Release coccinelle-0.2.0
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / commons / ocamlextra /
1(*pad: taken from from stdlib ocaml, functor sux: module Make(Ord: OrderedType) = *)
2(* with some addons such as from list *)
6(* *)
7(* Objective Caml *)
8(* *)
9(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
10(* *)
11(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
12(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
13(* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *)
14(* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *)
15(* *)
18(* 2004/11/03 21:19:49 doligez Exp *)
20(* Sets over ordered types *)
22(* pad:
23 type elt = Ord.t
24 type t = Empty | Node of t * elt * t * int
25 and subst all with just compare
27 type 'elt t = Empty | Node of 'elt t * 'elt * 'elt t * int
29 (* Sets are represented by balanced binary trees (the heights of the
30 children differ by at most 2 *)
32 let height = function
33 Empty -> 0
34 | Node(_, _, _, h) -> h
36 (* Creates a new node with left son l, value v and right son r.
37 We must have all elements of l < v < all elements of r.
38 l and r must be balanced and | height l - height r | <= 2.
39 Inline expansion of height for better speed. *)
41 let create l v r =
42 let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
43 let hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
44 Node(l, v, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
46 (* Same as create, but performs one step of rebalancing if necessary.
47 Assumes l and r balanced and | height l - height r | <= 3.
48 Inline expansion of create for better speed in the most frequent case
49 where no rebalancing is required. *)
51 let bal l v r =
52 let hl = match l with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
53 let hr = match r with Empty -> 0 | Node(_,_,_,h) -> h in
54 if hl > hr + 2 then begin
55 match l with
56 Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
57 | Node(ll, lv, lr, _) ->
58 if height ll >= height lr then
59 create ll lv (create lr v r)
60 else begin
61 match lr with
62 Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
63 | Node(lrl, lrv, lrr, _)->
64 create (create ll lv lrl) lrv (create lrr v r)
65 end
66 end else if hr > hl + 2 then begin
67 match r with
68 Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
69 | Node(rl, rv, rr, _) ->
70 if height rr >= height rl then
71 create (create l v rl) rv rr
72 else begin
73 match rl with
74 Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.bal"
75 | Node(rll, rlv, rlr, _) ->
76 create (create l v rll) rlv (create rlr rv rr)
77 end
78 end else
79 Node(l, v, r, (if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1))
81 (* Insertion of one element *)
83 let rec add x = function
84 Empty -> Node(Empty, x, Empty, 1)
85 | Node(l, v, r, _) as t ->
86 let c = compare x v in
87 if c = 0 then t else
88 if c < 0 then bal (add x l) v r else bal l v (add x r)
90 (* Same as create and bal, but no assumptions are made on the
91 relative heights of l and r. *)
93 let rec join l v r =
94 match (l, r) with
95 (Empty, _) -> add v r
96 | (_, Empty) -> add v l
97 | (Node(ll, lv, lr, lh), Node(rl, rv, rr, rh)) ->
98 if lh > rh + 2 then bal ll lv (join lr v r) else
99 if rh > lh + 2 then bal (join l v rl) rv rr else
100 create l v r
102 (* Smallest and greatest element of a set *)
104 let rec min_elt = function
105 Empty -> raise Not_found
106 | Node(Empty, v, r, _) -> v
107 | Node(l, v, r, _) -> min_elt l
109 let rec max_elt = function
110 Empty -> raise Not_found
111 | Node(l, v, Empty, _) -> v
112 | Node(l, v, r, _) -> max_elt r
114 (* Remove the smallest element of the given set *)
116 let rec remove_min_elt = function
117 Empty -> invalid_arg "Set.remove_min_elt"
118 | Node(Empty, v, r, _) -> r
119 | Node(l, v, r, _) -> bal (remove_min_elt l) v r
121 (* Merge two trees l and r into one.
122 All elements of l must precede the elements of r.
123 Assume | height l - height r | <= 2. *)
125 let merge t1 t2 =
126 match (t1, t2) with
127 (Empty, t) -> t
128 | (t, Empty) -> t
129 | (_, _) -> bal t1 (min_elt t2) (remove_min_elt t2)
131 (* Merge two trees l and r into one.
