(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Menhir *) (* *) (* François Pottier, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Yann Régis-Gianas, PPS, Université Paris Diderot *) (* *) (* Copyright 2005-2008 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique *) (* et en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* A packed integer array is represented as a pair of an integer [k] and a string [s]. The integer [k] is the number of bits per integer that we use. The string [s] is just an array of bits, which is read in 8-bit chunks. *) (* The ocaml programming language treats string literals and array literals in slightly different ways: the former are statically allocated, while the latter are dynamically allocated. (This is rather arbitrary.) In the context of Menhir's table-based back-end, where compact, immutable integer arrays are needed, ocaml strings are preferable to ocaml arrays. *) type t = int * string (* The magnitude [k] of an integer [v] is the number of bits required to represent [v]. It is rounded up to the nearest power of two, so that [k] divides [Sys.word_size]. *) let magnitude (v : int) = if v < 0 then Sys.word_size else let rec check k max = (* [max] equals [2^k] *) if (max <= 0) || (v < max) then k (* if [max] just overflew, then [v] requires a full ocaml integer, and [k] is the number of bits in an ocaml integer plus one, that is, [Sys.word_size]. *) else check (2 * k) (max * max) in check 1 2 (* [pack a] turns an array of integers into a packed integer array. *) (* Because the sign bit is the most significant bit, the magnitude of any negative number is the word size. In other words, [pack] does not achieve any space savings as soon as [a] contains any negative numbers, even if they are ``small''. *) let pack (a : int array) : t = let m = Array.length a in (* Compute the maximum magnitude of the array elements. This tells us how many bits per element we are going to use. *) let k = Array.fold_left (fun k v -> max k (magnitude v) ) 1 a in (* Because access to ocaml strings is performed on an 8-bit basis, two cases arise. If [k] is less than 8, then we can pack multiple array entries into a single character. If [k] is greater than 8, then we must use multiple characters to represent a single array entry. *) if k <= 8 then begin (* [w] is the number of array entries that we pack in a character. *) assert (8 mod k = 0); let w = 8 / k in (* [n] is the length of the string that we allocate. *) let n = if m mod w = 0 then m / w else m / w + 1 in let s = String.create n in (* Define a reader for the source array. The reader might run off the end if [w] does not divide [m]. *) let i = ref 0 in let next () = let ii = !i in if ii = m then 0 (* ran off the end, pad with zeroes *) else let v = a.(ii) in i := ii + 1; v in (* Fill up the string. *) for j = 0 to n - 1 do let c = ref 0 in for x = 1 to w do c := (!c lsl k) lor next() done; s.[j] <- Char.chr !c done; (* Done. *) k, s end else begin (* k > 8 *) (* [w] is the number of characters that we use to encode an array entry. *) assert (k mod 8 = 0); let w = k / 8 in (* [n] is the length of the string that we allocate. *) let n = m * w in let s = String.create n in (* Fill up the string. *) for i = 0 to m - 1 do let v = ref a.(i) in for x = 1 to w do s.[(i + 1) * w - x] <- Char.chr (!v land 255); v := !v lsr 8 done done; (* Done. *) k, s end (* Access to a string. *) let read (s : string) (i : int) : int = Char.code (String.unsafe_get s i) (* [get1 t i] returns the integer stored in the packed array [t] at index [i]. It assumes (and does not check) that the array's bit width is [1]. The parameter [t] is just a string. *) let get1 (s : string) (i : int) : int = let c = read s (i lsr 3) in let c = c lsr ((lnot i) land 0b111) in let c = c land 0b1 in c (* [get t i] returns the integer stored in the packed array [t] at index [i]. *) (* Together, [pack] and [get] satisfy the following property: if the index [i] is within bounds, then [get (pack a) i] equals [a.(i)]. *) let get ((k, s) : t) (i : int) : int = match k with | 1 -> get1 s i | 2 -> let c = read s (i lsr 2) in let c = c lsr (2 * ((lnot i) land 0b11)) in let c = c land 0b11 in c | 4 -> let c = read s (i lsr 1) in let c = c lsr (4 * ((lnot i) land 0b1)) in let c = c land 0b1111 in c | 8 -> read s i | 16 -> let j = 2 * i in (read s j) lsl 8 + read s (j + 1) | _ -> assert (k = 32); (* 64 bits unlikely, not supported *) let j = 4 * i in (((read s j lsl 8) + read s (j + 1)) lsl 8 + read s (j + 2)) lsl 8 + read s (j + 3)