(* * Copyright 2012, INRIA * Julia Lawall, Gilles Muller * Copyright 2010-2011, INRIA, University of Copenhagen * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) module Past = Ast_popl module Ast = Ast_cocci module V = Visitor_ast module CTL = Ast_ctl (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* result type *) type cocci_predicate = Lib_engine.predicate * Ast.meta_name Ast_ctl.modif type formula = (cocci_predicate,Ast_cocci.meta_name, Wrapper_ctl.info) Ast_ctl.generic_ctl (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let contains_modif = let bind x y = x or y in let option_default = false in let mcode r (_,_,kind,_) = match kind with Ast.MINUS(_,_,_,_) -> true | Ast.PLUS _ -> failwith "not possible" | Ast.CONTEXT(_,info) -> not (info = Ast.NOTHING) in let do_nothing r k e = k e in let rule_elem r k re = let res = k re in match Ast.unwrap re with Ast.FunHeader(bef,_,fninfo,name,lp,params,rp) -> bind (mcode r ((),(),bef,[])) res | Ast.Decl(bef,_,decl) -> bind (mcode r ((),(),bef,[])) res | _ -> res in let recursor = V.combiner bind option_default mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode mcode do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing rule_elem do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing do_nothing in recursor.V.combiner_rule_elem let ctl_exists keep_wit v x = CTL.Exists(!Flag_popl.keep_all_wits or keep_wit,v,x) let predmaker keep_wit term = if (!Flag_popl.keep_all_wits or keep_wit) && (!Flag_popl.mark_all or contains_modif term) then let v = ("","_v") in ctl_exists true v (CTL.Pred (Lib_engine.Match(term),CTL.Modif v)) else CTL.Pred (Lib_engine.Match(term),CTL.Control) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let is_true = function CTL.True -> true | _ -> false let is_false = function CTL.False -> true | _ -> false let ctl_true = CTL.True let ctl_false = CTL.False let ctl_and x y = if is_true x then y else if is_true y then x else CTL.And(CTL.STRICT,x,y) let ctl_or x y = if is_false x then y else if is_false y then x else CTL.Or(x,y) let ctl_seqor x y = CTL.SeqOr(x,y) let ctl_not x = CTL.Not(x) let ctl_ax x = if is_true x then CTL.True else CTL.AX(CTL.FORWARD,CTL.STRICT,x) let ctl_ex x = if is_true x then CTL.True else CTL.EX(CTL.FORWARD,x) let ctl_back_ex x = if is_true x then CTL.True else CTL.EX(CTL.BACKWARD,x) let after = CTL.Pred(Lib_engine.After, CTL.Control) let fall = CTL.Pred(Lib_engine.FallThrough, CTL.Control) let exit = CTL.Pred(Lib_engine.Exit, CTL.Control) let truepred = CTL.Pred(Lib_engine.TrueBranch, CTL.Control) let falsepred = CTL.Pred(Lib_engine.FalseBranch, CTL.Control) let retpred = CTL.Pred(Lib_engine.Return, CTL.Control) let string2var x = ("",x) let labelctr = ref 0 let get_label_ctr _ = let cur = !labelctr in labelctr := cur + 1; string2var (Printf.sprintf "l%d" cur) let ctl_au x y = CTL.AU(CTL.FORWARD,CTL.STRICT,x,y) let ctl_uncheck x = CTL.Uncheck(x) let make_meta_rule_elem d = let nm = "_S" in Ast.make_meta_rule_elem nm d ([],[],[]) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec ctl_seq keep_wit a = function Past.Seq(elem,seq) -> ctl_element keep_wit (ctl_seq keep_wit a seq) elem | Past.Empty -> a | Past.SExists(var,seq) -> ctl_exists keep_wit var (ctl_seq keep_wit a seq) and ctl_term keep_wit a = function