open Common (* if do .mli: val print_parsing_stat_list: parsing_stat list -> unit *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Stat *) (*****************************************************************************) type parsing_stat = { filename: filename; mutable have_timeout: bool; mutable correct: int; mutable bad: int; mutable commentized: int; (* by our cpp commentizer *) (* if want to know exactly what was passed through, uncomment: * * mutable passing_through_lines: int; * * it differs from bad by starting from the error to * the synchro point instead of starting from start of * function to end of function. *) mutable problematic_lines: (string list (* ident in error line *) * int (* line_error *)) list; } let default_stat file = { filename = file; have_timeout = false; correct = 0; bad = 0; commentized = 0; problematic_lines = []; } (* todo: stat per dir ? give in terms of func_or_decl numbers: * nbfunc_or_decl pbs / nbfunc_or_decl total ?/ * * note: cela dit si y'a des fichiers avec des #ifdef dont on connait pas les * valeurs alors on parsera correctement tout le fichier et pourtant y'aura * aucune def et donc aucune couverture en fait. * ==> TODO evaluer les parties non parsé ? *) let print_parsing_stat_list ?(verbose=false) = fun statxs -> let total = List.length statxs in let perfect = statxs +> List.filter (function {have_timeout = false; bad = 0} -> true | _ -> false) +> List.length in if verbose then begin pr "\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------"; pr "pbs with files:"; statxs +> List.filter (function | {have_timeout = true} -> true | {bad = n} when n > 0 -> true | _ -> false) +> List.iter (function {filename = file; have_timeout = timeout; bad = n} -> pr (file ^ " " ^ (if timeout then "TIMEOUT" else i_to_s n)); ); pr "\n\n\n"; pr "files with lots of tokens passed/commentized:"; let threshold_passed = 100 in statxs +> List.filter (function | {commentized = n} when n > threshold_passed -> true | _ -> false) +> List.iter (function {filename = file; commentized = n} -> pr (file ^ " " ^ (i_to_s n)); ); pr "\n\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------"; end; pr ( (sprintf "NB total files = %d; " total) ^ (sprintf "perfect = %d; " perfect) ^ (sprintf "pbs = %d; " (statxs +> List.filter (function {have_timeout = b; bad = n} when n > 0 -> true | _ -> false) +> List.length)) ^ (sprintf "timeout = %d; " (statxs +> List.filter (function {have_timeout = true; bad = n} -> true | _ -> false) +> List.length)) ^ (sprintf "=========> %d" ((100 * perfect) / total)) ^ "%" ); let good = statxs +> List.fold_left (fun acc {correct = x} -> acc+x) 0 in let bad = statxs +> List.fold_left (fun acc {bad = x} -> acc+x) 0 in let passed = statxs +> List.fold_left (fun acc {commentized = x} -> acc+x) 0 in let gf, badf = float_of_int good, float_of_int bad in let passedf = float_of_int passed in pr ( (sprintf "nb good = %d, nb passed = %d " good passed) ^ (sprintf "=========> %f" (100.0 *. (passedf /. gf)) ^ "% passed") ); pr ( (sprintf "nb good = %d, nb bad = %d " good bad) ^ (sprintf "=========> %f" (100.0 *. (gf /. (gf +. badf))) ^ "% good" ) ) (*****************************************************************************) (* Recurring error diagnostic *) (*****************************************************************************) (* asked/inspired by reviewer of CC'09 *) let lines_around_error_line ~context (file, line) = let arr = Common.cat_array file in let startl = max 0 (line - context) in let endl = min (Array.length arr) (line + context) in let res = ref [] in for i = startl to endl -1 do Common.push2 arr.