** Language:
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / ocaml / yes_prepare_ocamlcocci.ml
... / ...
1module Ast = Ast_cocci
3exception CompileFailure of string
4exception LinkFailure of string
6let ext = if Dynlink.is_native then ".cmxs" else ".cma"
8let sysdir () =
9 let sysdircmd = !Flag.ocamlfind ^ " printconf stdlib" in
10 match Common.cmd_to_list sysdircmd with
11 [sysdir] -> sysdir
12 | _ -> raise (CompileFailure (sysdircmd ^" has failed"))
14let check_cmd cmd =
15 let (_,stat) = Common.cmd_to_list_and_status cmd in
16 match stat with
17 Unix.WEXITED 0 -> true
18 | _ -> false
20let check_runtime () =
21 let has_opt = check_cmd (!Flag.ocamlc ^".opt -version 2>&1 > /dev/null") in
22 let has_c = check_cmd (!Flag.ocamlc ^" -version 2>&1 > /dev/null") in
23 if has_opt then
24 begin
25 Flag.ocamlc := !Flag.ocamlc ^ ".opt";
26 Flag.ocamlopt := !Flag.ocamlopt ^ ".opt";
27 Flag.ocamldep := !Flag.ocamldep ^ ".opt";
28 Common.pr2 "Using native version of ocamlc/ocamlopt/ocamldep"
29 end
30 else
31 if has_c then
32 Common.pr2 "Using bytecode version of ocamlc/ocamlopt/ocamldep"
33 else
34 if Dynlink.is_native then
35 failwith
36 "No OCaml compiler found! Install either ocamlopt or ocamlopt.opt"
37 else
38 failwith
39 "No OCaml compiler found! Install either ocamlc or ocamlc.opt"
41let init_ocamlcocci _ =
42 "open Coccilib\n"
44let print_match ctr nm kind =
45 let endlet = "| _ -> failwith \"bad value\" in\n" in
46 let index = !ctr in
47 ctr := !ctr + 1;
48 Printf.sprintf
49 "let %s = match List.nth args %d with Coccilib.%s x -> x %s"
50 nm index kind endlet
52let string_rep_binding ctr = function
53 (Some nm,Ast.MetaPosDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Pos"
54 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaListlenDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Int"
55 | (Some nm,_) (* strings for everything else *) ->
56 print_match ctr nm "Str"
57 | (None,_) -> ""
59let ast_rep_binding ctr = function
60 (Some nm,Ast.MetaPosDecl _) ->
61 failwith
62 (Printf.sprintf "%s: No AST representation for position variables" nm)
63 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaMetaDecl _) ->
64 failwith
65 (Printf.sprintf
66 "%s: No AST representation for metavariables declared as \"%s\""
67 "metavariable" nm)
68 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaIdDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
69 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFreshIdDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
70 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaTypeDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Type"
71 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaInitDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Init"
72 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaInitListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "InitList"
73 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaListlenDecl _) ->
74 failwith
75 (Printf.sprintf "%s: No AST representation for listlen variables" nm)
76 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaParamDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Param"
77 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaParamListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "ParamList"
78 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaConstDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr"
79 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaErrDecl _) -> failwith ("not supported: "^nm)
80 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaExpDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr"
81 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaIdExpDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr"
