pos_vars (List.map (function (_,x) -> x) others))))) non_poss in List.combine envs (List.map (function (non_pos,_) -> List.assoc non_pos extended_relevant) splitted_relevant) (* If the negated posvar is not bound at all, this function will nevertheless bind it to []. If we get rid of these bindings, then the matching of the term the position variable with the constraints will fail because some variables are unbound. So we let the binding be [] and then we will have to clean these up afterwards. This should be the only way that a position variable can have an empty binding. *) and combine_pos negated_pos_vars others = List.map (function posvar -> let positions = List.sort compare (List.fold_left (function positions -> function other_list -> try match List.assoc posvar other_list with Ast_c.MetaPosValList l1 -> Common.union_set l1 positions | _ -> failwith "bad value for a position variable" with Not_found -> positions) [] others) in (posvar,Ast_c.MetaPosValList positions)) negated_pos_vars and process_a_generated_a_env_a_toplevel2 r env = function [cfile] -> let free_vars = List.filter (function (rule,_) when rule =$= r.rule_info.rulename -> false | (_,"ARGS") -> false | _ -> true) r.free_vars in let env_domain = List.map (function (nm,vl) -> nm) env in let metavars = List.filter (function md -> let (rl,_) = Ast_cocci.get_meta_name md in rl =$= r.rule_info.rulename) r.metavars in if Common.include_set free_vars env_domain then Unparse_hrule.pp_rule metavars r.ast_rule env cfile.full_fname | _ -> failwith "multiple files not supported" and process_a_generated_a_env_a_toplevel rule env ccs = Common.profile_code "process_a_ctl_a_env_a_toplevel" (fun () -> process_a_generated_a_env_a_toplevel2 rule env ccs) (* does side effects on C ast and on Cocci info rule *) and process_a_ctl_a_env_a_toplevel2 r e c f = indent_do (fun () -> show_or_not_celem "trying" c.ast_c; Flag.currentfile := Some (f ^ ":" ^get_celem c.ast_c); match (r.ctl,c.ast_c) with ((Asttoctl2.NONDECL ctl,t),Ast_c.Declaration _) -> None | ((Asttoctl2.NONDECL ctl,t), _) | ((Asttoctl2.CODE ctl,t), _) -> let ctl = (ctl,t) in (* ctl and other info *) let (trans_info, returned_any_states, inherited_bindings, newbindings) = Common.save_excursion Flag_ctl.loop_in_src_code (fun () -> Flag_ctl.loop_in_src_code := !Flag_ctl.loop_in_src_code||c.contain_loop; (***************************************) (* !Main point! The call to the engine *) (***************************************) let model_ctl = CCI.model_for_ctl r.dropped_isos (Common.some c.flow) e in CCI.mysat model_ctl ctl (r.rule_info.used_after, e)) in if not returned_any_states then None else begin show_or_not_celem "found match in" c.ast_c; show_or_not_trans_info trans_info; List.iter (show_or_not_binding "out") newbindings; r.rule_info.was_matched := true; if not (null trans_info) && not (!Flag.sgrep_mode2 && not !Flag_cocci.show_diff) then begin c.was_modified := true; try (* les "more than one var in a decl" et "already tagged token" * font crasher coccinelle. Si on a 5 fichiers, donc on a 5 * failed. Le try limite le scope des crashes pendant la * trasformation au fichier concerne. *) (* modify ast via side effect *) ignore (Transformation_c.transform r.rule_info.rulename r.dropped_isos inherited_bindings trans_info (Common.some c.flow)); with Timeout -> raise Timeout | UnixExit i -> raise (UnixExit i) end; Some (List.map (function x -> x@inherited_bindings) newbindings) end ) and process_a_ctl_a_env_a_toplevel a b c f= Common.profile_code "process_a_ctl_a_env_a_toplevel" (fun () -> process_a_ctl_a_env_a_toplevel2 a b c f) let rec bigloop2 rs (ccs: file_info list) = let init_es = [(Ast_c.emptyMetavarsBinding,[])] in let es = ref init_es in let ccs = ref ccs in let rules_that_have_ever_matched = ref [] in (* looping over the rules *) rs +> List.iter (fun r -> match r with InitialScriptRuleCocciInfo r | FinalScriptRuleCocciInfo r -> () | ScriptRuleCocciInfo r -> if !Flag_cocci.show_ctl_text then begin Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); pr ("script: " ^ r.language); Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); adjust_pp_with_indent (fun () -> Format.force_newline(); let (l,mv,script_vars,code) = r.scr_ast_rule in let nm = r.scr_rule_info.rulename in let deps = r.scr_rule_info.dependencies in Pretty_print_cocci.unparse (Ast_cocci.ScriptRule (nm,l,deps,mv,script_vars,code))); end; if !Flag.show_misc then print_endline "RESULT ="; let (_, newes) = List.fold_left (function (cache, newes) -> function (e, rules_that_have_matched) -> match r.language with "python" -> apply_script_rule r cache newes e rules_that_have_matched rules_that_have_ever_matched python_application | "ocaml" -> apply_script_rule r cache newes e rules_that_have_matched rules_that_have_ever_matched ocaml_application | "test" -> concat_headers_and_c !ccs +> List.iter (fun (c,_) -> if c.flow <> None then Printf.printf "Flow: %s\r\nFlow!