#!/usr/bin/perl # Author: Yoann Padioleau ###################################################################### # Prelude ###################################################################### # Yes I know about autoconf ... and autoconf sux. # assume standard: diff # assume standard: perl #TODO check python 2.5 ? # need latex and hevea if want to compile the documentation #old: --with-menhir=/path/to/menhirLib or `ocamlfind query menhirLib` my $project = "coccinelle"; my $projectcmdline = "spatch -sp_file demos/simple.cocci demos/simple.c -o /tmp/new_simple.c"; ###################################################################### # Options ###################################################################### my $prefix="/usr/local"; my $python=1; my $pcre=1; my $noocamlscripting=0; my $opt=".opt"; my $tarzan=1; my $pydir="pycaml"; my $menhirdir="menhirlib"; my $sexpdir="ocamlsexp"; my $python_cmd="python"; # generic ocaml libraries (set entries to 0 to disable by default) # 0: disabled, 1: use global library, >1: use local library my %libs= ( "pycaml" => 1 , "menhirLib" => 1 , "sexplib" => 1 , "pcre" => 1 , "dynlink" => 0 , "extlib" => 0 ); # add additional dependencies that some of these libraries may have # these will then be added automatically # (we don't really make use of this here) my %deps= ( # "pycaml" => ["str"] # example # "sexplib" => ["unix", "bigarray", "num"] ); local $_ = join ' ', @ARGV; # Parse options /-h/ || /--help/ and die "usage: $0 [--prefix=path] [--without-FEATURE] [--no-opt]\n \t--without-python\tDisable scripting in Python \t--without-ocaml\t\tDisable scripting in Ocaml \t--without-pcre\t\tDisable regexp with PCRE \t--with-pyton=PATH\t\tSpecify path to python executable \t--no-opt\t\tDo not use the optimimized version of OCaml \t--opt\t\t\tUse the optimimized version of OCaml\n\n"; /--prefix=([^ ]*)/ and $prefix = $1; /--without-pcre/ and $pcre = 0; /--without-python/ and $python = 0; /--without-ocaml/ and $noocamlscripting = 1; /--no-opt/ and $opt = ""; /--opt/ and $opt = ".opt"; /--with-python=([^ ]*)/ and $python_cmd = $1; # todo: also print these options as part of the help message... foreach my $lib (keys %libs) { /--with-$lib/ and $libs{$lib} = 1; /--with-local-$lib/ and $libs{$lib} = 2; /--without-$lib/ and $libs{$lib} = 0; } #tarzan by default (used by score file parsing and now also for sexp_ast_c.ml) # extend the feature set based on their dependencies my $changedLibs = 1; while($changedLibs) { $changedLibs = 0; foreach $dep (keys %deps) { if ($libs{$dep}) { my $reqs = $deps{$dep}; foreach $req (@$reqs) { if (!$libs{$req}) { $libs{$req} = 1; $changedLibs = 1; } } } } } if (!$python) { $libs{'pycaml'} = 0; } #if($ARGV[0] =~ "--prefix=(.*)") { # $prefix = $1; #} #if($ARGV[1] =~ "--without-python") { # $python = 0; #} my $src="$prefix/share/$project"; ###################################################################### # Side effects ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Helpers ###################################################################### #BEGIN { die "need Perl 5 or greater" if $] < 5 ; } #use Common; sub pr2 { print STDERR "@_\n" } sub cat { my ($what) = @_; my @list; open(TMP, $what); while() { push @list, "$_"; } \@list; } sub notb { !$_[0] } sub mapf { my ($f, $xs) = @_; [ map { &$f($_) } @{$xs} ] } sub plural { my ($e) = @_; if ($e > 1) { "s" } else { "" } } sub check_config { my ($command, $expect, $msggood, $msgbad) = @_; my $error = 0; my $full = cat($command); my $res = join(" ", @{$full}); # pr2 $res; if(notb($res =~ $expect)) { $error++; pr2 "!!!! $msgbad !!!!"; } else { pr2 $msggood } return $error; } ###################################################################### # Let's go ###################################################################### pr2 "Checking your configuration.