(* * Copyright 2012, INRIA * Julia Lawall, Gilles Muller * Copyright 2010-2011, INRIA, University of Copenhagen * Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * Copyright 2005-2009, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, University of Copenhagen * Yoann Padioleau, Julia Lawall, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Henrik Stuart, Gilles Muller, Nicolas Palix * This file is part of Coccinelle. * * Coccinelle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, according to version 2 of the License. * * Coccinelle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Coccinelle. If not, see . * * The authors reserve the right to distribute this or future versions of * Coccinelle under other licenses. *) (* The plus fragments are converted to a list of lists of lists. Innermost list: Elements have type anything. For any pair of successive elements, n and n+1, the ending line of n is the same as the starting line of n+1. Middle lists: For any pair of successive elements, n and n+1, the ending line of n is one less than the starting line of n+1. Outer list: For any pair of successive elements, n and n+1, the ending line of n is more than one less than the starting line of n+1. *) (* For nests and disjs, we are relying on the fact that <... ...> ( | ) must appear on lines by themselves, meaning that the various + fragments can't be contiguous to each other or to unrelated things. *) module Ast = Ast_cocci module V = Visitor_ast (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type res = Open of Ast.anything * int * int * int * int | Closed of (Ast.anything * int * int * int * int) list let mcode fn = function (term, Ast.PLUS(info)) -> let line = info.Ast.line in let lline = info.Ast.logical_line in [Open (fn term,line,line,lline,lline)] | _ -> [Closed []] let mk_fullType x = Ast.FullTypeTag x let mk_baseType x = Ast.BaseTypeTag x let mk_structUnion x = Ast.StructUnionTag x let mk_sign x = Ast.SignTag x let mk_ident x = Ast.IdentTag x let mk_expression x = Ast.ExpressionTag x let mk_constant x = Ast.ConstantTag x let mk_unaryOp x = Ast.UnaryOpTag x let mk_assignOp x = Ast.AssignOpTag x let mk_fixOp x = Ast.FixOpTag x let mk_binaryOp x = Ast.BinaryOpTag x let mk_arithOp x = Ast.ArithOpTag x let mk_logicalOp x = Ast.LogicalOpTag x let mk_declaration x = Ast.DeclarationTag x let mk_storage x = Ast.StorageTag x let mk_rule_elem x = Ast.Rule_elemTag x let mk_const_vol x = Ast.ConstVolTag x let mk_token x = Ast.Token x let get_real_start = function Open (_,line,_,_,_) -> line | _ -> failwith "not possible" let get_real_finish = function Open (_,_,line,_,_) -> line | _ -> failwith "not possible" let get_start = function Open (_,_,_,line,_) -> line | _ -> failwith "not possible" let get_finish = function Open (_,_,_,_,line) -> line | _ -> failwith "not possible" let get_option fn = function None -> [] | Some x -> [fn x] (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Step 1: coalesce + terms, record starting and ending line numbers *) let rec close l = let rec loop = function [] -> [] | Open(x,start,finish,lstart,lfinish)::rest -> (x,start,finish,lstart,lfinish)::(loop rest) | (Closed l)::rest -> l @ (loop rest) in Closed (loop l) let test term subterms = if List.for_all (function Open(_,_,_,_,_) -> true | _ -> false) subterms then [Open(term, get_real_start (List.hd subterms), get_real_finish (List.hd (List.rev subterms)), get_start (List.hd subterms), get_finish (List.hd (List.rev subterms)))] else [close subterms] (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Dots *) let dots recursor k dotlist = [close (k dotlist)] (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Identifier *) let ident recursor k i = test (Ast.IdentTag i) (k i) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Expression *) let expression recursor k = function Ast.DisjExpr(exps) -> [close (List.concat(List.map recursor.V.combiner_expression exps))] | Ast.Edots(_,_) -> [Closed []] (* must be context *) | Ast.Ecircles(_,_) -> [Closed []] (* must be context *) | Ast.Estars(_,_) -> [Closed []] (* must be context *) | Ast.OptExp(_) | Ast.UniqueExp(_) | Ast.MultiExp(_) -> failwith "impossible" | e -> test (Ast.ExpressionTag e) (k e) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Types *) and fullType recursor k ft = test (Ast.FullTypeTag ft) (k ft) and typeC recursor k t = k t (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Variable declaration *) (* Even if the Cocci program specifies a list of declarations, they are split out into multiple declarations of a single variable each. *) let declaration recursor k d = test (Ast.DeclarationTag d) (k d) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Parameter *) let parameterTypeDef recursor k = function Ast.Pdots(_) -> [Closed []] | Ast.Pcircles(_) -> [Closed []] | p -> test (Ast.ParameterTypeDefTag p) (k p) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Top-level code *) let rec rule_elem recursor k re = test (Ast.Rule_elemTag re) (k re) let rec statement recursor k = function Ast.Disj(stmt_dots_list) -> [close (List.concat (List.map recursor.V.combiner_statement_dots stmt_dots_list))] | Ast.Dots(_,_,_) -> [Closed []] | Ast.Circles(_,_,_) -> [Closed []] | Ast.Stars(_,_,_) -> [Closed []] | s -> test (Ast.StatementTag s) (k s) let rec meta recursor k m = test (Ast.MetaTag m) (k m) let top_level recursor k = function Ast.FILEINFO(_,_) -> [Closed []] | Ast.ERRORWORDS(exps) -> [Closed []] | t -> test (Ast.Code t) (k t) let anything recursor k a = failwith "not called" let collect_tokens = let recursor = V.combiner (@) [] (mcode mk_token) (mcode mk_constant) (mcode mk_assignOp) (mcode mk_fixOp) (mcode mk_unaryOp) (mcode mk_binaryOp) (mcode mk_const_vol) (mcode mk_baseType) (mcode mk_sign) (mcode mk_structUnion) (mcode mk_storage) dots dots dots ident expression fullType typeC parameterTypeDef declaration rule_elem statement meta top_level anything in recursor.V.combiner_top_level let rule code = List.concat(List.map collect_tokens code) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Step 2: find neighbors *) let rec find_neighbors = function [] -> [] | (x1,real_start1,real_finish1,start1,finish1)::rest -> (match find_neighbors rest with ((((x2,real_start2,real_finish2,start2,finish2):: rest_inner)::rest_middle)::rest_outer) as rest -> if finish1 = start2 then ((((x1,real_start1,real_finish1,start1,finish1):: (x2,real_start2,real_finish2,start2,finish2)::rest_inner):: rest_middle):: rest_outer) else if finish1 + 1 = start2 then (([(x1,real_start1,real_finish1,start1,finish1)]:: ((x2,real_start2,real_finish2,start2,finish2)::rest_inner):: rest_middle):: rest_outer) else [[(x1,real_start1,real_finish1,start1,finish1)]]::rest | _ -> [[[(x1,real_start1,real_finish1,start1,finish1)]]]) (* rest must be [] *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Entry point *) let plus ast = match close (rule ast) with Closed l -> find_neighbors l | _ -> failwith "impossible"