132 All elements of l must precede the elements of r.
133 No assumption on the heights of l and r. *)
135 let concat t1 t2 =
136 match (t1, t2) with
137 (Empty, t) -> t
138 | (t, Empty) -> t
139 | (_, _) -> join t1 (min_elt t2) (remove_min_elt t2)
141 (* Splitting. split x s returns a triple (l, present, r) where
142 - l is the set of elements of s that are < x
143 - r is the set of elements of s that are > x
144 - present is false if s contains no element equal to x,
145 or true if s contains an element equal to x. *)
147 let rec split x = function
148 Empty ->
149 (Empty, false, Empty)
150 | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
151 let c = compare x v in
152 if c = 0 then (l, true, r)
153 else if c < 0 then
154 let (ll, pres, rl) = split x l in (ll, pres, join rl v r)
155 else
156 let (lr, pres, rr) = split x r in (join l v lr, pres, rr)
158 (* Implementation of the set operations *)
160 let empty = Empty
162 let is_empty = function Empty -> true | _ -> false
164 let rec mem x = function
165 Empty -> false
166 | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
167 let c = compare x v in
168 c = 0 || mem x (if c < 0 then l else r)
170 let singleton x = Node(Empty, x, Empty, 1)
172 let rec remove x = function
173 Empty -> Empty
174 | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
175 let c = compare x v in
176 if c = 0 then merge l r else
177 if c < 0 then bal (remove x l) v r else bal l v (remove x r)
179 let rec union s1 s2 =
180 match (s1, s2) with
181 (Empty, t2) -> t2
182 | (t1, Empty) -> t1
183 | (Node(l1, v1, r1, h1), Node(l2, v2, r2, h2)) ->
184 if h1 >= h2 then
185 if h2 = 1 then add v2 s1 else begin
186 let (l2, _, r2) = split v1 s2 in
187 join (union l1 l2) v1 (union r1 r2)
188 end
189 else
190 if h1 = 1 then add v1 s2 else begin
191 let (l1, _, r1) = split v2 s1 in
192 join (union l1 l2) v2 (union r1 r2)
193 end
195 let rec inter s1 s2 =
196 match (s1, s2) with
197 (Empty, t2) -> Empty
198 | (t1, Empty) -> Empty
199 | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _), t2) ->
200 match split v1 t2 with
201 (l2, false, r2) ->
202 concat (inter l1 l2) (inter r1 r2)
203 | (l2, true, r2) ->
204 join (inter l1 l2) v1 (inter r1 r2)
206 let rec diff s1 s2 =
207 match (s1, s2) with
208 (Empty, t2) -> Empty
209 | (t1, Empty) -> t1
210 | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _), t2) ->
211 match split v1 t2 with
212 (l2, false, r2) ->
213 join (diff l1 l2) v1 (diff r1 r2)
214 | (l2, true, r2) ->
215 concat (diff l1 l2) (diff r1 r2)
217 let rec compare_aux l1 l2 =
218 match (l1, l2) with
219 ([], []) -> 0
220 | ([], _) -> -1
221 | (_, []) -> 1
222 | (Empty :: t1, Empty :: t2) ->
223 compare_aux t1 t2
224 | (Node(Empty, v1, r1, _) :: t1, Node(Empty, v2, r2, _) :: t2) ->
225 let c = compare v1 v2 in
226 if c <> 0 then c else compare_aux (r1::t1) (r2::t2)
227 | (Node(l1, v1, r1, _) :: t1, t2) ->
228 compare_aux (l1 :: Node(Empty, v1, r1, 0) :: t1) t2
229 | (t1, Node(l2, v2, r2, _) :: t2) ->
230 compare_aux t1 (l2 :: Node(Empty, v2, r2, 0) :: t2)
232 let compare s1 s2 =
233 compare_aux [s1] [s2]
235 let equal s1 s2 =
236 compare s1 s2 = 0
238 let rec subset s1 s2 =
239 match (s1, s2) with
240 Empty, _ ->
241 true
242 | _, Empty ->
243 false
244 | Node (l1, v1, r1, _), (Node (l2, v2, r2, _) as t2) ->
245 let c = v1 v2 in
246 if c = 0 then
247 subset l1 l2 && subset r1 r2
248 else if c < 0 then
249 subset (Node (l1, v1, Empty, 0)) l2 && subset r1 t2
250 else
251 subset (Node (Empty, v1, r1, 0)) r2 && subset l1 t2
253 let rec iter f = function
254 Empty -> ()
255 | Node(l, v, r, _) -> iter f l; f v; iter f r
257 let rec fold f s accu =
258 match s with
259 Empty -> accu
260 | Node(l, v, r, _) -> fold f l (f v (fold f r accu))
262 let rec for_all p = function
263 Empty -> true
264 | Node(l, v, r, _) -> p v && for_all p l && for_all p r
266 let rec exists p = function
267 Empty -> false
268 | Node(l, v, r, _) -> p v || exists p l || exists p r
270 let filter p s =
271 let rec filt accu = function
272 | Empty -> accu
273 | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
274 filt (filt (if p v then add v accu else accu) l) r in
275 filt Empty s
277 let partition p s =
278 let rec part (t, f as accu) = function
279 | Empty -> accu
280 | Node(l, v, r, _) ->
281 part (part (if p v then (add v t, f) else (t, add v f)) l) r in
282 part (Empty, Empty) s
284 let rec cardinal = function
285 Empty -> 0
286 | Node(l, v, r, _) -> cardinal l + 1 + cardinal r
288 let rec elements_aux accu = function
289 Empty -> accu
290 | Node(l, v, r, _) -> elements_aux (v :: elements_aux accu r) l
292 let elements s =
293 elements_aux [] s
295 let choose = min_elt
297(* pad: *)
298let (from_list: 'a list -> 'a t) = fun xs ->
299 List.fold_left (fun a e -> add e a) empty xs