\n"; my $error = 0; #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compilers and runtimes #--------------------------------------------------------------------- $error += check_config("echo \"1;;\\n\" | ocaml |", "Objective(.*) 3.\(09|1[0-9]\)", "OCaml (the wonderful language) is present.", "The program ocaml is missing or is not a good version. We need at least 3.09", ); unless ($noocamlscripting) { $noocamlscripting = check_config("echo \"1;;\\n\" | ocaml |", "Objective(.*) 3.1[1-9]", "OCaml >= 3.11 is present. OCaml scripting activated.", "OCaml scripting disabled. We need at least OCaml 3.11", ); } my $ocamlprefix = $noocamlscripting ? "no" : "yes"; if ($opt eq ".opt") { my $opt_check1 = `ocamlc.opt -version 2>/dev/null`; if($opt_check1 =~ /[0-9\.]+/) { pr2 "ocamlc.opt is present."; } else { $opt=""; pr2 "ocamlc.opt not found"; } my $opt_check2 = `ocamlopt.opt -version 2>/dev/null`; if($opt_check2 =~ /[0-9\.]+/) { pr2 "ocamlopt.opt is present."; } else { $opt=""; pr2 "ocamlopt.opt not found"; } my $opt_check3 = `ocamldep.opt -version 2>/dev/null`; if($opt_check3 =~ /[0-9\.]+/) { pr2 "ocamldep.opt is present."; } else { $opt=""; pr2 "ocamldep.opt not found"; } my $opt_check4 = `ocamllex.opt -version 2>/dev/null`; if($opt_check4 =~ /[0-9\.]+/) { pr2 "ocamllex.opt is present."; } else { $opt=""; pr2 "ocamllex.opt not found"; } if($opt eq "") { pr2 "At least one native OCaml tool have not been found."; pr2 "Desactivation of all native OCaml tools for compilation."; } } #we have cached the result of menhir in the tgz we build. #$error += # check_config("menhir --version |", # "menhir, version 20071212", ## "menhir, version 2006.*", # "Menhir (the parser generator) is present.", # "The program menhir is missing or is not a good version.", # ); #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Developers tools #--------------------------------------------------------------- pr2 ""; $error += check_config( "make -v 2>&1 |grep Make|", "GNU Make [^0-9]*3\.[0-9]+.*", #version 3.79.1, 3.81 "make (gnu version) is present.", "The program gnu make is missing or is not a good version. We need 3.XX", ); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # More developers tools #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Librairies #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Python dev my $PY_VERSION; if($python) { if(check_config( "$python_cmd --version 2>&1 |", '^Python [23]\.', "$python_cmd is present", "$python_cmd is missing or is not a good version." )) { $python=0; } if($python) { my $PY_PREFIX = `$python_cmd pycaml/getprefix.py | tr -d '\n'`; $PY_VERSION = `$python_cmd pycaml/getversion.py | tr -d '\n'`; my $python_hdr = "$PY_PREFIX/include/python$PY_VERSION/Python.h"; if(check_config( "ls $python_hdr 2> /dev/null | ", $python_hdr, "Python.h found", "Python.h missing - You need to install python-dev" )) { $python=0 } } } my $ocamlfind=!check_config( "ocamlfind ocamlc -version 2> /dev/null | ", '^[0-9\.]+', "ocamlfind is present", "ocamlfind is missing -- Switch to local library copies." ); # pycaml. Binding between Python and OCaml my $syspydir=`ocamlfind query pycaml 2> /dev/null | xargs echo -n`; if($syspydir) { pr2 "'pycaml' library is present in $syspydir"; if ($libs{'pycaml'} > 1) { pr2 "... but a local copy of 'pycaml' will be used."; } else { $pydir=$syspydir; } } else { pr2 "'pycaml' library is not present. A local copy will be used."; } # menhirLib. Runtime system for the parsers generated with menhir my $sysmenhirdir=`ocamlfind query menhirLib 2> /dev/null | xargs echo -n`; if($sysmenhirdir) { $menhirdir=$sysmenhirdir; pr2 "'menhirLib' library is present in $menhirdir"; } else { pr2 "'menhirLib' library is not present. A local copy will be used."; } # sexplib. my $syssexpdir=`ocamlfind query sexplib 2> /dev/null | xargs echo -n`; if($syssexpdir) { $sexpdir=$syssexpdir; pr2 "'sexplib' library is present in $sexpdir"; } else { pr2 "'sexplib' library is not present. A local copy will be used."; } # Check if libpcre-ocaml is available # when pcre feature is enabled. my $pcredir=""; if($pcre) { $pcredir=`ocamlfind query pcre 2> /dev/null | xargs echo -n `; if(check_config( "echo -n $pcredir | ", '^/.