Release coccinelle-0.1.6
[bpt/coccinelle.git] / commons / ocollection /
1open Common
3open Ocollection
4open Oset
5open Ograph
7open Osetb
9(* graph2way prend en parametre le type de finitemap et set a prendre
10 * todo? add_arc doit ramer, car del la key, puis add =>
11 * better to have a ref to a set
12 * todo: efficient graph: with pointers and a tag: visited
13 * => need keep global value visited_counter
14 * check(that node is in, ...), display
15 *
16 * pourrait remettre val nods, a la place de les calculer. mais bon
17 * s'en sert pas vraiment car y'a pas de notion d'identifiant de noeud
18 * et de label.
19 *
20 * invariant: key in pred is also in succ (completness) and value in
21 * either table is a key also
22 *)
23class ['a] ograph2way asucc apred (*f1*) f2 =
25 inherit ['a] ograph
27 val succ = asucc (* f1() ## new oassocb [] *)
28 val pred = apred (* f1() ## new oassocb [] *)
29 (* val nods = anodes ##f2() ## new osetb [] *)
31 method empty = raise Todo (*{< succ = f1() ;(* new oassocb []; *)
32 pred = f1(); (* new oassocb []; *)
33 (* nods = f2(); ##new osetb []; *)
34 >}*)
36 method add_node e = {< (* nods = nods#add e; *)
37 pred = pred#add (e, f2() );(* new osetb []); *)
38 succ = succ#add (e, f2() );(* new osetb []); *)
39 >}
40 method del_node e = {< (* nods = nods#del e; *)
41 pred = pred#delkey e;
42 succ = succ#delkey e;
43 >}
44 method add_arc (a,b) = {<
45 succ = succ#replkey (a, (succ#find a)#add b);
46 pred = pred#replkey (b, (pred#find b)#add a);
47 >}
48 method del_arc (a,b) = {<
49 succ = succ#replkey (a, (succ#find a)#del b);
50 pred = pred#replkey (b, (pred#find b)#del a);
51 >}
52 method successors e = succ#find e
53 method predecessors e = pred#find e
54 method nodes = (* nods *)
55 (* could take pred, same *)
56 (* caml typing sux, arrive pas a faire: pred#fold (fun a (k,v) -> a#add k) (new osetb Setb.empty) *)
57 let a = ref (new osetb Setb.empty) in
58 succ#iter (fun (k,v) -> a := !a#add k);
59 !a
63 method ancestors xs =
64 let rec aux xs acc =
65 match xs#view with (* could be done with an iter *)
66 | Empty -> acc
67 | Cons(x, xs) -> (acc#add x)
68 +> (fun newacc -> aux (o#predecessors x) newacc)
69 +> (fun newacc -> aux xs newacc)
70 in aux xs (f2()) (* (new osetb []) *)
72 method children xs =
73 let rec aux xs acc =
74 match xs#view with (* could be done with an iter *)
75 | Empty -> acc
76 | Cons(x, xs) -> (acc#add x)
77 +> (fun newacc -> aux (o#successors x) newacc)
78 +> (fun newacc -> aux xs newacc)
79 in aux xs (f2()) (* (new osetb []) *)
82 method brothers x =
83 let parents = o#predecessors x in
84 (parents#fold (fun acc e -> acc $++$ o#successors e) (f2()))#del x