82 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaLocalIdExpDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Expr"
83 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaExpListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "ExprList"
84 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaDeclDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Decl"
85 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFieldDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Field"
86 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFieldListDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "FieldList"
87 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaStmDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Stmt"
88 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaStmListDecl _) -> failwith ("not supported: "^nm)
89 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaFuncDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
90 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaLocalFuncDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
91 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaDeclarerDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
92 | (Some nm,Ast.MetaIteratorDecl _) -> print_match ctr nm "Str"
93 | (None,_) -> ""
95let manage_script_vars script_vars =
96 let rec loop n = function
97 [] -> ""
98 | (_,x)::xs ->
99 (Printf.sprintf "let %s = List.nth script_args %d in\n" x n) ^
100 (loop (n+1) xs) in
101 loop 0 script_vars
103(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
104(* Iteration management *)
106let print_iteration_code o =
107 let translator l =
108 String.concat "\n | "
109 (List.map
110 (function x -> Printf.sprintf "%s -> \"%s\""
111 (String.capitalize x) x)
112 l) in
113 let add_virt_rules_method =
114 match !Iteration.parsed_virtual_rules with
115 [] -> ""
116 | l ->
117 Printf.sprintf "
118 method add_virtual_rule r =
119 let r = match r with %s in
120 virtual_rules <- Common.union_set [r] virtual_rules\n"
121 (translator l) in
122 let add_virt_ids_method =
123 match !Iteration.parsed_virtual_identifiers with
124 [] -> ""
125 | l ->
126 Printf.sprintf "
127 method add_virtual_identifier i v =
128 let i = match i with %s in
129 try
130 let v1 = List.assoc i virtual_identifiers in
131 if not (v = v1)
132 then failwith (\"multiple values specified for \"^i)
133 with Not_found ->
134 virtual_identifiers <- (i,v) :: virtual_identifiers"
135 (translator l) in
136 Printf.fprintf o "
137class iteration () =
138 object
139 val mutable files = None
140 val mutable files_changed = false
141 val mutable virtual_rules = ([] : string list)
142 val mutable virtual_identifiers = ([] : (string * string) list)
143 method set_files f = files <- Some f
144 %s%s
145 method register () =
146 Iteration.add_pending_instance (files,virtual_rules,virtual_identifiers)
147 end\n\n" add_virt_rules_method add_virt_ids_method
149(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
151let prepare_rule (name, metavars, script_vars, code) =
152 let fname = String.concat "_" (Str.split (Str.regexp " ") name) in
153 (* function header *)
154 let function_header body =
155 Printf.sprintf "let %s args script_args =\n %s" fname body in
156 (* parameter list *)
157 let build_parameter_list body =
158 let ctr = ref 0 in
159 let lets =
160 String.concat ""
161 (List.rev
162 (List.fold_left
163 (function prev ->
164 function ((str_nm,ast_nm),_,mv) ->
165 (* order important; ctr is incremented *)
166 let string_rep = string_rep_binding ctr (str_nm,mv) in
167 let ast_rep = ast_rep_binding ctr (ast_nm,mv) in
168 ast_rep :: string_rep :: prev)
169 [] metavars)) in
170 lets ^ (manage_script_vars script_vars) ^ body in
171 (* add to hash table *)
172 let hash_add body =
173 Printf.sprintf
174 "%s\nlet _ = Hashtbl.add Coccilib.fcts \"%s\" %s\n" body name fname in
