(* * Copyright (C) 2010, University of Copenhagen DIKU and INRIA. * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Julia Lawall * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * file license.txt for more details. * * This file was part of Coccinelle. *) open Common (*****************************************************************************) (* mostly a copy paste of parsing_cocci/pretty_print_cocci.ml * todo?: try to factorize ? *) (*****************************************************************************) module Ast = Ast_cocci let term s = Ast.unwrap_mcode s (* or perhaps can have in plus, for instance a Disj, but those Disj must be * handled by interactive tool (by proposing alternatives) *) exception CantBeInPlus (*****************************************************************************) type pos = Before | After | InPlace type nlhint = StartBox | EndBox | SpaceOrNewline of string ref let get_string_info = function Ast.Noindent s | Ast.Indent s | Ast.Space s -> s let unknown = -1 let rec do_all (env, pr, pr_celem, pr_cspace, pr_space, pr_arity, pr_barrier, indent, unindent, eatspace) generating xxs before = (* Just to be able to copy paste the code from pretty_print_cocci.ml. *) let print_string s line lcol = let rcol = if lcol = unknown then unknown else lcol + (String.length s) in pr s line lcol rcol None in let print_string_with_hint hint s line lcol = let rcol = if lcol = unknown then unknown else lcol + (String.length s) in pr s line lcol rcol (Some hint) in let print_text s = pr s unknown unknown unknown None in let close_box _ = () in let force_newline _ = print_text "\n" in let start_block () = force_newline(); indent() in let end_block () = unindent true; force_newline () in let print_string_box s = print_string s in let print_option = Common.do_option in let print_option_prespace fn = function None -> () | Some x -> pr_space(); fn x in let print_option_space fn = function None -> () | Some x -> fn x; pr_space() in let print_between = Common.print_between in let outdent _ = () (* should go to leftmost col, does nothing now *) in let pretty_print_c = Pretty_print_c.mk_pretty_printers pr_celem pr_cspace force_newline indent outdent (function _ -> unindent true) in (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Only for make_hrule, print plus code, unbound metavariables *) (* avoid polyvariance problems *) let anything : (Ast.anything -> unit) ref = ref (function _ -> ()) in let rec print_anything = function [] -> () | stream -> start_block(); print_between force_newline print_anything_list stream; end_block() and print_anything_list = function [] -> () | [x] -> !anything x | bef::((aft::_) as rest) -> !anything bef; let space = (match bef with Ast.Rule_elemTag(_) | Ast.AssignOpTag(_) | Ast.BinaryOpTag(_) | Ast.ArithOpTag(_) | Ast.LogicalOpTag(_) | Ast.Token("if",_) | Ast.Token("while",_) -> true | _ -> false) or (match aft with Ast.Rule_elemTag(_) | Ast.AssignOpTag(_) | Ast.BinaryOpTag(_) | Ast.ArithOpTag(_) | Ast.LogicalOpTag(_) | Ast.Token("{",_) -> true | _ -> false) in if space then pr_space (); print_anything_list rest in let print_around printer term = function Ast.NOTHING -> printer term | Ast.BEFORE(bef,_) -> print_anything bef; printer term | Ast.AFTER(aft,_) -> printer term; print_anything aft | Ast.BEFOREAFTER(bef,aft,_) -> print_anything bef; printer term; print_anything aft in let print_string_befaft fn fn1 x info = let print ln col s = print_string (get_string_info s) ln col in List.iter (function (s,ln,col) -> fn1(); print ln col s; force_newline()) info.Ast.strbef; fn x; List.iter (function (s,ln,col) -> force_newline(); fn1(); print ln col s) info.Ast.straft in let print_meta (r,x) = print_text x in let print_pos l = List.iter (function Ast.MetaPos(name,_,_,_,_) -> let name = Ast.unwrap_mcode name in print_text "@"; print_meta name) l in (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let mcode fn (s,info,mc,pos) = let line = info.Ast.line in let lcol = info.Ast.column in match (generating,mc) with (false,_) -> (* printing for transformation *) (* Here we don't care about the annotation on s. *) let print_comments lb comments = List.fold_left (function line_before -> function (str,line,col) -> match line_before with None -> let str = match str with Ast.Noindent s -> unindent false; s | Ast.Indent s -> s | Ast.Space s -> s in print_string str line col; Some line | Some lb when line =|= lb -> print_string (get_string_info str) line col; Some line | _ -> force_newline(); (* not super elegant to put side-effecting unindent in a let expression... *) let str = match str with Ast.Noindent s -> unindent false; s | Ast.Indent s -> s | Ast.Space s -> s in print_string str line col; Some line) lb comments in let line_before = print_comments None info.Ast.strbef in (match line_before with None -> () | Some lb when lb =|= info.Ast.line -> () | _ -> force_newline()); fn s line lcol; let _ = print_comments (Some info.Ast.line) info.Ast.straft in (* newline after a pragma should really store parsed versions of the strings, but make a cheap effort here print_comments takes care of interior newlines *) () (* printing for rule generation *) | (true, Ast.MINUS(_,_,_,plus_stream)) -> force_newline(); print_text "- "; fn s line lcol; print_pos pos; (match plus_stream with Ast.NOREPLACEMENT -> () | Ast.REPLACEMENT(plus_stream,ct) -> print_anything plus_stream) | (true, Ast.CONTEXT(_,plus_streams)) -> let fn s = force_newline(); fn s line lcol; print_pos pos in print_around fn s plus_streams | (true,Ast.PLUS Ast.ONE) -> let fn s = force_newline(); print_text "+ "; fn s line lcol; print_pos pos in print_string_befaft fn (function _ -> print_text "+ ") s info | (true,Ast.PLUS Ast.MANY) -> let fn s = force_newline(); print_text "++ "; fn s line lcol; print_pos pos in print_string_befaft fn (function _ -> print_text "++ ") s info in (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let handle_metavar name fn = let ((_,b) as s,info,mc,pos) = name in let line = info.Ast.line in let lcol = info.Ast.column in match Common.optionise (fun () -> List.assoc s env) with None -> let name_string (_,s) = s in if generating then mcode (function _ -> print_string (name_string s)) name else failwith (Printf.sprintf "SP line %d: Not found a value in env for: %s" line (name_string s)) | Some e -> pr_barrier line lcol; (if generating then (* call mcode to preserve the -+ annotation *) mcode (fun _ _ _ -> fn e) name else fn e); let rcol = if lcol = unknown then unknown else lcol + (String.length b) in pr_barrier line rcol in (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let dots between fn d = match Ast.unwrap d with Ast.DOTS(l) -> print_between between fn l | Ast.CIRCLES(l) -> print_between between fn l | Ast.STARS(l) -> print_between between fn l in let nest_dots starter ender fn f d = mcode print_string starter; f(); start_block(); (match Ast.unwrap d with Ast.DOTS(l) -> print_between force_newline fn l | Ast.CIRCLES(l) -> print_between force_newline fn l | Ast.STARS(l) -> print_between force_newline fn l); end_block(); mcode print_string ender in let print_disj_list fn l = print_text "\n(\n"; print_between (function _ -> print_text "\n|\n") fn l; print_text "\n)\n" in (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Identifier *) let rec ident i = match Ast.unwrap i with Ast.Id(name) -> mcode print_string name | Ast.MetaId(name,_,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function | (Ast_c.MetaIdVal (id,_)) -> print_text id | _ -> raise Impossible ) | Ast.MetaFunc(name,_,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function | (Ast_c.MetaFuncVal id) -> print_text id | _ -> raise Impossible ) | Ast.MetaLocalFunc(name,_,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function | (Ast_c.MetaLocalFuncVal id) -> print_text id | _ -> raise Impossible ) | Ast.DisjId(id_list) -> if generating then print_disj_list ident id_list else raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.OptIdent(_) | Ast.UniqueIdent(_) -> raise CantBeInPlus in (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Expression *) let rec expression e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.Ident(id) -> ident id | Ast.Constant(const) -> mcode constant const | Ast.FunCall(fn,lp,args,rp) -> expression fn; mcode (print_string_with_hint StartBox) lp; dots (function _ -> ()) arg_expression args; mcode (print_string_with_hint EndBox) rp | Ast.Assignment(left,op,right,_) -> expression left; pr_space(); mcode assignOp op; pr_space(); expression right | Ast.Sequence(left,op,right) -> expression left; mcode print_string op; pr_space(); expression right | Ast.CondExpr(exp1,why,exp2,colon,exp3) -> expression exp1; pr_space(); mcode print_string why; print_option (function e -> pr_space(); expression e) exp2; pr_space(); mcode print_string colon; pr_space(); expression exp3 | Ast.Postfix(exp,op) -> expression exp; mcode fixOp op | Ast.Infix(exp,op) -> mcode fixOp op; expression exp | Ast.Unary(exp,op) -> mcode unaryOp op; expression exp | Ast.Binary(left,op,right) -> expression left; pr_space(); mcode binaryOp op; pr_space(); expression right | Ast.Nested(left,op,right) -> failwith "nested only in minus code" | Ast.Paren(lp,exp,rp) -> mcode print_string_box lp; expression exp; close_box(); mcode print_string rp | Ast.ArrayAccess(exp1,lb,exp2,rb) -> expression exp1; mcode print_string_box lb; expression exp2; close_box(); mcode print_string rb | Ast.RecordAccess(exp,pt,field) -> expression exp; mcode print_string pt; ident field | Ast.RecordPtAccess(exp,ar,field) -> expression exp; mcode print_string ar; ident field | Ast.Cast(lp,ty,rp,exp) -> mcode