*$', "'pcre-ocaml' library is present in $pcredir", "'pcre-ocaml' library is not present - You need to install libpcre-ocaml-dev" )) { $pcre=0 } } ###################################################################### # Printing of library selection ###################################################################### pr2 "----------------------------------------------------------------------"; pr2 "Library configuration:"; my %libPaths; foreach my $lib (keys %libs) { my $isSelected = $libs{$lib}; if ($isSelected) { my $libdir = `ocamlfind query $lib 2> /dev/null | xargs echo -n`; if ($libdir && $libs{$lib} <= 1) { $libs{$lib} = 1; $libPaths{$lib} = $libdir; } else { if (-d $lib) { # test if local directory exists $libs{$lib} = 2; # use local version $libPaths{$lib} = $lib; } else { $libs{$lib} = 0; # disable the feature $libPaths{$lib} = ""; } } } my $choice = $libs{$lib}; if ($choice == 0) { pr2 "$lib: disabled"; } elsif ($choice == 1) { pr2 "$lib: global version in $libPaths{$lib}"; } else { pr2 "$lib: local version selected"; } } ###################################################################### # Generate config files (platform/portability issues) ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Generate globals files (features issues) ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Diagnostic ###################################################################### if($error) { pr2 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------- !!!! There seems to have problem, we have found $error missing package" . plural($error) . ". " . (($error > 1) ? "Some of those packages" : "This package") . " may be installed by picking " . ($error > 1 ? "them" : "it") . " in $project-dependencies.tgz available on the $project website. !!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "; } else { pr2 "---------------------------------------------------------------------- All seems fine for $project. To compile $project type: \$ make depend \$ make all Or alternatively, for the optimized version: \$ make all.opt If you want both, you could use: \$ make world To install type: \$ make install Then, to test $project simply type: \$ $projectcmdline "; if($python) { pr2 "To use the python SmPL feature you may have to set some environment variables. However, they are automatically set by the front-end installed in $prefix/bin. For bash do: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$prefix/lib export PYTHONPATH=\$PYTHONPATH:$src/python" } pr2 "----------------------------------------------------------------------"; } ###################################################################### # Generating the configuration ###################################################################### pr2 " Compilation configuration\n"; pr2 "$project target prefix: $prefix (you can use --prefix to override it)"; pr2 "Generating Makefile.config"; open(CONFIG, ">Makefile.config"); print CONFIG "# autogenerated by configure # INSTALL_PROGRAM?=install -c -m 755 INSTALL_LIB?= install -c -m 755 INSTALL_DATA?= install -c -m 644 # Where to install the binary BINDIR=$prefix/bin # Where to install the man pages MANDIR=$prefix/man # Where to install the lib LIBDIR=$prefix/lib # Where to install the configuration files SHAREDIR=$src BASH_COMPLETION_DIR=/etc/bash_completion.d # Features FEATURE_PYTHON=$python FEATURE_TARZAN=$tarzan "; if ($python) { print CONFIG "PYVER=$PY_VERSION\n"; print CONFIG "PYCMD=$python_cmd\n"; } if($pcre) { print CONFIG " PCREDIR=$pcredir" } print CONFIG " PYCAMLDIR=$pydir MENHIRDIR=$menhirdir SEXPDIR=$sexpdir DYNLINK=$ocamlprefix # The OPTBIN variable is here to allow to use ocamlc.opt instead of # ocaml, when it is available, which