175 hash_add (function_header (build_parameter_list code))
177let prepare coccifile code =
178 let init_rules =
179 List.fold_left
180 (function prev ->
181 function
182 Ast_cocci.InitialScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,code) ->
183 code :: prev
184 | _ -> prev)
185 [] code in
186 let init_rules = List.rev init_rules in
187 let other_rules =
188 List.fold_left
189 (function prev ->
190 function
191 Ast_cocci.ScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,mv,script_vars,code) ->
192 (name,mv,script_vars,code) :: prev
193 | Ast_cocci.InitialScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,code) -> prev
194 | Ast_cocci.FinalScriptRule (name,"ocaml",deps,code) ->
195 (name,[],[],code) :: prev
196 | _ -> prev)
197 [] code in
198 let other_rules = List.rev other_rules in
199 if init_rules = [] && other_rules = []
200 then None
201 else
202 begin
203 let basefile = Filename.basename (Filename.chop_extension coccifile) in
204 let basefile =
205 String.concat "_" (Str.split (Str.regexp "-") basefile) in
206 let (file,o) = Filename.open_temp_file basefile ".ml" in
207 (* Global initialization *)
208 Printf.fprintf o "%s\n" (init_ocamlcocci());
209 (* virtual rules and identifiers *)
210 (if !Iteration.parsed_virtual_rules != []
211 then
212 Printf.fprintf o "type __virtual_rules__ = %s\n\n"
213 (String.concat " | "
214 (List.map String.capitalize !Iteration.parsed_virtual_rules)));
215 (if !Iteration.parsed_virtual_identifiers != []
216 then
217 Printf.fprintf o "type __virtual_identifiers__ = %s\n\n"
218 (String.concat " | "
219 (List.map
220 (function x -> Printf.sprintf "%s" x)
221 (List.map String.capitalize
222 !Iteration.parsed_virtual_identifiers))));
223 print_iteration_code o;
224 (* Semantic patch specific initialization *)
225 Printf.fprintf o "%s" (String.concat "\n\n" init_rules);
226 (* Semantic patch rules and finalizer *)
227 let rule_code = List.map prepare_rule other_rules in
228 Printf.fprintf o "%s" (String.concat "\n\n" rule_code);
229 close_out o;
230 check_runtime ();
231 Some file
232 end
234let filter_dep (accld, accinc) dep =
235 match dep with
236 (* Built-in and OCaml defaults are filtered out *)
237 "Arg" | "Arith_status" | "Array" | "ArrayLabels" | "Big_int" | "Bigarray"
238 | "Buffer" | "Callback" | "CamlinternalLazy" | "CamlinternalMod"
239 | "CamlinternalOO"
240 | "Char" | "Complex" | "Condition" | "Digest" | "Dynlink" | "Event"
241 | "Filename"
242 | "Format" | "Gc" | "Genlex" | "GraphicsX11" | "Hashtbl" | "Int32"
243 | "Int64"
244 | "Lazy" | "Lexing" | "List" | "ListLabels" | "Map" | "Marshal"
245 | "MoreLabels" | "Mutex"
246 | "Nativeint" | "Num" | "Obj" | "Oo" | "Parsing" | "Pervasives"
247 | "Printexc" | "Printf"
248 | "Queue" | "Random" | "Scanf" | "Set" | "Sort" | "Stack" | "StdLabels"
249 | "Str" | "Stream"
250 | "String" | "StringLabels" | "Sys" | "ThreadUnix" | "Unix" | "UnixLabels"
251 | "Weak"
253 (* Coccilib is filtered out too *)
254 | "Coccilib" | "Common" | "Ast_c" | "Visitor_c" | "Lib_parsing_c"
255 | "Iteration" ->
256 (accld, accinc)
258 | "Dbm" -> ("dbm"::accld, accinc)
259 | "Graphics" -> ("graphics"::accld, accinc)
260 | "Thread" -> ("thread"::accld, accinc)
261 | "Tk" -> ("tk"::accld, accinc)
263 | _ ->
264 let l = Char.lowercase (String.get dep 0)in
265 String.set dep 0 l;
266 (accld, dep::accinc)
268let get_dir p =
269 let inclcmd = !Flag.ocamlfind ^" query "^p in
270 let dir = List.hd (Common.cmd_to_list inclcmd) in
271 (dir, p)
273let parse_dep mlfile depout =
274 let re_colon = Str.regexp_string ":" in
275 match Str.split re_colon depout with
276 _::[dep] ->
277 let deplist = Str.split (Str.regexp_string " ") dep in
278 let (libs, orderdep) = List.fold_left filter_dep ([],[]) deplist in
279 if libs <> [] || orderdep <> [] then