print_string_box lp; fullType ty; close_box(); mcode print_string rp; expression exp | Ast.SizeOfExpr(sizeof,exp) -> mcode print_string sizeof; expression exp | Ast.SizeOfType(sizeof,lp,ty,rp) -> mcode print_string sizeof; mcode print_string_box lp; fullType ty; close_box(); mcode print_string rp | Ast.TypeExp(ty) -> fullType ty | Ast.Constructor(lp,ty,rp,init) -> mcode print_string_box lp; fullType ty; close_box(); mcode print_string rp; initialiser true init | Ast.MetaErr(name,_,_,_) -> failwith "metaErr not handled" | Ast.MetaExpr (name,_,_,_typedontcare,_formdontcare,_) -> handle_metavar name (function | Ast_c.MetaExprVal (exp,_) -> pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.expression exp | _ -> raise Impossible ) | Ast.MetaExprList (name,_,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function | Ast_c.MetaExprListVal args -> pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.arg_list args | Ast_c.MetaParamListVal _ -> failwith "have meta param list matching meta exp list\n"; | _ -> raise Impossible ) | Ast.AsExpr(expr,asexpr) -> expression expr | Ast.EComma(cm) -> mcode print_string cm | Ast.DisjExpr(exp_list) -> if generating then print_disj_list expression exp_list else raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.NestExpr(starter,expr_dots,ender,Some whencode,multi) when generating -> nest_dots starter ender expression (function _ -> print_text " when != "; expression whencode) expr_dots | Ast.NestExpr(starter,expr_dots,ender,None,multi) when generating -> nest_dots starter ender expression (function _ -> ()) expr_dots | Ast.NestExpr _ -> raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.Edots(dots,Some whencode) | Ast.Ecircles(dots,Some whencode) | Ast.Estars(dots,Some whencode) -> if generating then (mcode print_string dots; print_text " when != "; expression whencode) else raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.Edots(dots,None) | Ast.Ecircles(dots,None) | Ast.Estars(dots,None) -> if generating then mcode print_string dots else raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.OptExp(exp) | Ast.UniqueExp(exp) -> raise CantBeInPlus and arg_expression e = match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.EComma(cm) -> (* space is only used by add_newline, and only if not using SMPL spacing. pr_cspace uses a " " in unparse_c.ml. Not so nice... *) mcode (print_string_with_hint (SpaceOrNewline (ref " "))) cm | _ -> expression e and unaryOp = function Ast.GetRef -> print_string "&" | Ast.GetRefLabel -> print_string "&&" | Ast.DeRef -> print_string "*" | Ast.UnPlus -> print_string "+" | Ast.UnMinus -> print_string "-" | Ast.Tilde -> print_string "~" | Ast.Not -> print_string "!" and assignOp = function Ast.SimpleAssign -> print_string "=" | Ast.OpAssign(aop) -> (function line -> function lcol -> arithOp aop line lcol; print_string "=" line lcol) and fixOp = function Ast.Dec -> print_string "--" | Ast.Inc -> print_string "++" and binaryOp = function Ast.Arith(aop) -> arithOp aop | Ast.Logical(lop) -> logicalOp lop and arithOp = function Ast.Plus -> print_string "+" | Ast.Minus -> print_string "-" | Ast.Mul -> print_string "*" | Ast.Div -> print_string "/" | Ast.Mod -> print_string "%" | Ast.DecLeft -> print_string "<<" | Ast.DecRight -> print_string ">>" | Ast.And -> print_string "&" | Ast.Or -> print_string "|" | Ast.Xor -> print_string "^" and logicalOp = function Ast.Inf -> print_string "<" | Ast.Sup -> print_string ">" | Ast.InfEq -> print_string "<=" | Ast.SupEq -> print_string ">=" | Ast.Eq -> print_string "==" | Ast.NotEq -> print_string "!=" | Ast.AndLog -> print_string "&&" | Ast.OrLog -> print_string "||" and constant = function Ast.String(s) -> print_string ("\""^s^"\"") | Ast.Char(s) -> print_string ("\'"^s^"\'") | Ast.Int(s) -> print_string s | Ast.Float(s) -> print_string s (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Types *) and fullType ft = match Ast.unwrap ft with Ast.Type(_,cv,ty) -> print_option_space (mcode const_vol) cv; typeC ty | Ast.AsType(ty, asty) -> fullType ty | Ast.DisjType _ -> failwith "can't be in plus" | Ast.OptType(_) | Ast.UniqueType(_) -> raise CantBeInPlus and print_function_pointer (ty,lp1,star,rp1,lp2,params,rp2) fn = fullType ty; mcode print_string lp1; mcode print_string star; fn(); mcode print_string rp1; mcode print_string lp1; parameter_list params; mcode print_string rp2 and print_function_type (ty,lp1,params,rp1) fn = print_option fullType ty; fn(); mcode print_string lp1; parameter_list params; mcode print_string rp1 and typeC ty = match Ast.unwrap ty with Ast.BaseType(ty,strings) -> print_between pr_space (mcode print_string) strings | Ast.SignedT(sgn,ty) -> mcode sign sgn; print_option_prespace typeC ty | Ast.Pointer(ty,star) -> fullType ty; ft_space ty; mcode print_string