\r\n%!" c.fullstring); (cache, newes) | _ -> Printf.printf "Unknown language: %s\n" r.language; (cache, newes)) ([],[]) !es in (if !(r.scr_rule_info.was_matched) then Common.push2 r.scr_rule_info.rulename rules_that_have_ever_matched); es := newes (*(if newes = [] then init_es else newes)*); | CocciRuleCocciInfo r -> apply_cocci_rule r rules_that_have_ever_matched es ccs); if !Flag.sgrep_mode2 then begin (* sgrep can lead to code that is not parsable, but we must * still call rebuild_info_c_and_headers to pretty print the * action (MINUS), so that later the diff will show what was * matched by sgrep. But we don't want the parsing error message * hence the following flag setting. So this code propably * will generate a NotParsedCorrectly for the matched parts * and the very final pretty print and diff will work *) Flag_parsing_c.verbose_parsing := false; ccs := rebuild_info_c_and_headers !ccs false end; !ccs (* return final C asts *) let bigloop a b = Common.profile_code "bigloop" (fun () -> bigloop2 a b) type init_final = Initial | Final let initial_final_bigloop2 ty rebuild r = if !Flag_cocci.show_ctl_text then begin Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); pr ((match ty with Initial -> "initial" | Final -> "final") ^ ": " ^ r.language); Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); adjust_pp_with_indent (fun () -> Format.force_newline(); Pretty_print_cocci.unparse(rebuild r.scr_ast_rule r.scr_rule_info.dependencies)); end; match r.language with "python" -> (* include_match makes no sense in an initial or final rule, although we have no way to prevent it *) let _ = apply_script_rule r [] [] [] [] (ref []) python_application in () | "ocaml" when ty = Initial -> () (* nothing to do *) | "ocaml" -> (* include_match makes no sense in an initial or final rule, although we have no way to prevent it *) let _ = apply_script_rule r [] [] [] [] (ref []) ocaml_application in () | _ -> failwith ("Unknown language for initial/final script: "^ r.language) let initial_final_bigloop a b c = Common.profile_code "initial_final_bigloop" (fun () -> initial_final_bigloop2 a b c) (*****************************************************************************) (* The main functions *) (*****************************************************************************) let pre_engine2 (coccifile, isofile) = show_or_not_cocci coccifile isofile; Pycocci.set_coccifile coccifile; let isofile = if not (Common.lfile_exists isofile) then begin pr2 ("warning: Can't find default iso file: " ^ isofile); None end else Some isofile in (* useful opti when use -dir *) let (metavars,astcocci, free_var_lists,negated_pos_lists,used_after_lists, positions_lists,(toks,_,_)) = sp_of_file coccifile isofile in let ctls = ctls_of_ast astcocci used_after_lists positions_lists in g_contain_typedmetavar := sp_contain_typed_metavar astcocci; check_macro_in_sp_and_adjust toks; show_or_not_ctl_tex astcocci ctls; let cocci_infos = prepare_cocci ctls free_var_lists negated_pos_lists used_after_lists positions_lists metavars astcocci in let used_languages = List.fold_left (function languages -> function ScriptRuleCocciInfo(r) -> if List.mem r.language languages then languages else r.language::languages | _ -> languages) [] cocci_infos in let runrule r = let rlang = r.language in let rname = r.scr_rule_info.rulename in try let _ = List.assoc (rlang,rname) !Iteration.initialization_stack in () with Not_found -> begin Iteration.initialization_stack := ((rlang,rname),!Flag.defined_virtual_rules) :: !Iteration.initialization_stack; initial_final_bigloop Initial (fun (x,_,_,y) -> fun deps -> Ast_cocci.InitialScriptRule(rname,x,deps,y)) r end in let initialized_languages = List.fold_left (function languages -> function InitialScriptRuleCocciInfo(r) -> let rlang = r.language in (if List.mem rlang languages then failwith ("double initializer found for "^rlang)); if interpret_dependencies [] [] r.scr_rule_info.dependencies then begin runrule r; rlang::languages end else languages | _ -> languages) [] cocci_infos in let uninitialized_languages = List.filter (fun used -> not (List.mem used initialized_languages)) used_languages in List.iter (fun lgg -> let rule_info = {rulename = ""; dependencies = Ast_cocci.NoDep; used_after = []; ruleid = (-1); was_matched = ref false;} in runrule (make_init lgg "" rule_info)) uninitialized_languages; (cocci_infos,toks) let pre_engine a = Common.profile_code "pre_engine" (fun () -> pre_engine2 a) let full_engine2 (cocci_infos,toks) cfiles = show_or_not_cfiles cfiles; (* optimisation allowing to launch coccinelle on all the drivers *) if !Flag_cocci.worth_trying_opt && not (worth_trying cfiles toks) then begin (match toks with None -> () | Some toks -> pr2 ("No matches found for " ^ (Common.join " " toks) ^ "\nSkipping:" ^ (Common.join " " cfiles))); cfiles +> List.map (fun s -> s, None) end else begin if !Flag.show_misc then Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(); if !Flag.show_misc then pr "let's go"; if !Flag.show_misc then Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(); let choose_includes = match !Flag_cocci.include_options with Flag_cocci.I_UNSPECIFIED -> if !g_contain_typedmetavar then Flag_cocci.I_NORMAL_INCLUDES else Flag_cocci.I_NO_INCLUDES | x -> x in let c_infos = prepare_c cfiles choose_includes in (* ! the big loop ! *) let c_infos' = bigloop cocci_infos c_infos in if !Flag.show_misc then Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); if !Flag.show_misc then pr "Finished"; if !Flag.show_misc then Common.pr_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (); if !Flag_ctl.graphical_trace then gen_pdf_graph (); c_infos' +> List.map (fun c_or_h -> if !(c_or_h.was_modified_once) then begin let outfile = Common.new_temp_file "cocci-output" ("-" ^ c_or_h.fname) in if c_or_h.fkind =*= Header then pr2 ("a header file was modified: " ^ c_or_h.fname); (* and now unparse everything *) cfile_of_program (for_unparser c_or_h.asts) outfile; show_or_not_diff c_or_h.fpath outfile; (c_or_h.fpath, if !Flag.sgrep_mode2 then None else Some outfile) end else (c_or_h.fpath, None)) end let full_engine a b = Common.profile_code "full_engine" (fun () -> let res = full_engine2 a b in (*Gc.print_stat stderr; *)res) let post_engine2 (cocci_infos,_) = List.iter (function ((language,_),virt_rules) -> Flag.defined_virtual_rules := virt_rules; let _ = List.fold_left (function languages -> function FinalScriptRuleCocciInfo(r) -> (if r.language = language && List.mem r.language languages then failwith ("double finalizer found for "^r.language)); initial_final_bigloop Final (fun (x,_,_,y) -> fun deps -> Ast_cocci.FinalScriptRule(r.scr_rule_info.rulename, x,deps,y)) r; r.language::languages | _ -> languages) [] cocci_infos in ()) !Iteration.initialization_stack let post_engine a = Common.profile_code "post_engine" (fun () -> post_engine2 a) (*****************************************************************************) (* check duplicate from result of full_engine *) (*****************************************************************************) let check_duplicate_modif2 xs = (* opti: let groups = Common.groupBy (fun (a,resa) (b,resb) -> a =$= b) xs *) if !Flag_cocci.verbose_cocci then pr2 ("Check duplication for " ^ i_to_s (List.length xs) ^ " files"); let groups = Common.group_assoc_bykey_eff xs in groups +> Common.map_filter (fun (file, xs) -> match xs with | [] -> raise Impossible | [res] -> Some (file, res) | res::xs -> match res with | None -> if not (List.for_all (fun res2 -> res2 =*= None) xs) then begin pr2 ("different modification result for " ^ file); None end else Some (file, None) | Some res -> if not(List.for_all (fun res2 -> match res2 with | None -> false | Some res2 -> let diff = Common.cmd_to_list ("diff -u -b -B "^res^" "^res2) in null diff ) xs) then begin pr2 ("different modification result for " ^ file); None end else Some (file, Some res) ) let check_duplicate_modif a = Common.profile_code "check_duplicate" (fun () -> check_duplicate_modif2 a)