280 begin
281 if check_cmd (!Flag.ocamlfind ^ " printconf 2>&1 > /dev/null")
282 then
283 let packages = List.rev orderdep in
284 let inclflags = List.map get_dir packages in
285 let intlib = List.map get_dir libs in
286 let alllibs = List.rev_append intlib inclflags in
287 let plist =
288 List.fold_left (fun acc (_,p) -> acc ^" "^p) "" alllibs in
289 let flags =
290 String.concat " " (List.map (fun (d,_) -> "-I "^d) inclflags) in
291 if flags <> "" || libs <> []
292 then
293 begin
294 Common.pr2
295 ("Extra OCaml packages used in the semantic patch:"^ plist);
296 (alllibs (* , inclflags *), flags)
297 end
298 else
299 raise
300 (CompileFailure
301 ("ocamlfind did not find "^
302 (if (List.length libs + List.length orderdep) = 1
303 then "this package:"
304 else "one of these packages:")^ plist))
305 else
306 raise
307 (CompileFailure ("ocamlfind not found but "^mlfile^" uses "^dep))
308 end
309 else
310 ([] (* , [] *), "")
311 | _ ->
312 raise
313 (CompileFailure ("Wrong dependencies for "^mlfile^" (Got "^depout^")"))
315let dep_flag mlfile =
316 let depcmd = !Flag.ocamldep ^" -modules "^mlfile in
317 match Common.cmd_to_list depcmd with
318 [dep] -> parse_dep mlfile dep
319 | err ->
320 List.iter (function x -> Common.pr2 (x^"\n")) err;
321 raise (CompileFailure ("Failed ocamldep for "^mlfile))
323let compile_bytecode_cmd flags mlfile =
324 let obj = (Filename.chop_extension mlfile) ^ ".cmo" in
325 (obj, Printf.sprintf "%s -c %s %s %s" !Flag.ocamlc obj flags mlfile)
327let compile_native_cmd flags mlfile =
328 let obj = (Filename.chop_extension mlfile) ^ ".cmxs" in
329 (obj,
330 Printf.sprintf "%s -shared -o %s %s %s" !Flag.ocamlopt obj flags mlfile)
332let compile mlfile cmd =
333 Common.pr2 cmd;
334 match Sys.command cmd with
335 0 -> ()
336 | _ -> raise (CompileFailure mlfile)
338let rec load_obj obj =
339 try
340 Dynlink.loadfile obj
341 with Dynlink.Error e ->
342 match e with
343 Dynlink.Unsafe_file ->
344 Dynlink.allow_unsafe_modules true;
345 load_obj obj
346 | _ ->
347 Common.pr2 (Dynlink.error_message e);
348 raise (LinkFailure obj)
351let link_lib (dir, name) = name ^ ext
353let link_libs libs =
354 String.concat " " (List.map link_lib libs)
357let load_lib (dir, name) =
358 let obj = dir ^ "/" ^name ^ ext in
359 Common.pr2 ("Loading "^ obj ^"...");
360 load_obj obj
362let load_libs libs =
363 List.iter load_lib libs
365let load_file mlfile =
366 let (ldlibs (* , lklibs *), inc) = dep_flag mlfile in
367(* let linklibs = link_libs lklibs in *)
368 let flags =
369 Printf.sprintf
370 "-thread -g -dtypes -I %s %s -I %s/globals -I %s/ocaml -I %s/parsing_c -I %s/commons "
371 (sysdir ()) inc Config.path Config.path Config.path Config.path in
372 let (obj, cmd) =
373 if Dynlink.is_native
374 then compile_native_cmd flags mlfile
375 else compile_bytecode_cmd flags mlfile in
376 compile mlfile cmd;
377 Common.pr2 "Compilation OK!";
378 load_libs ldlibs;
379 Common.pr2 "Loading ML code of the SP...";
380 try Dynlink.loadfile obj
381 with Dynlink.Error e ->
382 Common.pr2 (Dynlink.error_message e);
383 raise (LinkFailure obj)
385let clean_file mlfile =
386 let basefile = Filename.chop_extension mlfile in
387 let files =
388 if Dynlink.is_native then
389 [basefile ^ ".cmxs";
390 basefile ^ ".cmx";
391 basefile ^ ".o";
392 basefile ^ ".annot"]
393 else
394 [basefile ^ ".cmo";
395 basefile ^ ".annot"]
396 in
397 if not !Flag_parsing_cocci.keep_ml_script then Sys.remove mlfile;
398 Sys.remove (basefile^".cmi");
399 List.iter (fun f -> try Sys.remove f with _ -> ()) files
402 This function is used in testing.ml.
403 Once the ML file is compiled and loaded,
404 newly available functions are reported here.
406let test () =
407 Hashtbl.iter
408 (fun key fct ->
409 Common.pr2 ("Fct registered: \""^key^"\"")
410 ) Coccilib.fcts