star; eatspace() | Ast.FunctionPointer(ty,lp1,star,rp1,lp2,params,rp2) -> print_function_pointer (ty,lp1,star,rp1,lp2,params,rp2) (function _ -> ()) | Ast.FunctionType (am,ty,lp1,params,rp1) -> print_function_type (ty,lp1,params,rp1) (function _ -> ()) | Ast.Array(ty,lb,size,rb) -> fullType ty; mcode print_string lb; print_option expression size; mcode print_string rb | Ast.EnumName(kind,name) -> mcode print_string kind; print_option_prespace ident name | Ast.EnumDef(ty,lb,ids,rb) -> fullType ty; ft_space ty; mcode print_string lb; dots force_newline expression ids; mcode print_string rb | Ast.StructUnionName(kind,name) -> mcode structUnion kind; print_option_prespace ident name | Ast.StructUnionDef(ty,lb,decls,rb) -> fullType ty; ft_space ty; mcode print_string lb; dots force_newline declaration decls; mcode print_string rb | Ast.TypeName(name)-> mcode print_string name | Ast.MetaType(name,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function Ast_c.MetaTypeVal exp -> pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.ty exp | _ -> raise Impossible) and baseType = function Ast.VoidType -> print_string "void" | Ast.CharType -> print_string "char" | Ast.ShortType -> print_string "short" | Ast.ShortIntType -> print_string "short int" | Ast.IntType -> print_string "int" | Ast.DoubleType -> print_string "double" | Ast.LongDoubleType -> print_string "long double" | Ast.FloatType -> print_string "float" | Ast.LongType -> print_string "long" | Ast.LongIntType -> print_string "long int" | Ast.LongLongType -> print_string "long long" | Ast.LongLongIntType -> print_string "long long int" | Ast.SizeType -> print_string "size_t " | Ast.SSizeType -> print_string "ssize_t " | Ast.PtrDiffType -> print_string "ptrdiff_t " and structUnion = function Ast.Struct -> print_string "struct" | Ast.Union -> print_string "union" and sign = function Ast.Signed -> print_string "signed" | Ast.Unsigned -> print_string "unsigned" and const_vol = function Ast.Const -> print_string "const" | Ast.Volatile -> print_string "volatile" (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Function declaration *) and storage = function Ast.Static -> print_string "static" | Ast.Auto -> print_string "auto" | Ast.Register -> print_string "register" | Ast.Extern -> print_string "extern" (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Variable declaration *) and print_named_type ty id = match Ast.unwrap ty with Ast.Type(_,None,ty1) -> (match Ast.unwrap ty1 with Ast.FunctionPointer(ty,lp1,star,rp1,lp2,params,rp2) -> print_function_pointer (ty,lp1,star,rp1,lp2,params,rp2) (function _ -> pr_space(); ident id) | Ast.FunctionType(am,ty,lp1,params,rp1) -> print_function_type (ty,lp1,params,rp1) (function _ -> pr_space(); ident id) | Ast.Array(_,_,_,_) -> let rec loop ty k = match Ast.unwrap ty with Ast.Array(ty,lb,size,rb) -> (match Ast.unwrap ty with Ast.Type(_,cv,ty) -> print_option_space (mcode const_vol) cv; loop ty (function _ -> k (); mcode print_string lb; print_option expression size; mcode print_string rb) | _ -> failwith "complex array types not supported") | _ -> typeC ty; ty_space ty; ident id; k () in loop ty1 (function _ -> ()) (*| should have a case here for pointer to array or function type that would put ( * ) around the variable. This makes one wonder why we really need a special case for function pointer *) | _ -> fullType ty; ft_space ty; ident id) | _ -> fullType ty; ft_space ty; ident id and ty_space ty = match Ast.unwrap ty with Ast.Pointer(_,_) -> () | _ -> pr_space() and ft_space ty = match Ast.unwrap ty with Ast.Type(_,cv,ty) -> (match Ast.unwrap ty with Ast.Pointer(_,_) -> () | Ast.MetaType(name,_,_) -> (match List.assoc (Ast.unwrap_mcode name) env with Ast_c.MetaTypeVal (tq,ty) -> (match Ast_c.unwrap ty with Ast_c.Pointer(_,_) -> () | _ -> pr_space()) | _ -> pr_space()) | _ -> pr_space()) | _ -> pr_space() and declaration d = match Ast.unwrap d with Ast.MetaDecl(name,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function Ast_c.MetaDeclVal d -> pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.decl d | _ -> raise Impossible) | Ast.MetaField(name,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function Ast_c.MetaFieldVal f -> pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.field f | _ -> raise Impossible) | Ast.MetaFieldList(name,_,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function Ast_c.MetaFieldListVal f -> print_between force_newline pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.field f | _ -> raise Impossible) | Ast.AsDecl(decl,asdecl) -> declaration decl | Ast.Init(stg,ty,id,eq,ini,sem) -> print_option (mcode storage) stg; print_option (function _ -> pr_space()) stg; print_named_type ty id; pr_space(); mcode print_string eq; pr_space(); initialiser true ini; mcode print_string sem | Ast.UnInit(stg,ty,id,sem) -> print_option (mcode storage) stg; print_option (function _ -> pr_space()) stg; print_named_type ty id; mcode print_string sem | Ast.MacroDecl(name,lp,args,rp,sem) -> ident name; mcode print_string_box lp; dots (function _ -> ()) expression args; close_box(); mcode print_string rp; mcode print_string sem | Ast.MacroDeclInit(name,lp,args,rp,eq,ini,sem) -> ident name; mcode print_string_box lp; dots (function _ -> ()) expression args; close_box(); mcode print_string rp; pr_space(); mcode print_string eq; pr_space(); initialiser true ini; mcode print_string sem | Ast.TyDecl(ty,sem) -> fullType ty; mcode print_string sem | Ast.Typedef(stg,ty,id,sem) -> mcode print_string stg; fullType ty; typeC id; mcode print_string sem | Ast.DisjDecl(_) -> raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.Ddots(_,_) -> raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.OptDecl(decl) | Ast.UniqueDecl(decl) -> raise CantBeInPlus (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Initialiser *) and initialiser nlcomma i = match Ast.unwrap i with Ast.MetaInit(name,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function Ast_c.MetaInitVal ini -> pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.init ini | _ -> raise Impossible) | Ast.MetaInitList(name,_,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function Ast_c.MetaInitListVal ini -> pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.init_list ini | _ -> raise Impossible) | Ast.AsInit(init,asinit) -> initialiser nlcomma init | Ast.InitExpr(exp) -> expression exp | Ast.ArInitList(lb,initlist,rb) -> (match Ast.undots initlist with [] -> mcode print_string lb; mcode print_string rb | lst -> mcode print_string lb; start_block(); initialiser_list nlcomma lst; end_block(); mcode print_string rb) | Ast.StrInitList(_,lb,[],rb,[]) -> mcode print_string lb; mcode print_string rb | Ast.StrInitList(_,lb,initlist,rb,[]) -> mcode print_string lb; start_block(); initialiser_list nlcomma initlist; end_block(); mcode print_string rb | Ast.StrInitList(_,lb,initlist,rb,_) -> failwith "unexpected whencode in plus" | Ast.InitGccExt(designators,eq,ini) -> List.iter designator designators; pr_space(); mcode print_string eq; pr_space(); initialiser nlcomma ini | Ast.InitGccName(name,eq,ini) -> ident name; mcode print_string eq; initialiser nlcomma ini | Ast.IComma(comma) -> mcode print_string comma; if nlcomma then force_newline() else pr_space() | Ast.Idots(dots,Some whencode) -> if generating then (mcode print_string dots; print_text " when != "; initialiser nlcomma whencode) else raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.Idots(dots,None) -> if generating then mcode print_string dots else raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.OptIni(ini) | Ast.UniqueIni(ini) -> raise CantBeInPlus and initialiser_list nlcomma = function (* awkward, because the comma is separate from the initialiser *) [] -> () | [x] -> initialiser false x | x::xs -> initialiser nlcomma x; initialiser_list nlcomma xs and designator = function Ast.DesignatorField(dot,id) -> mcode print_string dot; ident id | Ast.DesignatorIndex(lb,exp,rb) -> mcode print_string lb; expression exp; mcode print_string rb | Ast.DesignatorRange(lb,min,dots,max,rb) -> mcode print_string lb; expression min; mcode print_string dots; expression max; mcode print_string rb (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Parameter *) and parameterTypeDef p = match Ast.unwrap p with Ast.VoidParam(ty) -> fullType ty | Ast.Param(ty,Some id) -> print_named_type ty id | Ast.Param(ty,None) -> fullType ty | Ast.MetaParam(name,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function Ast_c.MetaParamVal p -> pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.param p | _ -> raise Impossible) | Ast.MetaParamList(name,_,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function Ast_c.MetaParamListVal p -> pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.paramlist p | _ -> raise Impossible) | Ast.PComma(cm) -> mcode print_string cm | Ast.Pdots(dots) | Ast.Pcircles(dots) when generating -> mcode print_string dots | Ast.Pdots(dots) | Ast.Pcircles(dots) -> raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.OptParam(param) | Ast.UniqueParam(param) -> raise CantBeInPlus and parameter_list l = let comma p = parameterTypeDef p; match Ast.unwrap p with Ast.PComma(cm) -> pr_space() | _ -> () in dots (function _ -> ()) comma l in (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* CPP code *) let rec inc_file = function Ast.Local(elems) -> print_string ("\""^(String.concat "/" (List.map inc_elem elems))^"\"") | Ast.NonLocal(elems) -> print_string ("<"^(String.concat "/" (List.map inc_elem elems))^">") and inc_elem = function Ast.IncPath s -> s | Ast.IncDots -> "..." (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Top-level code *) and rule_elem arity re = match Ast.unwrap re with Ast.FunHeader(_,_,fninfo,name,lp,params,rp) -> pr_arity arity; List.iter print_fninfo fninfo; ident name; mcode print_string_box lp; parameter_list params; close_box(); mcode print_string rp; pr_space() | Ast.Decl(_,_,decl) -> pr_arity arity; declaration decl | Ast.SeqStart(brace) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string brace; start_block() | Ast.SeqEnd(brace) -> end_block(); pr_arity arity; mcode print_string brace | Ast.ExprStatement(exp,sem) -> pr_arity arity; print_option expression exp; mcode print_string sem | Ast.IfHeader(iff,lp,exp,rp) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string iff; pr_space(); mcode print_string_box lp; expression exp; close_box(); mcode print_string rp | Ast.Else(els) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string els | Ast.WhileHeader(whl,lp,exp,rp) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string whl; pr_space(); mcode print_string_box lp; expression exp; close_box(); mcode print_string rp | Ast.DoHeader(d) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string d | Ast.WhileTail(whl,lp,exp,rp,sem) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string whl; pr_space(); mcode print_string_box lp; expression exp; close_box(); mcode print_string rp; mcode print_string sem | Ast.ForHeader(fr,lp,e1,sem1,e2,sem2,e3,rp) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string fr; mcode print_string_box lp; print_option expression e1; mcode print_string sem1; print_option expression e2; mcode print_string sem2; print_option expression e3; close_box(); mcode print_string rp | Ast.IteratorHeader(nm,lp,args,rp) -> pr_arity arity; ident nm; pr_space(); mcode print_string_box lp; dots (function _ -> ()) expression args; close_box(); mcode print_string rp | Ast.SwitchHeader(switch,lp,exp,rp) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string switch; pr_space(); mcode print_string_box lp; expression exp; close_box(); mcode print_string rp | Ast.Break(br,sem) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string br; mcode print_string sem | Ast.Continue(cont,sem) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string cont; mcode print_string sem | Ast.Label(l,dd) -> ident l; mcode print_string dd | Ast.Goto(goto,l,sem) -> mcode print_string goto; ident l; mcode print_string sem | Ast.Return(ret,sem) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string ret; mcode print_string sem | Ast.ReturnExpr(ret,exp,sem) -> pr_arity arity; mcode print_string ret; pr_space(); expression exp; mcode print_string sem | Ast.Exp(exp) -> pr_arity arity; expression exp | Ast.TopExp(exp) -> pr_arity arity; expression exp | Ast.Ty(ty) -> pr_arity arity; fullType ty | Ast.TopInit(init) -> initialiser false init | Ast.Include(inc,s) -> mcode print_string inc; print_text " "; mcode inc_file s | Ast.Undef(def,id) -> mcode print_string def; pr_space(); ident id | Ast.DefineHeader(def,id,params) -> mcode print_string def; pr_space(); ident id; print_define_parameters params | Ast.Default(def,colon) -> mcode print_string def; mcode print_string colon; pr_space() | Ast.Case(case,exp,colon) -> mcode print_string case; pr_space(); expression exp; mcode print_string colon; pr_space() | Ast.DisjRuleElem(res) -> if generating then (pr_arity arity; print_text "\n(\n"; print_between (function _ -> print_text "\n|\n") (rule_elem arity) res; print_text "\n)") else raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.MetaRuleElem(name,_,_) -> raise Impossible | Ast.MetaStmt(name,_,_,_) -> handle_metavar name (function | Ast_c.MetaStmtVal stm -> pretty_print_c.Pretty_print_c.statement stm | _ -> raise Impossible ) | Ast.MetaStmtList(name,_,_) -> failwith "MetaStmtList not supported (not even in ast_c metavars binding)" and print_define_parameters params = match Ast.unwrap params with Ast.NoParams -> () | Ast.DParams(lp,params,rp) -> mcode print_string lp; dots (function _ -> ()) print_define_param params; mcode print_string rp and print_define_param param = match Ast.unwrap param with Ast.DParam(id) -> ident id | Ast.DPComma(comma) -> mcode print_string comma | Ast.DPdots(dots) -> mcode print_string dots | Ast.DPcircles(circles) -> mcode print_string circles | Ast.OptDParam(dp) -> print_text "?"; print_define_param dp | Ast.UniqueDParam(dp) -> print_text "!"; print_define_param dp and print_fninfo = function Ast.FStorage(stg) -> mcode storage stg | Ast.FType(ty) -> fullType ty | Ast.FInline(inline) -> mcode print_string inline; pr_space() | Ast.FAttr(attr) -> mcode print_string attr; pr_space() in let indent_if_needed s f = match Ast.unwrap s with Ast.Seq(lbrace,body,rbrace) -> pr_space(); f() | _ -> (*no newline at the end - someone else will do that*) start_block(); f(); unindent true in let rec statement arity s = match Ast.unwrap s with