Past.Atomic(term) -> ctl_and (predmaker keep_wit term) (ctl_ax a) | Past.IfThen(test,thn,(_,_,_,aft)) -> ifthen keep_wit (Some a) test thn aft | Past.TExists(var,term) -> ctl_exists keep_wit var (ctl_term keep_wit a term) and ctl_element keep_wit a = function Past.Term(term,ba) -> do_between_dots keep_wit ba (ctl_term keep_wit a term) a | Past.Or(seq1,seq2) -> ctl_seqor (ctl_seq keep_wit a seq1) (ctl_seq keep_wit a seq2) | Past.DInfo(dots) -> ctl_au (guard_ctl_dots keep_wit a dots) a | Past.EExists(var,elem) -> ctl_exists keep_wit var (ctl_element keep_wit a elem) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) and guard_ctl_seq keep_wit a = function Past.Seq(elem,Past.Empty) -> guard_ctl_element keep_wit a elem | Past.Seq(elem,seq) -> ctl_element keep_wit (guard_ctl_seq keep_wit a seq) elem | Past.Empty -> ctl_true | Past.SExists(var,seq) -> ctl_exists keep_wit var (guard_ctl_seq keep_wit a seq) and guard_ctl_term keep_wit = function Past.Atomic(term) -> predmaker keep_wit term | Past.IfThen(test,thn,(_,_,_,aft)) -> ifthen keep_wit None test thn aft | Past.TExists(var,term) -> ctl_exists keep_wit var (guard_ctl_term keep_wit term) and guard_ctl_element keep_wit a = function Past.Term(term,_) -> guard_ctl_term keep_wit term | Past.Or(seq1,seq2) -> ctl_seqor (guard_ctl_seq keep_wit a seq1) (guard_ctl_seq keep_wit a seq2) | Past.DInfo(dots) -> ctl_au (guard_ctl_dots keep_wit a dots) a | Past.EExists(var,elem) -> ctl_exists keep_wit var (guard_ctl_element keep_wit a elem) and guard_ctl_dots keep_wit a = function Past.Dots -> ctl_true (* | Past.Nest(_) when not keep_wit -> ctl_true a possible optimization, but irrelevant to popl example *) | Past.Nest(seq) -> ctl_or (guard_ctl_seq true a seq) (ctl_not (guard_ctl_seq false a seq)) | Past.When(dots,seq) -> ctl_and (guard_ctl_dots keep_wit a dots) (ctl_not (guard_ctl_seq false a seq)) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) and ifthen keep_wit a test thn aft = (* "if (test) thn; after" becomes: if(test) & AX((TrueBranch & AX thn) v FallThrough v (After & AXAX after)) & EX After (* doesn't work for C code if (x) return 1; else return 2; *) *) let end_code = match (aft,a) with (Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.NOTHING),None) -> ctl_true | (Ast.CONTEXT(_,Ast.NOTHING),Some a) -> ctl_ax (ctl_ax a) | (_,None) -> failwith "not possible" | (_,Some a) -> ctl_ax (ctl_and (predmaker keep_wit (make_meta_rule_elem aft)) (ctl_ax a)) in let body = ctl_or (ctl_and truepred (ctl_ax (guard_ctl_term keep_wit thn))) (ctl_or fall (ctl_and after end_code)) in ctl_and (ctl_term keep_wit body test) (match a with Some CTL.True | None -> ctl_true | Some _ -> ctl_ex after) and do_between_dots keep_wit ba term after = match ba with Past.AddingBetweenDots (brace_term,n) | Past.DroppingBetweenDots (brace_term,n) -> (* not sure at all what to do here for after... *) let match_brace = ctl_term keep_wit after brace_term in let v = Printf.sprintf "_r_%d" n in let case1 = ctl_and (CTL.Ref v) match_brace in let case2 = ctl_and (ctl_not (CTL.Ref v)) term in CTL.Let (v,ctl_or (ctl_back_ex truepred) (ctl_back_ex (ctl_back_ex falsepred)), ctl_or case1 case2) | Past.NoDots -> term (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let toctl sl = Asttoctl2.CODE (ctl_seq true ctl_true sl)