speeds up compilation. So # if you want the fast version of the ocaml chain tools, set this var # or setenv it to \".opt\" in your startup script. OPTBIN=$opt "; # # Generate variables for handling the ocaml libraries # my @sellibs = (); my @makelibs = (); my @cleanlibs = (); my @deplibs = (); my @lnklibs = (); my @optlnklibs = (); my @inclibs = (); my @flagslibs = (); my @featurelibs = (); my @pathlibs = (); sub strVar { return "\$(" . $_[0] . "_" . $_[1] . ")"; } foreach $lib (keys %libs) { my $sel = $libs{$lib}; my $path = $libPaths{$lib}; my $pathvar = strVar("PATH", $lib); if ($sel == 1) { # global version push(@lnklibs, strVar("GLOBAL", $lib)); push(@optlnklibs, strVar("GLOBALOPT", $lib)); } elsif ($sel > 1) { # local version push(@lnklibs, strVar("LOCAL", $lib)); push(@optlnklibs, strVar("LOCALOPT", $lib)); if (-e "$path/Makefile") { # does it have a Makefile? push(@makelibs, $pathvar); push(@cleanlibs, $pathvar); push(@deplibs, $pathvar); } } if ($sel >= 1) { # indifferent of global/local push(@sellibs, $lib); push(@inclibs, $pathvar); push(@flagslibs, strVar("FLAGS", $lib)); push(@featurelibs, "FEATURE_$lib=1"); push(@pathlibs, "PATH_$lib=$path"); } } my $strSellibs = join(" ", @sellibs); my $strMakelibs = join(" ", @makelibs); my $strCleanlibs = join(" ", @cleanlibs); my $strDeplibs = join(" ", @deplibs); my $strLnklibs = join(" ", @lnklibs); my $strOptlnklibs = join(" ", @optlnklibs); my $strInclibs = join(" ", @inclibs); my $strFlagslibs = join(" ", @flagslibs); my $strFeatures = join("\n", @featurelibs); my $strPaths = join("\n", @pathlibs); print CONFIG " # selected libraries $strFeatures # library paths $strPaths # collected config vars SELLIBS=$strSellibs MAKELIBS=$strMakelibs CLEANLIBS=$strCleanlibs DEPLIBS=$strDeplibs LNKLIBS=$strLnklibs OPTLNKLIBS=$strOptlnklibs INCLIBS=$strInclibs FLAGSLIBS=$strFlagslibs # selected ocaml modules "; sub repl { my $src = $_[0]; my $dest = $_[1]; my $key = $_[2]; my $val = ucfirst($_[3]); my $cmd = "sed -e 's|${key}|${val}|g' ${src} > ${dest}"; if (-e $dest) { unlink($dest); } `$cmd`; } my $pythonprefix = $python ? "yes" : "no"; pr2 "Support for python scripting: $pythonprefix"; repl('python/pycocci.ml.in', 'python/pycocci.ml', '@PYCOCCI_FILE@', "${pythonprefix}_pycocci"); print CONFIG "PYCOCCI_FILE=${pythonprefix}_pycocci.ml\n"; # `cd python; ln -sf ${pythonprefix}_pycocci.ml pycocci.ml; `; `cd python; make depend`; pr2 "Support for ocaml scripting: $ocamlprefix"; repl('ocaml/prepare_ocamlcocci.ml.in', 'ocaml/prepare_ocamlcocci.ml', '@OCAMLCOCCI_FILE@', "${ocamlprefix}_prepare_ocamlcocci"); print CONFIG "OCAMLCOCCI_FILE=${ocamlprefix}_prepare_ocamlcocci.ml\n"; # `cd ocaml; ln -sf ${ocamlprefix}_prepare_ocamlcocci.ml prepare_ocamlcocci.ml;`; `cd ocaml; make depend`; my $pcresuffix = $pcre ? "pcre" : "str"; pr2 "Support for regexp: $pcresuffix"; repl('globals/regexp.ml.in', 'globals/regexp.ml', '@REGEXP_FILE@', "Regexp_${pcresuffix}"); print CONFIG "REGEXP_FILE=regexp_${pcresuffix}.ml"; # `cd globals; ln -sf regexp_${pcresuffix}.ml regexp.ml; touch regexp.ml;`; `cd globals; make depend`; pr2 "Modifying globals/config.ml"; my $version = `cat ./version | tr -d '\n'`; `echo -n "$version" > ./version`; # make sure that there are no newlines after version my $command1 = "sed -i -e 's|^let version = \".*\"\$|let version = \"$version\"|g' globals/config.ml.in"; # substitute version my $command2 = "perl -p -e 's#Not_found.\*#Not_found->\\\"$src\\\"#' globals/config.ml.in > globals/config.ml"; `$command1`; `$command2`; pr2 "----------------------------------------------------------------------"; pr2 " Runtime dependency\n"; if ($ocamlfind) { pr2 "Support for external ocaml library in ocaml scripting: yes (ocamlfind found)"; } else { pr2 "Support for external ocaml library in ocaml scripting: no"; pr2 "!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!! ocamlfind may be required at runtime"; } pr2 "";