(i) res done; List.rev !res let print_recurring_problematic_tokens xs = let h = Hashtbl.create 101 in xs +> List.iter (fun x -> let file = x.filename in x.problematic_lines +> List.iter (fun (xs, line_error) -> xs +> List.iter (fun s -> Common.hupdate_default s (fun (old, example) -> old + 1, example) (fun() -> 0, (file, line_error)) h; ))); pr2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(); pr2 ("maybe 10 most problematic tokens"); pr2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(); Common.hash_to_list h +> List.sort (fun (k1,(v1,_)) (k2,(v2,_)) -> compare v2 v1) +> Common.take_safe 10 +> List.iter (fun (k,(i, (file_ex, line_ex))) -> pr2 (spf "%s: present in %d parsing errors" k i); pr2 ("example: "); let lines = lines_around_error_line ~context:2 (file_ex, line_ex) in lines +> List.iter (fun s -> pr2 (" " ^ s)); ); pr2_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(); () (*****************************************************************************) (* Stat *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Those variables were written for CC09, to evaluate the need for * some of our heuristics and extensions. * * coupling: if you add a new var, modify also assoc_stat_number below *) let nTypedefInfer = ref 0 let nIncludeGrammar = ref 0 let nIncludeHack = ref 0 let nIteratorGrammar = ref 0 let nIteratorHeuristic = ref 0 let nMacroTopDecl = ref 0 let nMacroStructDecl = ref 0 let nMacroDecl = ref 0 let nMacroStmt = ref 0 let nMacroString = ref 0 let nMacroHigherOrder = ref 0 (* actions *) let nMacrohigherTypeGrammar = ref 0 let nMacroAttribute = ref 0 let nIfdefTop = ref 0 let nIfdefStmt = ref 0 let nIfdefStruct = ref 0 let nIfdefInitializer = ref 0 (* nIfdefExpr, nIfdefType *) let nIfdefFunheader = ref 0 let nIfdefExprPassing = ref 0 let nIfdefPassing = ref 0 let nIncludePassing = ref 0 let nDefinePassing = ref 0 let nIfdefZero = ref 0 let nIfdefVersion = ref 0 let nGccTypeof = ref 0 let nGccLongLong = ref 0 let nGccAsm = ref 0 let nGccInline = ref 0 let nGccAttribute = ref 0 let nGccCaseRange = ref 0 let nGccMixDecl = ref 0 let nGccDesignator = ref 0 let nGccStmtExpr = ref 0 let nGccConstructor = ref 0 let nGccEmptyStruct = ref 0 let nGccNestedFunc = ref 0 let nGccMisc = ref 0 let nDefineHack = ref 0 let nDefineConstant = ref 0 let nDefineStmt = ref 0 let nDefineExpr = ref 0 (* both below require some heuristic support *) let nDefineWhile0 = ref 0 let nDefineInit = ref 0 let nDefineOther = ref 0 let nUndef = ref 0 let nPragmaAndCo = ref 0 (* let nDirectiveTop = ref 0 *) let nDirectiveStmt = ref 0 let nDirectiveStruct = ref 0 let nDirectiveInitializer = ref 0 (* from standard.h *) let nMacroHint = ref 0 let nMacroExpand = ref 0 let nNotParsedCorrectly = ref 0 let assoc_stat_number = [ "nTypedefInfer", nTypedefInfer; "nIteratorHeuristic", nIteratorHeuristic; "nMacroTopDecl", nMacroTopDecl; "nMacroStructDecl", nMacroStructDecl; "nMacroDecl", nMacroDecl; "nMacroStmt", nMacroStmt; "nMacroString", nMacroString; "nMacroHigherOrder", nMacroHigherOrder; "nMacroAttribute", nMacroAttribute; "nMacrohigherTypeGrammar", nMacrohigherTypeGrammar; "nIfdefTop", nIfdefTop; "nIfdefStmt", nIfdefStmt; "nIfdefStruct", nIfdefStruct; "nIfdefInitializer", nIfdefInitializer; "nIfdefFunheader", nIfdefFunheader; "nIfdefZero", nIfdefZero; "nIfdefVersion", nIfdefVersion; "nIfdefExprPassing", nIfdefExprPassing; "nIfdefPassing", nIfdefPassing; "nIncludePassing", nIncludePassing; "nDefinePassing", nDefinePassing; "nMacroExpand", nMacroExpand; "nMacroHint", nMacroHint; "nGccTypeof", nGccTypeof; "nGccLongLong", nGccLongLong; "nGccAsm", nGccAsm; "nGccInline", nGccInline; "nGccAttribute", nGccAttribute; "nGccCaseRange", nGccCaseRange; "nGccMixDecl", nGccMixDecl; "nGccDesignator", nGccDesignator; "nGccStmtExpr", nGccStmtExpr; "nGccConstructor", nGccConstructor; "nGccEmptyStruct", nGccEmptyStruct; "nGccNestedFunc", nGccNestedFunc; "nGccMisc", nGccMisc; "nDefineHack", nDefineHack; "nDefineConstant", nDefineConstant; "nDefineStmt", nDefineStmt; "nDefineExpr", nDefineExpr; "nDefineInit", nDefineInit; "nDefineOther", nDefineOther; "nUndef", nUndef; "nPragmaAndCo", nPragmaAndCo; "nDirectiveStmt", nDirectiveStmt; "nDirectiveStruct", nDirectiveStruct; "nDirectiveInitializer", nDirectiveInitializer; "nNotParsedCorrectly", nNotParsedCorrectly; (* less *) "nIncludeGrammar", nIncludeGrammar; "nIncludeHack", nIncludeHack; "nIteratorGrammar", nIteratorGrammar; ] let print_stat_numbers () = assoc_stat_number +> List.iter (fun (k, vref) -> pr2 (spf "%-30s -> %d" k !vref); )