Ast.Seq(lbrace,body,rbrace) -> rule_elem arity lbrace; dots force_newline (statement arity) body; rule_elem arity rbrace | Ast.IfThen(header,branch,_) -> rule_elem arity header; indent_if_needed branch (function _ -> statement arity branch) | Ast.IfThenElse(header,branch1,els,branch2,_) -> rule_elem arity header; indent_if_needed branch1 (function _ -> statement arity branch1); force_newline(); rule_elem arity els; indent_if_needed branch2 (function _ -> statement arity branch2) | Ast.While(header,body,_) -> rule_elem arity header; indent_if_needed body (function _ -> statement arity body) | Ast.Do(header,body,tail) -> rule_elem arity header; indent_if_needed body (function _ -> statement arity body); rule_elem arity tail | Ast.For(header,body,_) -> rule_elem arity header; indent_if_needed body (function _ -> statement arity body) | Ast.Iterator(header,body,(_,_,_,aft)) -> rule_elem arity header; indent_if_needed body (function _ -> statement arity body); mcode (fun _ _ _ -> ()) ((),Ast.no_info,aft,[]) | Ast.Switch(header,lb,decls,cases,rb) -> rule_elem arity header; pr_space(); rule_elem arity lb; dots force_newline (statement arity) decls; List.iter (function x -> case_line arity x; force_newline()) cases; rule_elem arity rb | Ast.Atomic(re) -> rule_elem arity re | Ast.FunDecl(header,lbrace,body,rbrace) -> rule_elem arity header; rule_elem arity lbrace; dots force_newline (statement arity) body; rule_elem arity rbrace | Ast.Define(header,body) -> rule_elem arity header; pr_space(); dots force_newline (statement arity) body | Ast.AsStmt(stmt,asstmt) -> statement arity stmt | Ast.Disj([stmt_dots]) -> if generating then (pr_arity arity; dots force_newline (statement arity) stmt_dots) else raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.Disj(stmt_dots_list) -> (* ignores newline directive for readability *) if generating then (pr_arity arity; print_text "\n(\n"; print_between (function _ -> print_text "\n|\n") (dots force_newline (statement arity)) stmt_dots_list; print_text "\n)") else raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.Nest(starter,stmt_dots,ender,whn,multi,_,_) when generating -> pr_arity arity; nest_dots starter ender (statement arity) (function _ -> print_between force_newline (whencode (dots force_newline (statement "")) (statement "")) whn; force_newline()) stmt_dots | Ast.Nest(_) -> raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.Dots(d,whn,_,_) | Ast.Circles(d,whn,_,_) | Ast.Stars(d,whn,_,_) -> if generating then (pr_arity arity; mcode print_string d; print_between force_newline (whencode (dots force_newline (statement "")) (statement "")) whn; force_newline()) else raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.OptStm(s) | Ast.UniqueStm(s) -> raise CantBeInPlus and whencode notfn alwaysfn = function Ast.WhenNot a -> print_text " WHEN != "; notfn a | Ast.WhenAlways a -> print_text " WHEN = "; alwaysfn a | Ast.WhenModifier x -> print_text " WHEN "; print_when_modif x | Ast.WhenNotTrue a -> print_text " WHEN != TRUE "; rule_elem "" a | Ast.WhenNotFalse a -> print_text " WHEN != FALSE "; rule_elem "" a and print_when_modif = function | Ast.WhenAny -> print_text "ANY" | Ast.WhenStrict -> print_text "STRICT" | Ast.WhenForall -> print_text "FORALL" | Ast.WhenExists -> print_text "EXISTS" and case_line arity c = match Ast.unwrap c with Ast.CaseLine(header,code) -> rule_elem arity header; pr_space(); dots force_newline (statement arity) code | Ast.OptCase(case) -> raise CantBeInPlus in let top_level t = match Ast.unwrap t with Ast.FILEINFO(old_file,new_file) -> raise CantBeInPlus | Ast.NONDECL(stmt) -> statement "" stmt | Ast.CODE(stmt_dots) -> dots force_newline (statement "") stmt_dots | Ast.ERRORWORDS(exps) -> raise CantBeInPlus in (* let rule = print_between (function _ -> force_newline(); force_newline()) top_level in *) let if_open_brace = function "{" -> true | _ -> false in (* boolean result indicates whether an indent is needed *) let rec pp_any = function (* assert: normally there is only CONTEXT NOTHING tokens in any *) Ast.FullTypeTag(x) -> fullType x; false | Ast.BaseTypeTag(x) -> baseType x unknown unknown; false | Ast.StructUnionTag(x) -> structUnion x unknown unknown; false | Ast.SignTag(x) -> sign x unknown unknown; false | Ast.IdentTag(x) -> ident x; false | Ast.ExpressionTag(x) -> expression x; false | Ast.ConstantTag(x) -> constant x unknown unknown; false | Ast.UnaryOpTag(x) -> unaryOp x unknown unknown; false | Ast.AssignOpTag(x) -> assignOp x unknown unknown; false | Ast.FixOpTag(x) -> fixOp x unknown unknown; false | Ast.BinaryOpTag(x) -> binaryOp x unknown unknown; false | Ast.ArithOpTag(x) -> arithOp x unknown unknown; false | Ast.LogicalOpTag(x) -> logicalOp x unknown unknown; false | Ast.InitTag(x) -> initialiser false x; false | Ast.DeclarationTag(x) -> declaration x; false | Ast.StorageTag(x) -> storage x unknown unknown; false | Ast.IncFileTag(x) -> inc_file x unknown unknown; false | Ast.Rule_elemTag(x) -> rule_elem "" x; false | Ast.StatementTag(x) -> statement "" x; false | Ast.CaseLineTag(x) -> case_line "" x; false | Ast.ConstVolTag(x) -> const_vol x unknown unknown; false | Ast.Pragma(xs) -> (match xs with (Ast.Space s)::_ -> pr_space() | _ -> ()); let rec loop = function [] -> () | [Ast.Noindent s] -> unindent false; print_text s | [Ast.Indent s] -> print_text s | (Ast.Space s) :: (((Ast.Indent _ | Ast.Noindent _) :: _) as rest) -> print_text s; force_newline(); loop rest | (Ast.Space s) :: rest -> print_text s; pr_space(); loop rest | Ast.Noindent s :: rest -> unindent false; print_text s; force_newline(); loop rest | Ast.Indent s :: rest -> print_text s; force_newline(); loop rest in loop xs; false | Ast.Token(x,None) -> print_text x; if_open_brace x | Ast.Token(x,Some info) -> mcode (fun x line lcol -> (match x with "else" -> force_newline() | _ -> ()); print_string x line lcol) (let nomcodekind = Ast.CONTEXT(Ast.DontCarePos,Ast.NOTHING) in (x,info,nomcodekind,[])); if_open_brace x | Ast.Code(x) -> let _ = top_level x in false (* this is not '...', but a list of expr/statement/params, and normally there should be no '...' inside them *) | Ast.ExprDotsTag(x) -> dots (function _ -> ()) expression x; false | Ast.ParamDotsTag(x) -> parameter_list x; false | Ast.StmtDotsTag(x) -> dots force_newline (statement "") x; false | Ast.DeclDotsTag(x) -> dots force_newline declaration x; false | Ast.TypeCTag(x) -> typeC x; false | Ast.ParamTag(x) -> parameterTypeDef x; false | Ast.SgrepStartTag(x) -> failwith "unexpected start tag" | Ast.SgrepEndTag(x) -> failwith "unexpected end tag" in (*Printf.printf "start of the function\n";*) anything := (function x -> let _ = pp_any x in ()); (* todo? imitate what is in pretty_print_cocci ? *) match xxs with [] -> () | x::xs -> (* for many tags, we must not do a newline before the first '+' *) let isfn s = match Ast.unwrap s with Ast.FunDecl _ -> true | _ -> false in let unindent_before = function (* need to get unindent before newline for } *) (Ast.Token ("}",_)::_) -> true | _ -> false in let prnl x = (if unindent_before x then unindent true); force_newline() in let newline_before _ = if before =*= After then let hd = List.hd xxs in match hd with (Ast.Pragma l::_) when List.for_all (function Ast.Space x -> true | _ -> false) l -> () | (Ast.StatementTag s::_) when isfn s -> force_newline(); force_newline() | (Ast.Pragma _::_) | (Ast.Rule_elemTag _::_) | (Ast.StatementTag _::_) | (Ast.InitTag _::_) | (Ast.DeclarationTag _::_) | (Ast.Token ("}",_)::_) -> prnl hd | _ -> () in let newline_after _ = if before =*= Before then match List.rev(List.hd(List.rev xxs)) with (Ast.StatementTag s::_) -> (if isfn s then force_newline()); force_newline() | (Ast.Pragma _::_) | (Ast.Rule_elemTag _::_) | (Ast.InitTag _::_) | (Ast.DeclarationTag _::_) | (Ast.Token ("{",_)::_) -> force_newline() | _ -> () in (* print a newline at the beginning, if needed *) newline_before(); (* print a newline before each of the rest *) let rec loop leading_newline indent_needed = function [] -> () | x::xs -> (if leading_newline then match (indent_needed,unindent_before x) with (true,true) -> force_newline() | (true,false) -> force_newline(); indent() | (false,true) -> unindent true; force_newline() | (false,false) -> force_newline()); let space_needed_before = function Ast.ParamTag(x) -> (match Ast.unwrap x with Ast.PComma _ -> false | _ -> true) | Ast.ExpressionTag(x) -> (match Ast.unwrap x with Ast.EComma _ -> false | _ -> true) | Ast.InitTag(x) -> (match Ast.unwrap x with Ast.IComma _ -> false | _ -> true) | Ast.Token(t,_) when List.mem t [",";";";"(";")";".";"->"] -> false | _ -> true in let space_needed_after = function Ast.Token(t,_) when List.mem t ["(";".";"->"] -> (*never needed*) false | Ast.Token(t,_) when List.mem t ["if";"for";"while";"do"] -> (* space always needed *) pr_space(); false | Ast.ExpressionTag(e) -> (match Ast.unwrap e with Ast.EComma _ -> (* space always needed *) pr_space(); false | _ -> true) | t -> true in let indent_needed = let rec loop space_after indent_needed = function [] -> indent_needed | x::xs -> (if space_after && space_needed_before x then pr_space()); let indent_needed = pp_any x in let space_after = space_needed_after x in loop space_after indent_needed xs in loop false false x in loop true indent_needed xs in loop false false (x::xs); (* print a newline at the end, if needed *) newline_after() let rec pp_list_list_any (envs, pr, pr_celem, pr_cspace, pr_space, pr_arity, pr_barrier, indent, unindent, eatspace) generating xxs before = List.iter (function env -> do_all (env, pr, pr_celem, pr_cspace, pr_space, pr_arity, pr_barrier, indent, unindent, eatspace) generating xxs before) envs